- - Falling Into Me - -

This is my webpage. Sexy, huh? I'm not much of a talker. So you can get to know me through this. Dont let it scare you... It's only in my head.
everything on my webpage is mine and mine alone, except when stated otherwise. i wrote everything. i experienced everything. not very exciting.. but its mine.
so.... either enjoy it or dislike it.
nobodys makin you come back.
SO, if you do come back - FYI: its updated pretty regularly. so if one of the links doesnt say it was updated, go ahead and take a look if you like, cuz there still might be somethin new done to it that u might not have seen if you haven't been around recently.

est. approximately 3/27/2003.

last updated: 2/18

Read my guestbook and then feel bad bcuz everyone else signed it and you didnt!... OR...
Sign my guestbook and you wont have to feel bad!

- - me - x -
- x - my friends - - ...not quite done
- - my poetry - x - UPDATED
- - i wish - x -
- x - my thoughts - - UPDATED
- - my writing- x - UPDATED
- x - today - -
- x - the best things - -
- - i realized - x -
- x - i dreamt that... - - UPDATED
- - tonight - x - NEW - UPDATED
- x - He Said, She Said - - NEW

Email: deana_kay@yahoo.com