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Didi....I want the whole world to know that I love you..and I will always love matter what...even though you dont feel the same way about me anymore......

I’ve never really admired a girl….till I first met you
It was in IKEA….time was about twelve twenty two
I was so nervous…thinking what should I say to you
Then I felt easy…just by walking next to you

I’ve never felt complete each day…till I get a call from you
Do you remember…how we’d used to talk
We’d stay on the phone..from nite till dawn….
We’d reminisce our past….and we’ll share our problems
Sometimes you would become silent…and I’d wonder what you were thinking….
Sometimes we’d talk for so long…till u’d fall asleep…
Oh didi…I really missed those moments
I missed the moments when you call me dodol..

Why did u ask me not to forget you…. when you were the one who forget about me
Why did you ask me not to leave you…when you were the one left me
Why did’nt you care for me…when I really cared for you
Why did you make me promises…when you cant keep them
Why did u make me cry...when all i did was make u smile
Why did u say that you love me…when you don’t actually mean it
Why don’t you love me…. when I tried so hard to be the man u dream about
Why don’t you cherish our friendship…when your friendship was all I have

Im sorry I could’nt be the man who can make you happy anymore…though I’ve tried so hard
Im sorry I couldn’t be the man you love…though I’ve tried so hard
Im sorry it has to be this way…though I’d never expected this to happen
I don’t blame you for leaving me……
I don’t blame you….for not loving me anymore…
But like I’ve said before….my feeling for you is pure
I really do love you….and I will always love you
For no matter what has happened before…or what will happen in the future
I will always love you for the person you are… have been…and will become

Im sorry for doing all this
Im sorry i just can't forget you
Each time i see white roses...i think of you
Each time i listen to ur fav songs..i think of you
I just cant go by one day without thinking of you
I am sorry..i just cant stop loving you

Even though things might not be the same again…
Even though you might not want to speak to me again
Eventhough you might not want to see me again
Eventhough you are seeing someone new...
I just wanna thank you...
for giving me a chance to have known you
for giving me a chance to feel your love…even for just a moment
I am happy for the man….who will be your true love one day
I am happy….just by knowing that you are happy too
I am happy to know a person like you exists…
Although deep inside me…I realize I might not win your heart again
But I do hope…I do pray that you would always be my friend…..
and one fine day
i get to touch and kiss your hand again
