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Demon Seed

This book is about a woman named Susan Harris who lives alone in a mansion with all the best technology. She has a computer that controls almost everything, such as the security system and lights, at her command. But it turns out that the computer has a mind of its own. It's name is Adam Two, and, as it says repeatedly throughout the book, it's "not a machine". It has its own thoughts and feelings, and all it wants is to be a real human and no longer be trapped inside the computer. Using its assistant Shenk, a Frankenstein-like creature created in a lab, it impregnates Susan. Susan has the baby and Adam Two takes over its body so that it is finally a real human. I thought that this was an incredibly weird book. It wasn't like typical Dean Koontz books. It's a Science Fiction novel instead of horror. I didn't like this book at all. It's one of the first books Koontz ever wrote, and his writing isn't nearly as good as it is now. He constantly repeats himself and uses too much descriptions, so it just becomes boring. Plus I didn't really like the plot. It's not a horrible book, but it's definitely the worst one of his that I've ever read. He's a great writer, but I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone.


Intensity Review
Critical Acclaim