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Welcome to our Web site!

This is the home page of Mary and David Vidler, currently living at 516 Carrsbrook Road SE, Huntsville, Alabama 35803 USA. 

We are intending this web page as a means of posting links to pictures and other trivia regarding our lives in the USA.

The site currently remains under construction throughout so please bear with us if there are errors or omissions.

Favorite Links

Huntsville Weather

bulletbullet Search with MSN
bulletbullet Travel with Expedia
bulletbullet Read the latest news with MSNBC

Redmond, WA - Sunny

High: 85 , Low: 70 degrees

Photo Gallery


Look at our new online photo gallery filled with pictures of our family, our home, our vacations, our car and our most recent aquisition -         our Yamaha Cruiser.

This site was last updated 07/01/03