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Created: 06/09/03

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The Texas Rangers are in the American League (AL for short). Their confrence is the west division.

My favorite player is Alex Rodriguez(A-Rod). He is the Short Stop(SS) for the Texas Rangers. He lead the Major League's with 57 Home Runs(HR), 142 Runs Batted In(RBI), and 389 Total Bases(TB). A-Rod is also the highest paid athelete in the world.


The Rangers are stacked with hitters ranging from A-Rod to Rafael Palmerio. Their pitching staff is very poor, but their fielding makes up for it somewhat.

The Ballpark in Arlington, completed in just 23 months, is a state-of-the-art building with the utmost in customer convenience. Yet, the 49,115 seat open-air ballpark was designed and built with tradition and intimacy in mind, containing features such as a granite and brick facade, exposed structural steel, an asymmetrical playing field, and a home run porch in right field. Texas architecture is featured throughout, from the outer facade to the Lone Stars in the concourses and on the seat aisles.

Ticket prices range from $5 to 75$.

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- All about Texas Rangers
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- Your #1 Source for Rangers information!

Listen to, "Take me out to the ballgame"
