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cross-Dressed Up In Cyberspace

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    Patriarchy &
PowerJust who is in control?
Monstrous or Medicinal?Julie Graham

Taking PositionWho says what and where do I stand?

This site explores notions of
identity and gender switching in
the online arena. You may have
already experienced the possibility
of shifting your identity, maybe
through email or participating in a
MUD or chatroom. What does it
mean? Does it really subvert the
power structure? These are the kinds
of questions we attack. Please
enter, enjoy, and add your ideas in
the Discussion List.



What's the real thing?MUDs &
Drag Queen

FluidityWhat and Who defines gender?
or Disorder
Do we need saving and is this the place?Redemption

Are we missing something?A Bigger Picture


April 2003, Greg Sibley