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Welcome to the Crews PGP key exchange

To get your key on this site you must either do 1 of 2 things.

1: PM me your PUBLIC KEY.

2: PM me your FINGER PRINT and then you may email the key to me.


blackops key - Added 6-14-2003

dellman key - Added 6-14-2003

jilsi key - Added 6-14-2003

meerakker key - Added 6-14-2003

shadycrazy1 key - Added 6-14-2003

xminderbinderx key - Added 6-14-2003

xronin key - Added 6-14-2003


June 14,2003 - 1600 EST : Site opens up. Keys are being copied from mer's site to here. And jilsi's key has been added. I will be adding a HOW-TO section later today or tomorrow.