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If I was a hotdog I'd Be sooo Delicious

WOW I'm actually doing some work on this Abomanation....

Oh so I've been working on this web page now for about a month. I've actually had it since the end of June but never did anything with it.
The first reason being that I know next to nothing about webpages. The second reason being I'm slow to get motivated on a project that I
know nothing about (AKA I'm lazy). The third reason being that this website was suppoes to be to display my contiki pictures to my fellow
traveling companions, but I couldn't afford to get the pic's put on CD and didn't have a friend with a scaner who was ever avalible. Therefor
the whole reason I started this website was gone. Anyhow here is what I hope to be my work in progress. If I actually get this monstrosity
to a point where I'm happy with it then I'll be a suprised man.

Bill's Random Fact Area

Well as all my friends know I'm a font of random (and usless) facts. If I were a little bit fatter 20 years older and a postman I'd be Cliff Claven. So in 20 years if I'm a postman I'm set. If I can I'll provide a new random fact per week and put the old ones into an archive that the link below will take you too. (at the moment it does nothing).

This week's random fact

An asian country (I've forgotten which one) has actually legaly taken the right to call a Kiwi friut 'Kiwi'. All other countries that sell the fruit now have to do so with another name. The New Zealand name for Kiwi is now Zespri. Zespri is the name of the largest company that exports the fruit, which is why the New Zealanders chose that name.

'Random Fact Archive '

My usless fact Area

My Pic's

Contiki Vista tour 2003


  • Homestar Runner
    Strong Bad is my new personal trainer

  • Ebaum's World
    A funny ass web site with lots of different video's

  • Happy Tree Friends
    I want to grow up to be Flippy!

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