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Communicating on the Internet

COM465 - SUMMER 2003 MTWTH 6.00 - 8.40 PM - Terrell Neuage SS386 4422604


*Daily notes




*Week 1

*Week 2

*Week 3

*Week 4

*your ezine

*Your group

*Story collaboration



Welcome to COM 465 Communicating on the Internet [The COM378 in the Flash window above is a mistake and should be 465]. Use the links in the left column.

  • This course will explore communication and the Internet. As well as lectures and presentations, there will be a strong practical component in which students will set up their own web presence and network with others.
  • The menu at the left will guide you through this course.
  • Generally ~ the first hour will be my presentation and after a break we will have close to one and a half hour to work on projects - the practical part of the class.
  • There is no hard copy reader or syllabus for this course. Everything is online. In two places. Your first try should be and (because sometimes the uni server is down) Please check the daily link (daily) for updates.
  • This is a short intense course worth a full semesters three-points, therefore you can not miss any classes. One class (three-hours) is equal to missing a week of regular semester classes. If you think you will miss any classes please see me on the first night, as this course may not be right for you.
  • Any course questions please address to me in Web CT email.
  • I will be in my office most days during the course. Room 386 in the Social Science building - phone: 442 2604.
  • This lab will be closed outside of class - some of the software we are using is only available on these computers therefore you need to do some of your work totally here.
  • For this course, the cultural context of communication refers to the Western European beliefs, values and norms common to Western European countries, which may differ from the cultural context of some students enrolled in the course.

Money well spent

1. You will need a headset with a microphone

microphone and earphone headset for communicating on the Internet course

2. You will need a floppy-disk to save your work on.

ICONS in common use for this course:

For a video clip to view online there will be this .gif in front of it video clip to view online for communicating on the Internet course

For a journel entry (see 27 may - wek 1) there will be this .gif in front of it Journal entry for communicating on the Internet

For a reading online there will be this .gif in front of it reading online for communicating on the Internet


You will locate and access readings online for both tests and for class discussion and your journal. Time will be provided for most readings in class before the practical as you will need to be prepared to discuss issues from the readings in your practical, journal and tutor's voice-forum.

Readings will appear on the page for the day.

Feel free to call me Terrell instead of Professor or Saint Terrell or anything else-