Its My Party and Ill Cry If I Want To.....

kOwKeNnY6443: Happy Birthday!!

starieyes00 (9:57:08 AM): happy .. burfday? lol

(Brett=Email) Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happpppppppppppppppppppppy Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirthday Deaaaaaaaaaar Chelllllllllllllllllllllllllllls Happppy Birthday to yooooooooooooooou, yaaaatatatata yaaaaatatatata, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaaaataaaata yaaaatatatata, Happy Birthday Honey!!!! My Chika is on her sweet 16!, ::blows 16 kisses:: Hope your bday is great tho and I will be talking to you later todays. ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: ::mwahz:: (17 more kisses all typed out by muah, the 17th one for a year of good luck, and me replaced the usual punches with my kisses, hehe, arent I so nice), HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY

OneProNo [10:58 AM]: howdy my sexy birthday girl

OneProNo (10:59:38 AM): happy birthday tho baby

SPARKYBLUANGEL27 (12:25:08 PM): hey chic just wanted to wish yas a happy birthday..... so yeah happy sweet sixteen gurley

VanilaGorila33g (1:03:08 PM): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HondaChik003 (2:03:48 PM): Happy birthday

Boiznberries 13 (5:41:33 PM): HAPPY BDAY!

fsuchic412 (5:48:04 PM): happy bday

Boiznberries 13 (5:51:56 PM): momma and crab say tell you happy birthday!!

Euchre4fun (7:28:09): Happy Birthday! Enjoy!

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