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a revolution

get off yr ass and get reading! the new mail swop revolution...

« * » What’s the deal?

Put simply, it does exactly what is says on the tin. You email me at the address below with the answers to the following questions. I then add you to my Very Big List and when someone who matches you comes up, I let you know eachother’s email addresses. You then get in touch via the wondeful art of email, and then (hopefully) normal mail, and swap. The only rule is - YOU MUST SWOP A BOOK FIRST! hence the idea of the whole thing. Easy? Good. Let’s begin…

« * »

QUESTIONS IN BOLD MUST BE ANSWERED **Your name (real or fake) – **Email address – **Male or female? – **Preferred gender of swappee (if applicable) – **Country – **A Brief History of you - Favourite… (Give reasons why!) ***Book – ***Film – ***Music – Reason for joining Book Swop 03-
