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Tenchi bio's

Name: Shinji Ikari
The main character of the series, Shinji is the third child, and the pilot of Evangelion Unit-01. He is a rather shy character, and doesn't speak to many people. He doesn't get along too well with his father either, and so he lives with Misato instead. He doesn't have many friends; mainly just Touji and Kensuke at school, and Asuka at home (although she sometimes seems to take too much joy in pounding him to be a friend!). He also seems to like Rei a lot, which might have something to do with her relation to his mother. Despite his inexperience, he has a high-synchronisation rate with his Evangelion, which results in his being the main force in most battles around Tokyo-3. In the movie, he becomes the central figure of third impact, and the choice is given to him as to the fate of the world...


Name: Rei Ayanami
Rei is the first child, and the pilot of Evangelion Unit-00, the prototype. She is a quiet girl that keeps to herself, and while Asuka mistakes this for her being stuck-up, she actually just doesn't know what emotions are. She learns about her own emotions through the series, and in the 23rd episode, just before she self-destructs her Eva, she even cries! The only person Rei really speaks to is Gendou Ikari, who created her - Rei is cloned partly from Yui Ikari, and partly from Lilith, the second angel; hence her blue pattern bloodtype. In third impact, however, she abandons her loyalty to Gendou and instead gives the choice of the world's future to his son, Shinji. Three clones of Rei appear throughout the series - the first being the child Rei, who is killed by Naoko Akagi - the second is the one throughout most of the series, and who gives her life to defeat the 16th angel - the third is the Rei seen thereafter. She is a dedicated eva pilot, simply because, in her words, 'I have nothing else'.


Name: Asuka Langley Soryuu
Asuka is the third child, and pilot of the first official Evangelion, Unit-02. She is a bright girl (at 14 she'd completed University!), with fiery red hair and a temper to match. First appearing in episode 8, she quickly becomes popular with her classmates; however she's grudgingly tolerated Touji and Kensuke, who know her true temper. Shinji develops a strange relationship with her - she kicks him around, and he takes it ^^ After a short time and several failed missions, she begins to fall into extreme depression, which is linked to her sad past and her mother's suicide. She eventually has a mental breakdown and can no longer pilot her Evangelion, which is temporarily piloted by the fifth child Kaoru. In the movie she finally awakes from her coma, realises her mother is still with her, and fights like never before - going out in a blaze of glory against the SEELE Evas. She is revived (?) by Shinji following third impact.


Name: Misato Katsuragi
Misato works at NERV with Shinji's father; she also becomes the boy's guardian after his first battle. She leads a rather... different... lifestyle; ie. she has fifty gallons of beer in her fridge, and has a penguin for a pet (who lives in her freezer). However, there is a different side to her - driven by revenge against the angels that killed her father, she is a strong captain for the Evangelion pilots, using her cunning and intelligence... and sometimes a lot of risks too ^^ Her confusion about the death of the father she hated left her mentally scarred, and her sadness is deepened when her lover Kaji is also killed. She later uses the information he leaves her to investigate the secrets within NERV.


Name: Kensuke Aida
Aida is a guy who loves playin war games. He also know a lot about it, his dream is even to fight into a war. Cause of all the comotion happining in his city he knows some kind of war is going on but the gouverment keeps on covering up and let the kids stuck on school with nothin to see. He is determent to find out what kind of war is going on and when he finaly does he comes face to face with an Angel and Evan unit 1. Though strange and rather nosey he has a good harted and becomes a good friend with Shinji cause they both lost there mother.


Name: Touji Suzahara
Kinda the bullly of the school and with his first appearance he is very angry of the person who piloted Eva 01 cause his sister got wounded in this fight. When he finds out that Shinji is the one who piloted he beated him up. Later he get's saved by Shinji's eva and his sister wokes up from her coma she tell that it was trhe eva who saved her and Touji feels bad for beating Shinji up. With a sense of honor he tells Shinji to give him a punch and that he shouldn't hold back. And becomes a good friend of Shinji. He also become later on also an Eva pilot of Eva 03 when he is known as the 4th child. But he joins only so his sister can be transferred to Nerv private hospital. He's and eva pilot for a rather short while as his eva is possesed by a Angel which is destroyed by Eva 01 leavin Touji wounded.
