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Welcome to BA's - BS Pages of Inane Rants -

BA and Miss WindanSea - 2004 -

Maybe You Oughta Read My Disclaimers - Before Reading The Crapola Below?

BA and Surf Parents - June 13, 2004

BA and Leashes! - Oct. 25,2003

The Rules - Again! - Oct. 19, 2003

Paddling Out - Stay Outta The Way! - Sept. 25, 2003

BA's Validation - GL Nine! - Sept. 24, 2003 

BA Whines - GL Nine? - Sept. 22, 2003 

What Is Surfing All About - Forget It - You'll NEVER Get It! - Sept. 21, 2003

Thanks Men's Journal - Now I know where "The Shoe" is - Sept. 16, 2003

Hey BA - Happy Birthday - You Gotta Driver's License? - Aug. 19, 2003

Bonzer's New Wetsuit - August 17, 2003

Another Bunch of Boring BA Opinions About Localism?  June 2003

My First Time at WindanSea - 1960? - June 16, 2003

Yeah Baby - Localism - View from someone other than BA! - June 10, 2003

BA Re-Writes WindanSea History - June 7, 2003

My New Train Tribe - June 5, 2003

Wanna Play - You Gotta Pay! - May 20, 2003

Part 1 - PB Surf Shop - May 2, 2003

More old crapola

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