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Surf Report, Sept 16

The WindanSea Hysterical Society's party was good, and it's a time to get together with some guys I haven't seen in 20 or 30 years.

Most of the stuff I write about probably never happened - at least the way I remember it.

I was talking old phone numbers with John Thayer, and he said his old phone number had a GLencove prefix.

Naturally, I called bs on that one, 'cause I remembered that our number at The Shores had a GLencourt prefix.

Thayer's number musta been Glencourt, not Glencove -

Well, I was wrong!

The "uptown" numbers were Glencove 4-**** (454-****) and The Shores numbers were Glencourt 9-**** (459-****)

I'm sure that NOBODY reading this gives a s**t about La Jolla phone numbers 45 years ago - but to me they seemed to be of tantamount importance -

"Jeeze, Uncle Billy - not another one of your tired old rants - spare our eyes and ears!"

Guys from the Wind**Sea area would ask me what my phone number was, and I'd answer GL 9-1068...I may as well been from La Mesa!

A Gl 9 number was not a WindanSea number -

Another reason The Shores guys were different than the WindanSea guys.

I'm still putting new Meda photos on webshots.



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