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MacMeda Photos by John Sarrett  |  La Jolla surfing photos Photos by Doug Moranville | WindanSea Beach  by Jim Weaver

May 8 - More BA - BS - And Localism -

Whew - Finally a day without surfing - at least for me!

My arms felt like hers.

But - tomorrow, there's another south swell on it's way, and the tide's perfect for a 5:00 am beach start.

And -

I just gotta get this off of my chicken-breasted chest - all started, again, because of last week's La Jolla Light article about localism at Wind**Sea -

Actually, I thought the article was well written, but the Light's still a fish wraper.

Localism, in my opinion, does not mean violence toward "non-locals" and it never has -

The very mention of surfing localism, my wave, my beach, is, for the most part, just a good way to sell, or give away fish wrappers.

But I will guarantee you, that if you paddle-out into a heavily "localized area" like Wind**Sea, N*w Br**k, etc., and you act as if you, and the rest of your car pool, are the only ones in the water, you may find some resistance to your behavior.

I think that a "local" at any beach, whether that beach is a prime surfing area - Black's for example - or, an unprime surfing area - Seaweed Gulch for example, is one [a local] who is accepted and respected because he (or she)

I'm sure that if more attention were paid to respecting prime surfing areas, and their "local users" and less about the tales of violence and localism - I for one, could spend more time surfing, as less time trying to explain localism to a bunch of kooks all of whom would love to be respected in the lot, on the beach, and in the line-up...

Sorry, but for most of you, you ain't got the desire to surf as well in the water as you do in your dreams -

Keep dreaming



BA - Black's - 2000 - Geoff Pastusack Photo

BA - LJ Reef - 2004 - J Weave Photo @ WindanSeaBeach.com


© Bill Andrews - adaywithba.com - 2000 - 2004