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MacMeda Photos by John Sarrett  |  La Jolla surfing photos Photos by Doug Moranville | WindanSea Beach  by Jim Weaver
| Scot Cherry's Day At The Beach / Special Olympics  | All BA albums on WebShots  |

May 27, 2004 - More Scot, More Eric, More [or less] Surf Stars

Whew - Almost all of Scot's Day at the Beach and Special Olympics photos are online -

Special Olympians 3 - New today

Day at the Beach
Special Olympians 1

Special Olympians 2

Scot has a great new website: Day At The Beach - and soon all of these photos will be on his site, so you won't have to suffer with my free - but you gotta deal with popup ads etc. - Webshots albums - whew, again!

My middle son, Eric is getting married next month - [I think I said that yesterday] so, as a proud daddy, I thunk I'd show a few more photos:

Plus - an ever endearing - and growing - cast of surf stars - most of whom I'm proud to call "Friends"

UNIX Doug pulls into the largest wave ever ridden at Typhoon Lagoon, in Let go of my Lego Land, Ohio
Don't Hack Jay cuts back at Seaweed Gulch
displays his best side [to me] at Rocky Lefts
Jack Cassidy ripping Rocky Rights
ripping Rocky Road Rights
tries to ram me at Yellow Brick Road Rights

Larry Crow
at Boat Wake Village , Seaworld Orlando
Hotties in the Playboy Mansion Wave Pool
More Hotties competing for the title of Miss Surf Universe
Hottie with a broken nose - violence never solves anything - JUST KIDDING - surfboard met nose - nose lost!
Nurse Betty and Jennifer
Bussing El Centro Surfers to Wind**Sea
My new ride




BA - Black's - 2000 - Geoff Pastusack Photo

BA - LJ Reef - 2004 - J Weave Photo @ WindanSeaBeach.com


© Bill Andrews - adaywithba.com - 2000 - 2004