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Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?

Now Go Home!
MacMeda Photos by John Sarrett  |  La Jolla surfing photos Photos by Doug Moranville | WindanSea Beach  by Jim Weaver

April 28, 2004 - Wind**Sea - but I should-da gone north about *** miles!

Lots of anticipitation for today -

Comstock swore he'd meet me at B** R**k at about 6:00 AM -

I figgered he wouldn't show - he was still nursing his bruised ego [and back] from the whipping that Wind**Sea dished-out yesterday.

Of course, he wasn't the only one caught inside yesterday - Carter Haven called me yesterday, and he too was crying about "the wave!"

The south wind musta blown all night, but it wasn't too bad at daybreak.

Comstock wasn't around, but DJ joined me at Neptune's Corner, and we went out at Wind**Sea.

Up until 2 years ago, my favorite beach entry at Twang was a running start and then take the backwash out for at least 25 yards - easy -

DJ performed the perfect Twang entry, I tried, but I stepped into a small hole in the sand, fell down, and started crying like a baby - but I carried on, err, out - and I did make it [out] - broken, but still functioning - barely -

My surfing sucked as usual, I blame it on my failed beach entry, but DJ shredded!

After a miserable early surf, I went to work via the coast from Wind**Sea to Seal Crap Wall .

The slight change in coastal direction made the south wind not quite so side-shore as it was from LP south to B** R**k.

I've gotta invest in a better camera - 'cause U-'s was about as good as I've ever seen it.


When I was a kid, we used to look at U-'s and imagine how cool it would be to surf a left point - but we were kooks, our boards sucked, so once in a while, we'd surf there on our mats.

Now - when it's good - the good surfers rip - but it's a pretty hairy wave.

I surf it occasionally, usually when I paddle from Green Rocks to Greg Brady Reef [GBR].

U-'s is about half way between Green Rocks and GBR and it's much easier for me to get in there [GBR]- I don't kill my back there [GBR] as much as I do if I come in at Green Rocks or New Jersey Reef.

Anyway - who knows what tomorrow will bring - other than - by me - another exhibition of crappy surfing.




BA - Black's - 2000 - Geoff Pastusack Photo

BA - LJ Reef - 2004 - J Weave Photo @ WindanSeaBeach.com


© Bill Andrews - adaywithba.com - 2000 - 2004