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Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?
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Jan 27, 2004

My Latest Rant against the machine - the Surf Machine that pops-out kooks and idiots.

Photo and quote below prove that I'm not totally insane - at least the Santa Cruz surfers are doing something constructive regarding idiot kooks in the line-up!

Quoting Gioni Pasquinelli: (post@scsurfers.comm) -

"Some of Santa Cruz's East Side spots have been adorned by a local crew with advice and guidelines and rankings similar to ski runs: beginner, intermediate, expert."

Photo Courtesy of: Gioni Pasquinelli

More great Sixties and Seventies La Jolla Surfing Photos by Doug Moranville

If you're surfing in San Diego County, and you don't see any kooks in the water, all that means is that YOU ARE the kook!

Figgered-out how to use CD - Burner!

Hundreds more to go!

Anyone who remembers the sixties in LJ will like the photos that Doug took:

And MANY more!

Thanks Doug!!




© Bill Andrews - adaywithba.com - 2000 - 2004