Welcome to a Day With BA
Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?
Now Go Home!

Jan 24, 2004

If you're surfing in San Diego County, and you don't see any kooks in the water, all that means is that YOU ARE the kook!

Another wonderful day in Mr. Andrews' Neighborhood!

I thought about going to Black's or one of the LJ Reefs, but I made the same mistake I usually do - I drove thru The Shores Parking Lot!

The wind had a bit of south in it - so I felt like I had made the right decision - plus I saw a schmokin White House Right [WHR] go - unridden!

I paddled-out to the White House Pit, and was joined by Ron Jones, Emo, two other guys that were pretty good, plus about 15 kooks who had drifted north from the Handicapped Zone.

I sat for almost an hour, not one more WHR came thru, and I could see the backs at Black's.

Plus - the kook factor was getting out of control - jeeze - I'm getting tired of complaing about it - I'm even boring myself - and when I get bored of listening to ME, then I know I'm really boring!

My favorite surf babe got run-over, if I even knew her name I would have gone to her rescue - but I didn't wanna appear to be too much of a perve - what's interesting is, that even though she's only been surfing a few months, she GETS IT!

She holds on to her board, she stays in an area that's relatively safe, and she really is conscious about the people in the area around her.

After she got rammed, Ortner had a perfect WHR, pretty deep - doing a Strauch (sp?) - and an idiot 20 yards south of Tom, takes-off and goes LEFT - what an effing KOOK!

Then EMO and Dave [IWD] got rammed by some fat guy on his 14 foot long molded Robert August Model - as if he [the rammer] has ANY chance of getting to within 5 lightyears of Robert's skill level!

When I came in, the Front Row Gang was laughing at the kook level.

MyHack-O-Meter, would have exploded!

Maybe we could have a Hackers Special Olympics - the Real Special Olympians - are a MILLION TIMES more fun, and less dangerous to surf with, than the supposedly normal physically and mentally Hackers!

Actually, I'm insulting the participants in the Special Olympics - you'll never find a nicer, more thankful, and appreciative group in the world than the Special Olympians!




© Bill Andrews - adaywithba.com - 2000 - 2004