Welcome to a Day With BA
Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?
Now Go Home!

Jan 18, 2004

If you're surfing in San Diego County, and you don't see any kooks in the water, all that means is that YOU'RE the kook!

It's been quite a week!

I was a bit tired after my trip to the Channel Islands with The Otter.

Somehow, he figgered out that I didn't do much rowing on the way to San Clemente Island, so he said if I wanted to make it home, I'd have to row at least 1/2 the way back - on my own - what a bully!

Anyway - just to make sure my weekend would start properly, a couple of the local thug-ettes at a very localized beach, left a very clear message on my rear window.

[and my side window]

I thought about punching them, but I remembered my last heated exchange with a couple of surf babes - I was surrounded by some very un-babe looking Diva-ettes - all vowing to kick my a** if I yelled at one of them again -

The surf has been non-stop all week - B****'s with some wave faces of about 20 feet - BA's measurement - for reference only - don't try this at home!

Even The Shores had some mackers - probably at least 60 foot faces - In fact, today, The Otter hacked me on one of the biggest waves ever ridden in So Cal [paddle in take off].

The kid from West Viginia said he had never seen a wave that big at his home break - he called my wave an easy 56.5 foot face -

Yesterday, we had Chuck Hasley's Memorial - There were maybe 300 people there - nice turnout -

Tom Morey err - "Y" - made a great eulogy, as did Dr. Oliver and others.

I was a little nervous about having the Memorial so close to ****** B***h but the local heavy - T*m K***er - and I made a deal:

- Oh no -

[I may have been a bit intoxicated - I had one beer before the pow-wow]

- I can't remember what the deal was.

[TK: Are you sure that this is where Beach Blanket Bingo was filmed?]

I hope it wasn't anything like allowing The B***er Boys a day pass to W***an***.



© Bill Andrews - adaywithba.com - 2000 - 2004