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Dec 07, 2003

Phony Surf Reports  Daily?? 
Latest Photos New 11/30/03
I must be getting old - after a couple of hours surfing at the LJ Reefs - I went home and kindda fell asleep -

I slept thru 'till this morning -

This morning the surf was much bigger than yesterday - south wind - so - to The Shores.

The junior high schoolers had a contest yesterday at The Shores, a one day event - but -

instead of an empty parking lot at 6:00 am, it was almost full again!

Today it was the high schoolers contest - and the surf was big!

I paddled out at the Boat Launch, and finally made it into the line-up.

Then, I sat - and sat - and sat - and waited for a decent wave - and sat and waited some more.

Finally, my turn - my wave!

Great - cramps in both hamstrings - I got pitched and went in, tail and board between my legs!
