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Dec 29, 2003

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Wow - what a great couple of weeks!

I made a quick trip to the jungles of Panama, and as my Indian Guide and I were trekking through a secret passage to the surf zone, I was bitten by a Malaria Mosquito.

When the MM bit me, I was immediately tossed from the jungle path, merely by the strength of the strike.

As I was falling from the path, a rare Cento-American Cobra bit me - THAT HURT - and then I landed on my butt, atop a Noreiga Stone Fish -

Luckily for me, my faithful guide, Miss 'Lizabeth, knew all the tricks of her trade regarding poison extraction from key places on my anatomy -

She didn't have a cure for the new strain of Malaria I acquired, but, she did get me to a hospital in Panama City, Florida, where I'm now recovering.
