Welcome to a Day With BA
Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?
Now Go Home!

- Nov 05, 2003 -

The surf has actually been reasonable good, for the last week or so - if you wanted to do a bit of driving.

I guess the NJ Guy finally left town.

There were packs of hostile locals - from Black's to Wind**Sea - plotting to pound his scrawny East Coast B*tt.

Fortunately for him, I intervened more than once, on his behalf - in potentially dangerous situations - saving the Fish Poker's Poker.

Mike did bring some surf from New Jersey, wherever NJ is, and he shared it with us at an unnamed Barrio La Jolla Reef:


No - it ain't Mike at THE PIPE - It's NJ Mikey at our very own Sewer Pipe - Barrio LJ.


I threatened to visit him someday on his turf, but I think he muttered something under his breath about the fact that I'm way too old, and he be embarrassed to be seen with me.

On a much lighter note, I think I heard rumblings - via alt dot surfing - that there are some participants [on alt.surfing] stating that their college choices in California may be predicated by the quality of surf around the college.

Forget it if you're thinking about attending one of the San Diego schools - The schools suck, especially UCSD, the waves suck, especially in La Jolla Barrio Logan area, the locals are hostile, and even more importantly, EVERY GIRL, at EVERYONE of the schools in San Diego, looks exactly like me - a 60 year old MALE surf nazi.



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