Welcome to a Day With BA
Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?
Now Go Home!

- Oct 28, 2003 -

The surf is still good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Got O-Side last night - uncrowded water, plus the air was pretty clean - and was gonna surf JJ's this morning, but I've been having so much fun at Stirnkorb's and The Shoe, combined with an incoming tide, I thought I'd just go non-stop to La Jolla.

Trip to LJ paid-off very well, Wind**Sea was good at daybreak, and was still good when I left at 8 am.

Pretty crowded, but so what - after all I am the Alpha Male - JUST KIDDING!!

The air quality wasn't too bad, the wave quality was pretty high, and the surfing skills were equally good.

A friend of mine - who I haven't seen in a few years - was in the line-up, and he made a big mistake.

He rode a wave into Rat Land, and was immediately attacked by the rats -

[Now, this guy's a good surfer, and has been surfing La Jolla for at least 25 years - BUT - he's been missing in action at Wind**Sea for a few years - so he lost his place - temporarily - in the outside line-up and in Rat Land].

- Apparently, the rats ganged-up on him, and in unison, they squeaked: "Hey, go home, stay home, and what web site did you read that made you come here?"

My friend, luckily for the rats, ignored them and paddled back out to sit with ME and the real MEN!

I don't know how many times I have written this, said this, or thought this: "The waves at Wind**Sea are okay - sometimes - very rarely - the get very good. There are much better places to surf in San Diego than Wind**Sea - less crowded, with much less grumpy surfers."

The ONLY reason I surf here is 'cause I'm the quintessential old grump , and I know almost everyone in the line-up [except the Rat Landers - even I don't dare to enter the Rat Trap].

If there are 30 local guys - with a wide variety of skill levels - in the water - crammed in like dense-pack canned tuna - sitting at the peak, and there are 6 waves in a set, even I can do the math that says one's wave count ain't gonna be very high at Wind**Sea, unless one knows the surfers, or one is just about a world-class surfer, or one is willing to mix it up with a few people.

Anyway - surfshot sez this about Wind**Sea this morning:


"Occasional over head sets too.
Waves breaking outside in front of the shack.
6-wave sets with steep drops going for both sides all the way to the sand.
Rights are hollow and lefts a little mushy but both with workable walls and room for maneuvering.
Glassy water and pretty much organized here this morning."

My advice - Go Home - Stay Home - it just ain't worth it.

There are much better places to go - better waves and much better company!



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