Welcome to a Day With BA
Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?
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- Oct 26, 2003 -

The surf is still good!!!!!!!!!!! But - there's a Fire Storm in So-Cal!

A few photos

What a weird end of October:

1. Santa Ana Conditions

2. A strong south swell - at least at the LJ Reefs -

Combined with:

1. A NJ's Fish Poker's Visit

2. Extreme tide swings

Inside Horse**** [The Left] was starting to break - very unusual for the winter - and NJ Mike was shredding - I won't say nuttin' about the wave I saw him pull-out of - but I will say:

"Dude - it's a good thing that you let your brain rule - rather than your huevos - that wave woulda hurt - plus Mitch wouldn't been too stoked with a broken board!"

Plus - "Mikey - how's your life insurance - I think I saw your wife applauding - err - maybe she was prayin'!"

Anyway - good waves - and an interesting sky!



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