Welcome to a Day With BA
Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?
Now Go Home!

- Oct 19, 2003 -

After I left Green Rocks on Sat., I had to make a trip thru The Shores parking lot to ensure that Comstock had not spilled the beans on our surf safari in the am.

I didn't see him - but I talked to Tony about the expected wave size for Sunday / Monday.

So - today I just surfed The Shores - fogged in again!

I've been taking am water photos for almost ten months - and I'll bet that more than 75% of the photos are fog-bound.

I don't think that So-Cal, or at least the La Jolla area, is very conducive to early morning photo sessions - just my opinion - go home stay home!

So - I surfed The Shores this am - no photos - too foggy - go home stay home!

But - I did get a couple of waves - AND - two great things:

1. I did not get hit in the mug!

2. I actually rode one wave without getting pounded!

Praise Kahuna - and the Church of "Close Cover Before Striking"



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