Welcome to a Day With BA
Enjoy Your Surfing In La Jolla, California?
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- Oct 12, 2003 -

Another good surf day -

As usual, I checked The Shores first - a bad habit - perhaps - but I did spend a lotta time here [and I still do, I guess]

Bee-lined it from The Shores to Wind**Sea, it sucked, as ALWAYS - [Go Home - Stay Home] and the Board Breaking Rock has emerged from its summer slumber:

Roper's Rock

Went to Green Rocks, and it was good - plus the sun was out - so I was able to take GREAT Photos with my Fuji Disposable - JUST KIDDING!

Green Rocks Sunrise

I pulled into a 25 foot Green Rocks macker - and got my board's rail right in the mug - I'll have to tell everyone that I got punched by a crazed Surf Nazi - as I was protecting the life of a baby HARBOR SEAL!

BA's Melon I

BA's Melon II

Went back to The Shores and took a couple of foot photos - about 2 weeks after the feet were attacked by Sting Rays from Outer Space:

Glen's Foot

Larry's Foot



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