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- Oct 4 - 5, 2003 -

The Menehunes come to La Jolla Shores - again -

Menehune Contest 2003

[I took about 70 photos, so they're going online SLOWLY]

The surf was good - pretty big too -

Team Hawaii arrived with 5 surfers - one was Bonga's kid - all FIVE made the finals, I think.

I was Beach Marshall again - but I did a pretty crappy job - back was killin' me - and I exhibited my usual grumpy behavior.

As always - 99.99999% - of the parents are great -

But there are always a couple of winners:

1. One guy told me he was very experienced in "Bull-Horning." He told me that none of the kids in the water could hear me - 40 years of yelling at kids, and it's never been a problem for me - in fact - do I really need the bull horn?

He said: "You gotta walk out into waist deep water, then the kids will hear you."

I said: "I'm in my jeans and t-shirt - the water's full of stingrays - here - YOU do it!"

I handed him the bull horn - but he declined my offer.

2. Every year, I call some of the kids "brats."

In fact, every year, I call ALL the kids brats.

Every year, a parent will tell me: "My kid's NOT a brat."

Every year, I say: "All kids ARE brats - especially when I've gotta Beach Marshall them. Take your brat home if YOU can't take a little kidding."

Regardless of what one might think about The WindanSea Surf Club, and its members - they do a GREAT job with their contests and charity events.



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