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- Oct 1, 2003 -

I've put some "Frame Grabs" - I think that's what they're called - into webshots:

Historical H-Bay

The 4 photos are from H-Bay - 8mm movies I took on my last visit to the Islands - 1969 -

This swell - 1969 - began in October, and we had non-stop waves for about 2 months.

The winter of 1969 is one of the most classic winters in modern surf memory (at least in my memory)

Lotsa Photos and movies from that period - not mine - I mean professional movies and photos!

This photo / frame-grab is a 1960 or 1961 noseride at Boom*r in La Jolla - Surfer is Jerry Stirnkorb (sp?)

I've got the 8mm movies transferred to VHS - next step - DVD's!!

Just got an email from Jim Comstock - his preliminary report on Ray Day - 9/28/03:

"...so the final tally Sunday a.m. on injuries was:

Carnage - Dude!..."

I've added a little more from another Jim Comstock email - and this whole webpage stuff is starting to evolve kinnda like I hoped it would -

Today's surfing kids will never know - maybe luckily - what we knew, and how we learned (it)

Their process is theirs - not that it was better THEN, than it is NOW, it just was VERY different.

Maybe by leaving some thoughts and photos around the web for others to read and view, we can bring some of the "old guys" back into the Clubhouse, and at the same time, pass down a few Elder Tips.?!

From Jim - I edited it a bit - I'll put the whole message on the Surfing 101 page - sometime!

Hi Bill,

I saw your emails from Dickie Lund.

Dickie and I used to surf Archie's Left every day together for years.

I would also like to say I surfed Archie's Left on many glassy evenings with the man himself in the late sixties and early seventies.

We would trade lefts one after another, perfect 5 foot peelers, I'd be paddling out and he would be ripping one in on his old longboard ( which by then where totally unkool ).

Then I'd try to impress him while he was paddling out by doing my best on my shortboard cause I thought he was so good ( I'd even crossstep on my 6 foot egg ).

When Archie was out everything just went to a higher level, speaking of which, Dickie was surfing 8 foot eggs with modern shapes way before any of these new longboards you see today.

I think they were Fryes but I can't remember - I'm talking 1974.

.....He (Dickie Lund) was the mister smooth of my generation.

I have many memories of Dickie ripping up the shores.

Boy did we have fun in those days!

Hey Jim - so did we:


Pumphouse Photo 1978 - By Jim Weaver - windanseabeach.com


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