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The Site With Secrets, Stories, Cool Stuff, And Lots Of Movies

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Recent News:
September 25th, 2003 HOLY COW! I think I have just found a way for us to have 75 MB of unlimited bandwidth internet space. There is this file sharing thing at school here and each student gets 75 MB. So Mike would get 75 as well, and maybe Aaron will have one but I doubt that. So that gives us 150 MB and only we can log in and upload the files, but there is a directory page that we can give you where you can download files. This could be a little useful tool I have just found. But the servers may suck so I will have to find out if they do or not later.
September 25th, 2003 New movies are ready to be uploaded soon. You can get any video from the site by getting file from me on AIM. Make sure it doesn't work on the site before getting the file, and then come and remember the name cause you'll have to search through like 220+ videos. I may or may not organize them according to the site. But that may be awhile. Oh yeah, Kirby: 2993.2 ft.
marth1 = PWNED.
September 21st, 2003 All the Chicago matches are now done. Under New Vids, 1 vs 1, Snex and Snexus.
And if anyone cares, I just got 2928.2 ft with Kirby. That's a World Record.

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