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  1. What causes ice ages?
    1. variations in the earth's orbit
    2. variations in sun's heat output
    3. variations in sunlight reflected by the earth
    4. no definite cause has been conclusively proven
  2. Ice near the surface of a glacier exhibits ________behavior.
    1. brittle
    2. ductile
  3. Ice deep within a glacier exhibits________behavior.
    1. brittle
    2. ductile
  4. Which of the following was never an outlet of the Great Lakes during the retreat of the glaciers?
    1. the Gulf via the Mississippi
    2. to the Atlantic via the Potomac or Susquehanna
    3. from Lake Erie to the Ohio River
    4. across Ontario to the St. Lawrence
  5. The end of a glacier is located:
    1. where it meets an obstacle
    2. where the average annual temperature equals 32 degrees F.
    3. where snowfall plus inflow equals melting plus evaporation
    4. where one year's snow just melts before the next year's snow begins
  6. Most of the world's glacial ice is in:
    1. mountain glaciers
    2. the Antarctic Ice Cap
    3. the Greenland Ice Cap
  7. The Wisconsin, Illinoisan, Kansan and Nebraskan ice advances:
    1. account for all known Pleistocene ice advances
    2. account for almost all Pleistocene ice advances
    3. are only the last of many more Pleistocene ice advances
  8. The "firn line" on a glacier marks:
    1. the dividing line between the zones of accumulation and ablation
    2. the elevation above which snow never melts
    3. the elevation where the average annual temperature is below freezing
    4. the timber line, or elevation above which trees do not grow
  9. Why do continental glaciers have a dome-like profile?
    1. More snow falls in the interior of the glacier.
    2. Ice melts faster at the edges than the middle.
    3. Ice has lower density than rock, so the crust rises under the glacier.
    4. the ice flows outward under its own weight.
  10. Glaciers can only exist where the average temperature is below freezing.
    1. true
    2. false
  11. When a glacier retreats, a rock trapped within the ice
    1. continues to move toward the foot of the glacier
    2. retreats more slowly than the glacier front
    3. retreats as fast as the glacier front
    4. retreats faster than the glacial front
  12. Icebergs are formed by:
    1. freezing of sea water
    2. river ice which is carried out to sea
    3. pieces of glacial ice breaking off the glacier
    4. water freezing on the sea floor and floating to the surface
  13. During the Pleistocene, large lakes covered parts of the Western U.S. These lakes are known as:
    1. crater lakes
    2. playas
    3. pluvial lakes
    4. flood plains
  14. The Pleistocene ice advances:
    1. are known to have ended
    2. are the only ones known in geologic history
    3. both of the above
    4. neither of the above
  15. The result of a glacier flowing into the sea:
    1. icebergs
    2. ice shelves
    3. both of the above
    4. neither of the above
  16. A glacier flows down a deep, slightly winding valley. After the glacier melts, the valley will be all of these except:
    1. straighter
    2. deeper
    3. wider
    4. more winding
  17. Hanging valleys:
    1. form when a glacier in a major valley cuts deeper than the tributary glacier
    2. are common locations for waterfalls
    3. are among the few cases of tributary valleys that do not meet the main valley at the level of the valley floor
    4. all of the above
  18. How is it possible for a stream to have flowed on top of an esker?
    1. the original stream banks are now eroded away
    2. there used to be a stream channel on top which has been filled in
    3. the "banks" of the stream were glacial ice
    4. it really isn't possible
  19. Which of these is till?
    1. fine flacial lake clay
    2. well-sorted outwash sand
    3. a polished rock outcrop
    4. unsorted sand, gravel and clay in a moraine
  20. Depending on pressure, glacial ice exhibits two forms of behavior:
    1. brittle and ductile
    2. solid and granular
    3. plastic and liquid
    4. snow and hail


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