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Chapter 1: Can't Shrug It Anymore

Alexis Mathews drove to where the police told him ot go. He stood back in awe, he wanted to vomit, then he saw the face and he almost wanted to cry. It was Samantha Williams... He remembered before she went missing, 3 nights ago when she was at his house:

Samantha walked out of Alexis's bedroom about 7 minutes after him, to see him watching the TV, it was a news broadcast.

"The 'Archangel' has struck his ninth victim this month. The newest victom; a 16 hear old boy nailed to a large tree with a board across it, like it were a cross... His name has not been released by the police. If
anyone has any information; please contact us at 555-2945."

Sanantha spoke in worry "Are you sure it's safe for me to walk home alone?"

Alexis sighed greatley and said "If you want me to drive yo---"

But Samantha said "Fine!" slamned the door and was gone.

That was the last time he saw her, she was gone, she didn't really have any friends besides him anymore; so there was nobody to tell him that she was not arround. And he didn't even phone her. He thought she needed time.

But now, she was a blood smattered corpse on a tree... he felt what all the screaming parents on the news felt. Then he looked in her eyes, he didn't see pain and fear, but pain and hope... the hope... he knew it was because she was expecting him to emerge from the darkness and save her.

Then a rather ignorant police officer --totally ignoring his feelings-- handed him a Palm IX to sign his name onto and verify that he IDed the body; he quickley did so and shoved the Palm back at him and ran to his new 2010 Viper, placed his thumb where he remembered their used to be a key slot on old cars. He reved the engine and took off.

Now he needed the time to think.