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The BBMRU Homepage

Recumbo et lapsus!

Welcome, visitors, to the homepage of the BBMRU, the British Bedstead-men and Recliner's Union.

We solemnly swear to uphold the way of the Bedstead-Men, and also the way of the Recliners. We campaign for better rights for roast potatoes, old people, and more armchairs for the over seventy-fives.

The Bedstead-Men are the men who travel nocturnally to dump "big brass broken bedsteads" by the banks of ponds and rivers. They first appear in a Flanders and Swann song.

The Recliners are the old men who sit in their armchairs all day complaining to their families about being cold and uncomfortable, but actively refuse to go to an old people's home. To them, everything was better in their day.

The members of this glorious union meet at Christmas to sing stirring songs and drink tea.

The Recliners
The Bedsteadmen
The Scientifactory Department