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Bangladesh Development

by Ziauddin Yusuf

Contact Address

Ziauddin Yusuf

2903 Elsbury Ln.

Pearland , TX . 77584

Tel: 281-485-4207







































































































































Bangladesh whose area is almost equal to Lake Erie in Canada is the most densely populated country of the world and yet considered today as one of the poorest countries on Earth.  In addition to this pitiable condition, unfortunately, with ever increasing population at a faster rate than any other country of the world, the condition of Bangladesh is deteriorating at an alarming pace.  

Yet, amongst the creations of Allah, human species are the best of creation (Ashraful Makhlukat).  Allah has created human being as His vicegerent on earth. “Wa qala rab-buka lil malaikate innijaaelun fil arde Khalifatun”   (Sura Baqara, verse #30).  Behold the Lord said o the angels, I will create a vicegerent on earth”.  All earthly achievements including science and technology that we see today are the direct result of human endeavor through the application of human brain, the source of all activity and knowledge, which Allah in His infinite Wisdom has bestowed on human race.  

Human knowledge is always considered to be an asset and not a liability.  And Allah has provided the world with the most valuable asset, the people and their brain which is the source of knowledge.  It is up to the people to make the best use of it. Why Bangladesh having blessed with such large reservoir of human brain, yet is the poorest?  

Bangladesh is situated at the confluence of the three major rivers Ganges , Meghna and the Brahmaputra .  These rivers perennially carry from the Himalayas millions of tons of most alluvial soil and unload them inside Bangladesh and thus make the land most fertile. Bengal has thus the capability of producing high yield of crops without using artificial manure.  It may be recalled that in the past, Bengal was considered the granary of India ,  but today it is begging for food from the outside world.  Are we so stupid that we can not take advantage of this natural gift of Allah?

But why?  Who had converted the same granary of yesterday as an empty shell of today? Can any one answer? What is the real problem?  I am sure, for every problem there is a solution.  So, the problems of Bangladesh also must have solutions.

What is the logical approach to find that solution?  The first task is to identify the cause.  I know, the people will say that this situation did not happen overnight, but has a deep- rooted history.  Therefore, one should go back to the history of Bengal and its people and trace these events chronologically.  Who can do that?  We, the so- called intelligentsia, must come forward and undertake the burden of investigating and analyzing the situation.  Are we willing to take this responsibility of identifying the cause of the problem and work out a possible solution?  If we can not dare to come forward and give a thought to it, then who will? 

So, let us take the first bold step.  At the beginning, we will be groping in darkness, with no trace of light.  But if we have a sincere desire, and put our heads together, we are sure to be successful in developing a workable plan by the grace of Al-mighty Allah.

  “ Where there is a will there is a way”

    “ Allah helps those who help themselves”

    “ United we stand, divided we fall”.

All these proverbs are universally accepted truth. So what is the hitch?
I have given a serious thought and like to suggest some plan of action.



I believe that main reason of this miserable condition is ignorance.  We therefore, need to address this issue at the beginning.  Hence, the top priority should be given to eradicate ignorance.  Education only can emerge us from darkness of ignorance towards the light of knowledge.  I understand that survival is the prime necessity.  Without life, nothing can happen.  While I recognize the need for survival, for which food and shelter are the basic ingredients, yet, we have to understand the real value of Education.  Education generates Knowledge.  Even to struggle for getting food and shelter, we need knowledge and wisdom.  Therefore, without knowledge one can not survive. For solving any problem, it requires careful analysis, and to analyze a problem and to arrive at a reasonable solution, knowledge is required.  And this knowledge is achievable, only through education.  I hope, I have made my points clear in favor of Education as a top priority issue.

How we should organize?  Who will pay for this?  Where are the resources?

These questions can be tackled, once we agree to the idea of Mass Education.

One of the greatest advantages to the people of Bangladesh is their firm faith on Allah.  Allah is the Creator of this Universe and everything within it.  Once we show our willingness and our sincerity to do any work, the help of Allah comes forthwith.

Every person regardless of his/her current level of education must attend some training facility to upgrade his/her level of knowledge.  To educate people en masse, we need to open many fronts and attack the problem simultaneously from many directions with full vigor and full force. If we are determined to act, then the help of Allah will be coming forth without any doubt, and the victory will be on our side.

To make the program of Mass Education workable the following requirements need to be addressed:

  1. Accommodation,

  2. Teachers,

  3. Books,

  4. Supplies, and

  5. Finance.


1.                  Accommodation: 

All existing school premises wherever they are located, from big cities to a tiny village should be opened for multiple shift (at least two) school hours, which will enable us to utilize the existing accommodation without building additional facility.  This multishift arrangement will also enable every citizen to go to school without hampering one’s present activity.  The working people will be able to attend schools when they are not working and therefore can continue with their current employment.  In addition, every mosque, public building, and hamlet if necessary, should make room to ease the congestion for providing a minimum space for training classes.


2.                  Teachers: 

We have enough people in Bangladesh who have the ability to teach for imparting basic education.  There are large numbers of retired persons who spend their time unproductively, yet they have the potential and probably are even willing to share their knowledge and experience with others.

Even the active professionals can take a few hours in a week to visit the youngsters in the schools. This will give them an opportunity to remain in touch with the progress of the younger generation in whose hands the future depends.  This will give them an opportunity to correct and maneuver the course of future generation. It may be interesting to note that in USA a move has been initiated by the Attorneys to share their time with the teenagers in the middle schools.


3.                  Books: 

Bangladesh has the capability and internal resources to establish printing presses to produce educational material.  In addition, there are many International organizations that would be willing to come forward to extend their helping hands generously for this noble cause.


4.                  Supplies:

I do not believe this would be a major problem.  We can always find enough educational material including modern equipment like, typewriters, calculators, computers, etc.  These also could be obtained through International agencies.


5.                  Finance:

The program can be designed to become self-financed.  Student must pay for their education.  Once we make them understand the value of education, they will be willing to participate.  People will gradually realize that nothing comes free.  There is a price for every thing, so also the education.  Along with the services of full time teachers, there will be people who will be happy to teach without any return, since they believe, by sharing knowledge with others, their knowledge will expand.  Again, in this area, there are plenty of developed countries, who will be willing to extend assistance.

Once we accomplish this activity, we will regain the fertility of Bangladesh , because its people have come out of utter darkness to light.  They will re-discover their strength and courage to harness the mighty power of the three great rivers, Ganges , Meghna, and the Brahamaputra to their benefit and progress.

While I have discussed the value of education and how to implement the plan to educate the people of
Bangladesh I am aware of other multi faced problems that Bangladesh is also confronted with.

It is therefore necessary to highlight some of the other salient sectors, which also need careful attention.  These are housing, food, roads and highways, public health, water supply, communication, transportation, manufacturing facilities, and above all the honesty and sincerity of people.

           Personal Identification Number of each person:

Every person in Bangladesh should be identified by a unique number.

A simple, yet, a meaningful method will be helpful in formulating the unique identification number.  The numbering system is categorized in three distinct groups:

·                                                Birth place      two digits                            01   to             99

·                                                Year of Birth   four digits                       0001   to        9999

·                                                Serial number eight digits               10000000   to 99999999


                                      Example: = Identification number of Abdul Hamid

                                      (01-1992 –12345678).

                                       Abdul Hamid was born in area 01 in the year 1992 and his serial number for his area  is 12345678.

Whenever a child is born he/she should be designated with an unique number which he/she will use for any activity namely, birth certificate, health record, education, employment, passport and death certificate.


I           Statistics:

Build a better statistics in every area.  Every event in the country from child birth to death, from production of food to its consumption, climate, rainfall, flood, epidemic, roads and highways, water ways, railroads, electric power, communication lines and any other conceivable information, should be recorded on a regular and continuous basis and preserved securely.  True statistical records are the key ingredients for an effective planning.

II         Free Press:

            Establish an environment for providing all relevant information to the general public.  Encourage publishing private news papers both local and national which will keep the public fully informed about the current affairs within and the outside world.  Public officials should be encouraged to exchange freely their views to the general public.  Public officials should be made available to answer to the public for any issue that relates to the people in general.


III      Disclosure of Contents available for public consumption:  

            All products sold or distributed in the open market must have full disclosure of content/ingredients, the name of the producer/manufacturer and the distributor.  Laws must be enacted to enforce this category.


IV        Honesty:                       

            Honesty should be practiced and observed in every walk of life.  Public Officials including the political leaders should be the rolemodel  Dishonesty has to be dealt with iron hand.  The Holy Quran has prescribed punishment for dishonest action.


V         National Standards:  

            National standards should be established for every manufactured product, even, for the imported  items.  There is no harm in adopting international Standard as Bangladesh   Standard.  Government shall initiate appointment of Standard committees for different activities which must be composed of members from amongst the user and the producer.


VI        Research:  

            Research organization should be established in every field including agriculture to produce better and improved variety of crop, fruit trees, plants, flowers, cattle and poultry etc.  The research  should have active participation of growers and ultimate consumers. 


VII      Vocational Training:  

            Bangladesh is lacking in skilled craftsman and tradesmen.  All schools should organize to produce craftsmen and tradesmen in all areas of profession like, carpenters, blacksmiths, masons, welders, mechanics, machinists, health technicians, nurses, typists, stenographers, computer operators, etc.


VIII     Medical Institutions:  

            Bangladesh needs a large number of physicians, paramedics, nurses, to meet the health care need for the ever growing population.  The curriculum for medical institutions should include one year mandatory field service in villages at the final year before graduation.  


IX        Public Participation:  

            No plan can work without public support.  It needs participation and involvement of the people of the land.  All plans should be made public.  Public should be encouraged to give their opinion about the plan.  If necessary, the plan needs to be revised to reflect the public acceptance. 


Once the basic workable ideas are formulated, several working groups need to be organized comprising of political leaders, teachers, students, merchants, public officials, religious leaders, and not the least, the ordinary people.  The plan requires active participation and support of the people at large.  Each individual group will get an opportunity to study the plan and work out a practical working plan.  Every plan needs to be published and a public hearing is to be organized before any plan is accepted and put into action.


There is a large group of talented Bangladeshis who are contributing to the economic growth of the countries in which they are currently working outside Bangladesh .  Many of these talented people are willing to share their knowledge and experience to improve the condition of their motherland.

An attempt is made to describe the mechanism for implementation.



             Draw imaginary grid lines (vertical lines from North to South and horizontal lines from East to West) having its zero axes through one of the main streets of Dhaka, (say, Dhaka- Mymensingh as vertical axis and Dhaka-Aricha Road as horizontal axis,  and then at an interval of every 10 KM in both directions draw parallel grids.

Each square grid will then represent 100 square KM area and will be designated as an Unit of activity. The activities in each of these Units will be monitored by respective Unit Zonal Board to be elected by the people of that Unit from amongst them.  It may be mentioned here that there exists in Bangladesh some sort of political boundaries for  the purpose of administrative control.  I have no objection in using these already defined boundaries, such as, police station, sub-divisions, and districts, if it is considered effective.

However, the people of each of these groupings should be allowed to participate freely and a mechanism be framed so that the people feel secured and encouraged.  I have seen people feel that mostly plans are thrust upon the public without their cooperation. No plan can be effective unless, its people participate.  Let the people feel that they are a part of the plan, or in other words, they are working on their own plan. 




Each unit will be encouraged to actively participate in zonal activity in their respective areas as well as in the National level.

People expect recognition of good work, a pat at the back not a bite.  At least once in a year, preferably on a National Holiday, a nationwide celebration of recognition should be held.  During this occasion people will be recognized and awarded certificates, trophies, and cash prizes to keep up their good work and encourage competition amongst them to excel. The judges will be selected from amongst the reputable citizens.

The following is a representative list of activities to be considered for recognition awards.

1.                  Cleanliness

2.                  Landscaping and Beautification

3.                  Plantation of wayside trees, bushes and flower beds and their preservation.

4.                  Development of recreational facilities and park

5.                  Helping pollution free environment.

6.                  Establishing, improving and maintaining high standard educational facilities

7.                  Developing athletic and sport activities of Olympic standard.

8.                  Developing better and high yield agricultural product.

9.                  Planting trees for lumber

10.              Development of pisciculture.


Above are lists of few areas, but can be expanded as people develop their interest     




The following is the list of items in which the National Government should be involved:  

  1. Roads and Highways

  2. Railways

  3. Waterways

  4. Protection of Environment

  5. National Standards

  6. National Libraries



The following activities should be deregulated so that private sector can own and run through open competition, thus service and quality be kept at a higher level.  The Government shall a create an organization as a watch dog and keep the unscrupulous people away from operating in these areas:  

  1. Telephone and Telegraph Communications

  2. Radio Stations

  3. Television Stations

  4. Industries large and small

  5. Electric Power distribution and sales