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15KAYA'S Bad EBay Sellers Site

This site will highlight 15kaya's experience with bad sellers on EBay.  Sometimes, the length of the complaint to leave in the feedback of a seller is not enough.  So that is why we are here now. 


Thanks for visiting the Bad Sellers Site.  With luck, this is a site that will never be updated.  In fact, I think it would be wonderful if I never had to add any EBay Sellers Names to this site.

At this time, I am only going to publish my own personal experiences.  This is due to the fact that I do not feel comfortable describing experiences that I, personally, have not gone through.  I mean, come on!  What would prevent someone from emailing me a bad experience that never happened. Thus, I would be helping selfish people's need to smudge honest people's names!


Thank you,



Check out my auctions on EBay.

Username: 15kaya

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15kaya's Bad EBay Seller's Site

15kaya's Bad EBay Buyer's Site