The Cult of Babara

FROM THE MIND OF MY HEAD, BY:SARI ice tea is really good, espeacially if it is peach... marissa loves austin..they will get married. Barbera is great. I created her, she was unibrow in her past life whom i created on a holloween night when we gave her tatoos many moons agoe. over the summer she snuck into the seceret annox in my closet celing and deid. Months later we gave her a mohawk cut off her hands and ears and she became BABERA!Today honey and i wheeled Marissa around in the official shit mobile while she played her ukulele and sang.We viseted Holly and her mother got mad... then we went to the italian ice place where we asked for lemon ice but they gave us blue bubblegum flavored and told us punk was dead!!!! we all like marissa's but exept for holly..she does not consume the butt of marissa EVER!!! everyone exept for me and holly smoke cigartes..but i still consume the butt of marissa on the occasion...thats all for now. tata -Sari FROM THE SOUL OF THE SHOE OF MY FOOT OF MY LEG OF MY BEAN, BY: MARISSA my nails are blue my eyes are short i have no wives i don't wear skorts i need a hick to calm my nerves and see the things my dinghole serves what do you do when things go wrong i do not know ask a pink thong and now for a story once upon a time there was a little girl who was a little different from the rest of the children, she had no holes(besides her pores if your gonna get all technical about it). she could not see, hear, eat, pee, poo, fuck, pick the lint out of a belly button, or give milk if she got pregant. she died...doy. FUCK OFF AND DIE, BY: HONEY Hello, everybody! How is everybody? I don't really have much to say. Fun Fruit is good. And by the way punks not dead. Its alive in the hearts of millions of fresh new souls. I'm sorry for just blabbing on but I am bad at making things up and being creative. Someone give me a topic to write about. Hmmmmmm...soda...lotion...bionic...a, WHO FUCKING CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEX AND VIOLENCE SEX AND VIOLENCE SEX AND VIOLENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think i am going to leave now! FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! DUCK KID SPEAKS OUT OF BANDAGES, BY:HOLLY One cheery morning there was a certain Duck. This duck had a certain name. The name was Penelope. Now this little duck quacked out "BARBED WIRE!!!" to the mother duck, but by then it was too late...and the mother duck..died. The moral of the story is...don't talk to muffin trees.


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