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Welcome to ShitGun3000 Version 18 (XS)

WOW!At last, you wonder? Well, it's not what I had in mind for the website. The original version 18 would have been something along the lines of this... But I suddenly changed my mind and thought that it would be a bugger, and once I had made it, it would be shit again, just like Sg3kNS was.

Annnnyway.. Not many changes I guess, most of the sections are still here, all the stuff has been changed, there's no inline frames any more, so the website is a little more browser friendly. Just uses a lot of javascript really.. Oh, and PNG images, which is probably quite a big change for you all. Make sure you have Internet Explorer 4 or above to view the images, otherwise they might just appear like little red crosses in boxes, and that would suck wouldn't it?

No advertisements in this version either!! Angelfire are a right bunch of bastards, they make about 3 adverts pop up all at once!! Luckily, I can override this process. Let's not bother going in to technical details about it, let's just say it's something that makes the site even better!

I'm trying to work at the sections as hard as I can, but they might not be fully completed for a couple of months. Just hang on, and I'll be finished sooooon.

All the links are by the left, if you haven't noticed. Click and go!

Update tracker

Here's just a list of what has been done in the past few days...

Update 1: The pages seem to be a little unreliable at the moment, some things (such as the Stylesheet) don't load occasionally. Can become annoying. I'll try and fix this as soon as possible.. I don't exactly know what's causing it though.
Update 2: The multimedia section should DEFINITELY be checked out, because it rocks! And it also took me a long, long time to make. Quite complex.
The webmaster section has been completed! Image selection is now on there, as well as a small autobiography.
The downloads section is now finished!! Easier to use, and better laid out, with more space to select stuff. Everything isn't such an eyesore any more! I'm really starting to enjoy this website now.

{Extreme Tracker}