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Posted by Axmahunt'
of World News
...........UR, Iraq (CNN) -- With military activity winding down in the country, Iraqi opposition leaders and U.S. officials are meeting Tuesday at Ur, near the southern city of Nasiriya, to start charting the future of a post-Saddam Iraq.
.....The Bush administration has not listed the names of invitees, but U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell called the conference a "fairly large gathering of individuals" who represent "the views of those who have been struggling outside as well as those who are now free inside" Iraq.

.....The United States handpicked the attendees. Among them is a representative of Ahmed Chalabi, head of the Iraqi National Congress.

.....State Department spokesman Philip Reeker said the United States wants to establish an interim Iraqi authority "as soon as possible." Tuesday's meeting -- the first of several in Iraq sponsored by Washington -- would allow a diverse group of Iraqis to give "input into how they would view the future," Reeker said. (Full story )

.....Meanwhile, the diplomatic sparring continued Tuesday between Syria, U.S. and British officials.
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Posted by Axmahunt'
of Technology

Laugh At Saddam

........NEW YORK (AP) -- A Web site that pokes fun at Saddam Hussein's minister of information became such a global hit that its operators had to temporarily pull the plug Friday as they scrambled for more powerful computers.

.....To help pay for the upgrades, the site will sell T-shirts, mugs and barbecue aprons featuring choice quotes from Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, who maintained with a straight face that Iraqi troops were routing the Americans even as U.S. tanks busted through Baghdad.

.....The site,, features quotes as well as obviously doctored photos showing al-Sahhaf boasting of the Confederacy's successes during the Civil War and Darth Vader's victories in the "Star Wars" movies.

....."My feelings -- as usual -- we will slaughter them all," reads one quote from al-Sahhaf from two days before Baghdad fell.

.....Until he disappeared Tuesday, al-Sahhaf was the colorful face of Saddam's regime. Some Arabs, getting a kick out of how al-Sahhaf ridicules President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, even called his daily news conferences "the "al-Sahhaf show."

.....In the United States, Conn Nugent and his friends got a kick out of the comments, too, and decided to create the Web site Tuesday.
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Posted by Derek'
of Site News
...........Hey everyone. Things have been going pretty slow latley. I'm not sure why but I got a new look for Isaac's pictures. It might take a little while for it to load but it is sure worth the wait.

.....This past week I screwed up my home computer, by fooling around with the Command Promt program.(Never Fool around with that). I had to call the HP costomer service for help. A blank black screen would appear and say "Windows could no load do to file missing or corrupt. \system32\hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of this file.> Hp had to send me a reboot CD that will install that file. Why can't it be like the olden days when they would give a reboot disk with your computer.

I've Recently added the music page. This page consists of my favorite bands and my least favorite bands. The first page starts with Incubus, which has Music Videos and Tour dates in there. Ofcourse i'm not completely finished with this page but o well


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Page By Derek Marson