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wCurley's Blog
Unless you find my opinions on everything from politics to what I ate for dinner last night interesting, this blog will be of no interest to you.


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wSaturday, May 31, 2003

Damn the Mavs. I don't even like basketball yet for some reason I was pissed off last night. Damn that Steve Kerr. Talk about coming out of the woodwork. Enough about that, the Spurs may not have lost, but they are still from San Antonio.

Totally unrelated thought: I learned what a really great friend is last week. Two years we never saw and rarely spoke to each other because our lives had gone in such different directions that it really was damn near impossible to keep what I still believe is the best friendship I ever had. But sometimes things change I guess, and what seems like a really crappy situation can provide the backdrop for a really great one. Really great friends can let each other walk away and two years later, no matter how much either of them has changed, they can pick up right where they left off. Its funny because I really felt like my life was beginning to get stuck in a rutt when this all happened about a week ago. Rekindling this friendship was exactly what I needed, and now a month has to pass before we can hang out again. Really sucks. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but I'm not sure thats possible in this situation. I know you all have at least one person in your life that you can say brightens up your day no matter how crappy or depressing or frustrating it has been. Thats this person to me. Its nice to have that back in my life.

Oh, so I did all my accounting for the month and discovered that I'd managed to spend $1,143 in the month of May exclusively. What in the hell did I spend over a grand on in one month? I'm not sure, thats why I've started doing monthly accounting. Hopefully I can organize myself a little better this summer and actually start hanging on to the money that seems to be burning a hole in my pocket.

Put my hand through a window yesterday at work; a word of caution: do not do this, it is not by any means pleasant (or easy to fix).

posted by Adam at 12:43 AM

wThursday, May 22, 2003

Alright, so the Mavs didn't play so well last night. I would rather see this Texas series come down to the last game than for it to be a blow out one way or the other anyway

On a similar note, my Carney's experience was ruined last night by this jackass from San Antonio. Where do these people come from? There are rules about social gatherings that I thought everyone picked up on by the time they got to college. I'm all for a little emotion over your team, but this guy was screaming and clapping like a maniac for every single thing that went the Spurs' way. Made a lay-up, screamed like a banshee. Pulled down a rebound, clapped obnoxiously until the next point was made. Spur got fouled, damn near shit in his pants. Even the Spurs fans were annoyed with the guy. Oh yeah, his favorite line of the night was used whenever the Spurs made a goof or missed a shot. "Damnit, , you're fired." I hate this guy. I don't know him, I don't want to know him, but I'm pretty sure I hate him. Someone should drag his parents or teachers or whoever is responsible for this gross neglegence of the value of courtesy out into the street and shoot them. Violent you say? Not near as bad as the torture I and the 30 other people at Carney's had to sit throught last night. Trust me, it was that bad.

Work sucks, but I still have to be there.

posted by Adam at 7:50 AM

wTuesday, May 20, 2003

Mavs pulled one out tonight. Good to see two teams from Texas in the Western Conference Finals. Wednesday night, be at Carney's, game 2.

I'm out.

posted by Adam at 12:39 AM

wFriday, May 16, 2003

Dammit. I swore that the day the new matrix movie came out I was going to see it. Unfortunately, when you live in a town that has one movie theater and over a hundred thousand people, seeing a premiere on a Thursday night is damn near impossible. So what did I do instead? Worked all day then went to the bar. Fulfilling, yet not what I was planning. Did see a beautiful girl that I hadn't seen in awhile though and made plans for dinner. So all in all it was a fruitful evening. I can always see the movie tomorrow, dammit.

Random Thought: Why is it that guys automatically put on their defensive "who is this dipshit" face when some other guy approaches the girl they are trying in vain to hit on? I went to high school with the girl, I'm not trying to block you out buddy, get over yourself.

Screw summer jobs, especially outside ones. I'm out.

posted by Adam at 1:19 AM

wThursday, May 15, 2003

Last Thursday I started my new job painting houses. Don't let the smiling faces on the website fool you, the job really sucks! Anyway, I had this great idea about getting my personal website up and running again with my webcam and everything. Problem is, I'm never at my freaking computer long enough for anyone to see me at it much less for me to finish the damn site design. Anyway, yet again I've spent the night out drinking, even though I have to be at work at 8 in the morning.

Random Thought: Don't you hate it when you see some hot girl out that you know and you think to yourself, "Damn, she's hot," but then you remember the disgusting guy she's dating at the moment and she just loses all that luster that she seemed to have only minutes before and all thats left in your mind's eye is the image of this stunning beauty being humped by some big, sweaty, hairy ass? Screw all you jackasses that ruin girls for the rest of us.

College Station sucks between school sessions. Everyone needs to get the hell back here so we can start enjoying college life again.

This client we were painting a house for the other day was telling us that College Station reminds him of what the state capitol (Austin for you completely inept sons of bitches) was like when he first arrived there in the 70's. First of all, like I actually give a shit what he thinks of the development trends of the South Texas area, and second of all, I've been on the job for a week and already I can tell I'm going to get really tired of these homeowners coming out of their cookie cutter suburban homes and telling us how to do our job. Stare at a painted wall for 30 seconds and suddenly you're an expert on how paint dries evenly over a surface. This guy is droning on and on about the dude that owned the land options for the suburb he now abides in...blah blah blah, but all I can think about is that this guy must be employed in some position that requires a real anal, annoying, brash, opionated, over-bearing, under-appreciating, half-retarded-but-am-convinced-I-must-be-smarter-than-you kind of person and what a dipshit this guy is for making us come back a third day to "touch-up" the spots his expert eye has detected.

Turns out he's a professor at A&M.

That's all I got tonight, I'll be here all week.

posted by Adam at 1:12 AM

wSunday, May 11, 2003

It's past two on Saturday night, I'm drunk, yet for some reason I'm still working on getting this damn page up and running. Ah, the life of a geek. I've spent more than a couple of hours on a site that maybe two people (if I'm lucky) will actually look at for more than two seconds. Hopefully I'll have something for someone to be interested in. If nothing else, I have a place to put pictures that I want other people to see, and I can send them there to take a look at them. If a little creative web design talent comes into play at some point between A and B, so be it. Who cares? Nobody's going to see it anyway.

By the way, for a good laugh, check out Eric Conveys an Emotion. You come across some weird crap when you spend as much time as I do in front of my computer.

posted by Adam at 2:29 AM

wSaturday, May 10, 2003

This is the first post to my new blog, lets see what it looks like.

posted by Adam at 3:48 PM