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Monday, December 22, 2003 Posted: 4:29 AM EST (0929 GMT)

Crowe and Spencer named their son Charles Spencer Crowe.
Happier Days for James Dick (Courtesy of AP/Rueters).

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Russell Crowe

Long Island, New York (Reuters) -- James Dick is trying to move on after living the high life as a rapper.

A year after being dropped from the controversial rap group Niggasville, N. Massapequa resident James Dick says he still considers himself to be one of the rap group's biggest fans. Which is a sharp contrast to how other people ocnsider the man formerly known as JDiggz. Hip-Hop heads in the NYC rap scene, the same people that once bopped their heads to his catchy rhymes on the 'Da Club Joint.' from Niggasville's first release, now consider him a 'coward', 'not real' and 'nuthin but a wanksta.'

Copyright 2003 Reuters. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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