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Half Life Atlas
The Snarkpit


FailSafe The Level Designer

Hello! Merry Christmas everyone. I uploaded a couple more prefabs today, and am working on a third one to quench all of your thirsts. Not that anyone visits here anyways, but I'm happy to update this once every month anyways.

More news for me...Well I am a mapper for DC coop, which is a coop mod that seriously needs maps badly, of out of pity I am mapping for them. I am working on the dc_desolate pack, which places you in a deep underground lab, a classy office building, and a space station infested with mutinous soldiers and aliens.

Well, I am going to go back to creating a teleporter prefab for somone to use for somthing. Wish me luck.

Just letting you know that I uploaded a couple tutorials today, so go check them out. You know you want to.

This is it. The new design that wil stay. Well now that that is over with, I'm going to get back to work on tutorials, prefabs, and ts_cult. If you want a link, I ask that you Instant Message me over AIM or E-mail me with "linking" as the subject. As of now those links got there because I visit the place often, or I favor the place. One thing I should mention, I am starting on a largre .wad file for the public. I have one texture done so far and I found 5 raw images to work with. Well thats a lot of news crammed into one spot...enjoy.

Design By Elite-Zone