(6:23:01 PM) You have just entered room "Chat 40003326131066338132."
FierceBlood51 (6:23:17 PM): i guess savage is too good for me
FierceBlood51 (6:23:51 PM)
: ;/
nosebleed70 (6:24:52 PM)
: hello stone
nosebleed70 (6:24:55 PM): and trevor and reid
adidasx007 (6:25:11 PM): ,.
adidasx007 (6:25:16 PM)
: _
FierceBlood51 (6:25:21 PM)
: .
nosebleed70 (6:25:30 PM)
: whered u go today stone
WildBill867 (6:25:46 PM): while i'm cleaning, if osmething important happens ur gonna have to im me
(7:09:01 PM) You have just entered room "Chat 40003326131066338132."
adidasx007 (7:09:03 PM): k
nosebleed70 (7:09:32 PM)
: hi
adidasx007 (7:10:22 PM): hey
nosebleed70 (7:11:30 PM)
: whatre u doiing main
adidasx007 (7:11:38 PM): not a damn thing
nosebleed70 (7:11:44 PM)
: ;-)
adidasx007 (7:11:53 PM): im fucking bored as hell
adidasx007 (7:11:57 PM)
: man
nosebleed70 (7:11:59 PM)
: so am i
adidasx007 (7:12:00 PM): if i had wood
adidasx007 (7:12:29 PM)
: actually my aunts and...aunts husband...so im couped in my room
nosebleed70 (7:12:55 PM)
: :/
(7:17:02 PM) IM Gay x 03 has left the room.
adidasx007 (7:17:36 PM): wheres trevor?
FierceBlood51 (7:17:36 PM)
: hi
adidasx007 (7:17:39 PM)
: oh
FierceBlood51 (7:17:43 PM)
: im back
adidasx007 (7:17:50 PM)
: ok
FierceBlood51 (7:17:51 PM)
: sorry bout that
adidasx007 (7:17:53 PM)
: k
FierceBlood51 (7:18:06 PM)
: who was Im gay x 03?
adidasx007 (7:18:15 PM)
: i thought that was you
FierceBlood51 (7:18:50 PM)
: no
FierceBlood51 (7:18:56 PM)
: i had to take a shit
FierceBlood51 (7:18:59 PM)
: :-[
nosebleed70 (7:19:00 PM): .
nosebleed70 (7:19:11 PM): i just cleaned my room
FierceBlood51 (7:19:16 PM): loli thought it was you stone
nosebleed70 (7:19:20 PM)
: it was
nosebleed70 (7:19:21 PM): :-)
FierceBlood51 (7:19:28 PM): gr8
FierceBlood51 (7:19:37 PM)
: ijustpovedd myself to be an idiot yet again
nosebleed70 (7:19:51 PM)
: Feeder - High
FierceBlood51 (7:19:51 PM): * i just proved
nosebleed70 (7:20:11 PM)
: holy shit my room is a sux
FierceBlood51 (7:20:19 PM): mine is
FierceBlood51 (7:20:32 PM)
: i have gay indian stuff hanging that my aunt hung in my room
nosebleed70 (7:20:41 PM)
: i have a fucking star wars poster on the wall and i just now noticed
FierceBlood51 (7:20:43 PM): i wanna take it down burn it and put my posters back up
nosebleed70 (7:21:00 PM)
: my room is this
nosebleed70 (7:21:28 PM): sevendust poster, soil poster, primer 55 poster, star wars poster, machine head poster, korn poster, tool poster, brianna banks poster, gta3 and vice city posters
nosebleed70 (7:21:32 PM): \m/
nosebleed70 (7:21:51 PM): oh i cant forget about the circuit breaker
adidasx007 (7:21:52 PM): /M\
nosebleed70 (7:21:57 PM)
: thats right above my fucking bead
(7:21:58 PM) WildBill867 has left the room.
nosebleed70 (7:22:00 PM): which makes my room
nosebleed70 (7:22:06 PM): bed*
nosebleed70 (7:22:43 PM): then my offbrand wall closet
nosebleed70 (7:22:54 PM): which is big as fux
adidasx007 (7:23:15 PM): haha :-)
nosebleed70 (7:23:27 PM): and then my dresser
nosebleed70 (7:23:32 PM): and then my entertainment stand
nosebleed70 (7:23:33 PM): and then my bed
nosebleed70 (7:23:35 PM): then my chair
nosebleed70 (7:23:40 PM): and then my computer desk
nosebleed70 (7:24:31 PM): and then trevors gay
adidasx007 (7:24:41 PM): ahhh
adidasx007 (7:24:42 PM)
: yes
adidasx007 (7:24:42 PM)
: yes
FierceBlood51 (7:24:59 PM)
: :/
nosebleed70 (7:25:04 PM)
: my next project is to
nosebleed70 (7:25:07 PM): restring my basses
nosebleed70 (7:25:09 PM): and then sell them
nosebleed70 (7:25:13 PM): hopefully to get 400 or so
FierceBlood51 (7:25:21 PM): how many do you have?
nosebleed70 (7:25:23 PM)
: 2
FierceBlood51 (7:25:32 PM): what brand?
nosebleed70 (7:25:33 PM)
: plus my amp and pedals
nosebleed70 (7:25:35 PM): ibanez
FierceBlood51 (7:25:43 PM): how much for one?
FierceBlood51 (7:25:47 PM)
: an amp anda pedal
nosebleed70 (7:25:57 PM)
: lets see
nosebleed70 (7:26:02 PM): hold on
FierceBlood51 (7:26:04 PM): ok
nosebleed70 (7:26:37 PM)
: the 4-string/amp/pedal would be $225
nosebleed70 (7:26:47 PM): the 5-string/amp/pedal would be $285
FierceBlood51 (7:27:06 PM): hmmm
FierceBlood51 (7:27:26 PM)
: when are you gonna try to sell them?
nosebleed70 (7:27:34 PM)
: whenever i re-string them
nosebleed70 (7:27:36 PM): if i even do that
FierceBlood51 (7:27:40 PM): lol
nosebleed70 (7:27:51 PM)
: whats the music store down town called
FierceBlood51 (7:27:56 PM): morells
FierceBlood51 (7:28:01 PM)
: morrels
nosebleed70 (7:28:02 PM)
: do they sell offbrand shit
FierceBlood51 (7:28:07 PM): no
nosebleed70 (7:28:10 PM)
: alright
FierceBlood51 (7:28:10 PM): not really
nosebleed70 (7:28:15 PM)
: i might go there tomorrow if they're open
FierceBlood51 (7:28:18 PM): they have like gibson
FierceBlood51 (7:28:22 PM)
: and fenders
nosebleed70 (7:28:23 PM)
: to hook myself up with some stringz
FierceBlood51 (7:28:29 PM): lolz
nosebleed70 (7:28:37 PM)
: then if i even sell everything with the money
nosebleed70 (7:28:38 PM): im either
FierceBlood51 (7:28:40 PM): i have extra electris strings
FierceBlood51 (7:28:46 PM)
: if you know anyoenthat wants them
nosebleed70 (7:28:47 PM)
: using it for amps for my car
nosebleed70 (7:28:56 PM): or upgrading my POS computer
nosebleed70 (7:29:00 PM): or buying an electric
FierceBlood51 (7:29:32 PM): seriously cory
FierceBlood51 (7:29:37 PM)
: we need to start a band
nosebleed70 (7:29:39 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (7:29:46 PM): i hate the bass now
nosebleed70 (7:29:51 PM): cuz its boring as fuck trying to learn songs
FierceBlood51 (7:29:52 PM): we need to find a good singer though
nosebleed70 (7:30:00 PM)
: cuz u can barley tell if you're playing it right
FierceBlood51 (7:30:04 PM): lol
FierceBlood51 (7:30:07 PM)
: yea
nosebleed70 (7:30:27 PM)
: the only reason im re-stringing them is because the top string on the 5 string snapped
FierceBlood51 (7:30:30 PM): thats why i =electric now
nosebleed70 (7:30:35 PM)
: cuz i loosened it too much
FierceBlood51 (7:30:39 PM): lol
nosebleed70 (7:30:40 PM)
: and was beating the shit out of it
nosebleed70 (7:30:44 PM): and it like uncoiled
nosebleed70 (7:30:45 PM): and is all fucked
FierceBlood51 (7:31:00 PM): hahahaha
nosebleed70 (7:31:06 PM)
: i need to find someone who fucking wants to buy them
FierceBlood51 (7:31:07 PM): i could see you just hitting one
nosebleed70 (7:31:10 PM)
: unless morells buys/trades
FierceBlood51 (7:31:23 PM): i would but i hated the bass
FierceBlood51 (7:31:31 PM)
: it just sounds rulz
nosebleed70 (7:31:35 PM)
: its boring
nosebleed70 (7:31:40 PM): thats why i dont want them anyumore
nosebleed70 (7:33:15 PM): trevor find someone who wants them
nosebleed70 (7:33:22 PM): ;-)
FierceBlood51 (7:33:38 PM): ok
nosebleed70 (7:33:47 PM)
: im gonna try to a.) sell them/trade them to morells b.) sell them in the paper or if my last resort is... c.) ebay
FierceBlood51 (7:33:50 PM): or you could ask jersey kid defense
FierceBlood51 (7:33:55 PM)
: if they need dany extras
nosebleed70 (7:34:03 PM)
: yea
FierceBlood51 (7:41:51 PM): is anyone still here?
nosebleed70 (7:42:34 PM)
: i am
FierceBlood51 (7:43:00 PM): btw
FierceBlood51 (7:43:22 PM)
: the bassist of pm5k is fucking isgusting
adidasx007 (7:43:24 PM)
: i am not
FierceBlood51 (7:43:43 PM)
: he spit in the crowd about 23times lastnight
nosebleed70 (7:43:47 PM)
: lol
FierceBlood51 (7:43:57 PM): everyone else spat onstage
FierceBlood51 (7:43:59 PM)
: but him
FierceBlood51 (7:44:05 PM)
: no he hadto spit in the corwd
adidasx007 (7:44:07 PM)
: spat?
adidasx007 (7:44:08 PM)
nosebleed70 (7:44:10 PM)
: he said
nosebleed70 (7:44:13 PM): "STOOT!"
nosebleed70 (7:44:15 PM): *bass solo*
FierceBlood51 (7:44:19 PM): lol
nosebleed70 (7:44:19 PM)
: "spit in ur mouth time"
FierceBlood51 (7:44:28 PM): he didnt spit on me
adidasx007 (7:44:29 PM)
: spat
FierceBlood51 (7:44:41 PM)
: oh andi was about halfa foot from a fucking drumstick
nosebleed70 (7:44:47 PM)
: lol
FierceBlood51 (7:44:52 PM): and fatfagguy picked it up
nosebleed70 (7:45:02 PM)
: y didnt u knock him over
FierceBlood51 (7:45:12 PM): bc he was about 3 c lillys
nosebleed70 (7:45:15 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (7:45:22 PM): was he goth
FierceBlood51 (7:45:27 PM): and i hit one guy and took his budwieser shirt
FierceBlood51 (7:45:29 PM)
: no
nosebleed70 (7:45:35 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (7:45:45 PM): invite our boy
FierceBlood51 (7:45:49 PM): they threw a shirt we both grabbed it
FierceBlood51 (7:45:59 PM)
: i hit him in the face and took it and bounced away
FierceBlood51 (7:46:04 PM)
: right into the fucking mosh
FierceBlood51 (7:46:09 PM)
: i waslike =-O
FierceBlood51 (7:46:10 PM): shit
nosebleed70 (7:46:11 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (7:46:36 PM): you should have yelled
(7:46:37 PM) snOOp7706 has entered the room.
nosebleed70 (7:46:48 PM): hi drock
snOOp7706 (7:46:55 PM): lol hi
snOOp7706 (7:47:06 PM)
: i was building the ultimate urban empire
snOOp7706 (7:47:11 PM)
: on sim cit 3k
snOOp7706 (7:47:14 PM)
: city*
FierceBlood51 (7:47:24 PM)
: lol
snOOp7706 (7:47:27 PM)
: i have the world trade center in my city too lolz
snOOp7706 (7:47:34 PM)
: aliens attacked it tho
nosebleed70 (7:47:45 PM)
: well
snOOp7706 (7:47:48 PM): but i rebuilt it in one day
nosebleed70 (7:47:49 PM)
: i was playing monkey island
nosebleed70 (7:47:52 PM): and it just stopped
snOOp7706 (7:47:56 PM): :/
nosebleed70 (7:48:12 PM)
: and derek are you :-) today
nosebleed70 (7:48:13 PM): i am
nosebleed70 (7:48:16 PM): tee hee
snOOp7706 (7:48:39 PM): im always :-)
nosebleed70 (7:49:00 PM): brb men
snOOp7706 (7:49:08 PM): hi trevor
snOOp7706 (7:49:09 PM)
: hi andrew
adidasx007 (7:49:20 PM)
: hai
FierceBlood51 (7:49:31 PM)
: im always :-$
snOOp7706 (7:49:46 PM): :\
FierceBlood51 (7:49:53 PM)
: not to mention :-!
nosebleed70 (7:50:26 PM): wtf is that trev0r
snOOp7706 (7:50:27 PM): :-*
FierceBlood51 (7:50:34 PM): loli dont know cory
nosebleed70 (7:51:01 PM): guess what
snOOp7706 (7:51:07 PM): u got a girl
nosebleed70 (7:51:07 PM)
: we all have R's in our names
snOOp7706 (7:51:10 PM): o
nosebleed70 (7:51:13 PM)
: lolz
snOOp7706 (7:51:14 PM): lolz
FierceBlood51 (7:51:29 PM)
: that is actually kinda tight
nosebleed70 (7:51:50 PM): reid, andrew, cory, trevor, derek
nosebleed70 (7:51:51 PM): lolz
nosebleed70 (7:51:57 PM): mark
nosebleed70 (7:51:58 PM): lol
nosebleed70 (7:51:58 PM): wow
FierceBlood51 (7:52:00 PM): the other andrew
snOOp7706 (7:52:02 PM): tizzzzzzight
FierceBlood51 (7:52:04 PM)
: bRad
snOOp7706 (7:52:05 PM): ried
nosebleed70 (7:52:19 PM)
: wow
nosebleed70 (7:52:23 PM): we can be the R'S
nosebleed70 (7:52:23 PM): LOLZ
FierceBlood51 (7:52:27 PM): lolz
snOOp7706 (7:52:30 PM): Ross
snOOp7706 (7:52:33 PM)
: lmaoz
nosebleed70 (7:52:35 PM)
: lolz
nosebleed70 (7:52:38 PM): Edwards
FierceBlood51 (7:52:45 PM): stout....:-\
snOOp7706 (7:52:46 PM): deRek Ross kiRby
nosebleed70 (7:52:51 PM)
: tevor u lose
FierceBlood51 (7:52:57 PM): lol so does stone
FierceBlood51 (7:53:05 PM): and savage
adidasx007 (7:53:06 PM): what?
snOOp7706 (7:53:06 PM)
: shurbaji
nosebleed70 (7:53:18 PM)
: stone
FierceBlood51 (7:53:20 PM): we lose stone
adidasx007 (7:53:21 PM): ??
nosebleed70 (7:53:25 PM)
: all of us have R's in our first names
adidasx007 (7:53:30 PM): oh
adidasx007 (7:53:32 PM)
: yeah we do
nosebleed70 (7:53:34 PM)
: cory mark andrew andrew trevor derek reid
adidasx007 (7:53:41 PM): we're fucking awesome
nosebleed70 (7:53:42 PM)
: greg
FierceBlood51 (7:53:45 PM): lol
FierceBlood51 (7:53:49 PM)
: brad
nosebleed70 (7:53:52 PM)
: yup
FierceBlood51 (7:53:59 PM): except i hat e him
snOOp7706 (7:54:02 PM)
: saRa loZ
snOOp7706 (7:54:04 PM)
: lolz*
nosebleed70 (7:54:04 PM)
: lolz
nosebleed70 (7:54:07 PM): she h8s
nosebleed70 (7:54:12 PM): 'who is nosebleed'
nosebleed70 (7:54:15 PM): 'oh i knew that'
snOOp7706 (7:54:20 PM): DUH
nosebleed70 (7:54:28 PM)
: here
nosebleed70 (7:54:51 PM): nosebleed70 (10:04:41 PM): heySaraG148 (10:04:53 PM): heySaraG148 (10:04:57 PM): who is this
nosebleed70 (7:54:58 PM): Session concluded at 10:07:45 PM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SaraG148 (10:13:32 PM): hey sorry!SaraG148 (10:13:34 PM): what are you doing
snOOp7706 (7:55:18 PM): why did sara say 'hey sara'
snOOp7706 (7:55:22 PM)
: oh wait
snOOp7706 (7:55:25 PM)
: my bad lolz
nosebleed70 (7:55:25 PM)
: lol
snOOp7706 (7:55:28 PM): i kant reid
nosebleed70 (7:56:03 PM)
: AS + Reid = T3 Thursday
nosebleed70 (7:57:12 PM): i need to bootleg a game to play
FierceBlood51 (7:57:20 PM): dont bootleg worms
FierceBlood51 (7:57:24 PM)
: that game is horrible
snOOp7706 (7:57:28 PM)
: [[)) ((o)) ((o)) //\\/\\
nosebleed70 (7:57:29 PM)
: stfu stoot
adidasx007 (7:57:31 PM): cory
FierceBlood51 (7:57:35 PM)
: and you only get toplay it once before it fux up
adidasx007 (7:57:40 PM)
: Mafia , its nocccce
nosebleed70 (7:57:40 PM)
: y0
nosebleed70 (7:57:45 PM): ok sir
nosebleed70 (7:57:48 PM): did u get it from irc
snOOp7706 (7:57:53 PM): cory
snOOp7706 (7:57:55 PM)
: play pool
snOOp7706 (7:57:56 PM)
: lolz
nosebleed70 (7:58:00 PM)
: lolz ok
snOOp7706 (7:58:24 PM): welp, i will bbl, i gotta finish my city
snOOp7706 (7:58:27 PM)
: i have stadium
snOOp7706 (7:58:31 PM)
: peachtree tower
nosebleed70 (7:58:32 PM)
: :-(
adidasx007 (7:58:33 PM): i got it from...
adidasx007 (7:58:34 PM)
: .g.s.h.sfhsdh.
snOOp7706 (7:58:38 PM)
: excelent water and power
adidasx007 (7:58:38 PM)
: Bottorrent
adidasx007 (7:58:41 PM)
: bit
nosebleed70 (7:58:41 PM)
: o
adidasx007 (7:58:43 PM): :-*:-(;-)3
snOOp7706 (7:58:48 PM)
: ijlds
snOOp7706 (7:58:53 PM)
: ttfn guyz
snOOp7706 (7:58:56 PM)
: :-*
(7:59:04 PM) snOOp7706 has left the room.
nosebleed70 (8:14:02 PM): asdfghjkl;'
adidasx007 (8:15:48 PM): 9y.mm.;o'/;p[-[=[]'=]']\]\]
adidasx007 (8:15:49 PM)
: \
adidasx007 (8:16:00 PM)
: r'
nosebleed70 (8:16:02 PM)
: wow we';re losers
adidasx007 (8:16:08 PM): naw
adidasx007 (8:16:12 PM)
: ok
adidasx007 (8:16:14 PM)
: yes we are
adidasx007 (8:16:18 PM)
: :-(
nosebleed70 (8:16:19 PM): lol
nosebleed70 (8:16:21 PM): OH SHIT
nosebleed70 (8:16:26 PM): I FOUND UNREAL TOURNAMENT ON A CD-R
adidasx007 (8:16:39 PM): oh i got one of those
adidasx007 (8:16:54 PM)
: well
adidasx007 (8:16:55 PM)
: mgksfhn'
adidasx007 (8:17:00 PM)
: nevermind
nosebleed70 (8:18:19 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (8:18:26 PM): im installing a bunch of shit ill never uyse
adidasx007 (8:18:53 PM): haha
adidasx007 (8:18:59 PM)
: i know how that goes
nosebleed70 (8:20:39 PM)
: o m g
nosebleed70 (8:20:39 PM): quake 2
nosebleed70 (8:20:40 PM): lolz
adidasx007 (8:20:53 PM): i got that
(IM Window Cleared)
adidasx007 (8:21:01 PM): well did
nosebleed70 (8:21:05 PM)
nosebleed70 (8:21:08 PM): CKY 2K VCD
nosebleed70 (8:21:12 PM): im going to go see if this works
FierceBlood51 (8:22:15 PM): k
nosebleed70 (8:22:56 PM)
: nope
nosebleed70 (8:22:58 PM): it fuct up
adidasx007 (8:23:10 PM): :-\
nosebleed70 (8:23:12 PM): turkey hunt
nosebleed70 (8:23:13 PM): lolz
nosebleed70 (8:23:42 PM): quake 1 2 3 on 1 cd
nosebleed70 (8:24:53 PM): rouge spear
nosebleed70 (8:25:05 PM): command and conquer red alert lolz
FierceBlood51 (8:26:39 PM): c&c renegade is prolly the coolest
nosebleed70 (8:27:09 PM)
: im installing all of these games
FierceBlood51 (8:28:42 PM): lolif i installed all of those my comp would crash
nosebleed70 (8:29:12 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (8:29:20 PM): my copmputer's worse than yous
FierceBlood51 (8:29:27 PM): no its not
FierceBlood51 (8:29:31 PM)
: you have cable modem
FierceBlood51 (8:29:35 PM)
: i have phone
nosebleed70 (8:29:35 PM)
: thats all
FierceBlood51 (8:29:38 PM): yea
FierceBlood51 (8:29:42 PM)
: i have 60 gigs
nosebleed70 (8:31:23 PM)
: i have 80
nosebleed70 (8:31:24 PM): i win
FierceBlood51 (8:32:01 PM): :-\
FierceBlood51 (8:32:05 PM): dammit
FierceBlood51 (8:32:21 PM)
: i thought i wouldwin that 1
nosebleed70 (8:33:06 PM)
: and i have about 100000000000 more mp3s than u
FierceBlood51 (8:33:16 PM): wait do you have80 free?
FierceBlood51 (8:33:32 PM)
: i have like 580
FierceBlood51 (8:33:44 PM)
: and they ALL rock
nosebleed70 (8:34:40 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (8:34:41 PM): no
nosebleed70 (8:34:44 PM): i have about 20 free
nosebleed70 (8:34:45 PM): lolz
FierceBlood51 (8:36:11 PM): yes
FierceBlood51 (8:36:13 PM)
: i win then
FierceBlood51 (8:36:16 PM)
: i have 60 free
nosebleed70 (8:37:16 PM)
: ;/
nosebleed70 (8:37:47 PM): i think this quake cd fyucked up
FierceBlood51 (8:38:37 PM): where the fuck is stone
nosebleed70 (8:39:21 PM)
: installing rouge spear now
FierceBlood51 (8:39:41 PM): the book is good
FierceBlood51 (8:40:42 PM)
: oh shit
FierceBlood51 (8:40:46 PM)
: on TNT
FierceBlood51 (8:40:48 PM)
: tomorrow
FierceBlood51 (8:40:54 PM)
FierceBlood51 (8:40:59 PM)
: with chris walken
nosebleed70 (8:41:04 PM)
: lol
FierceBlood51 (8:41:14 PM): some fag is caesar tho
FierceBlood51 (8:41:20 PM)
: jonathan sistom
FierceBlood51 (8:42:32 PM)
: im either A) about to hol mddy breath til i die B) get of my fat ass and turn of my cd player C) get off my fat ass and change the cd or D) block it out like i have all day
FierceBlood51 (8:42:36 PM)
: BC
FierceBlood51 (8:42:49 PM)
: pm5k has been playing nonstop for about 3 hours now
nosebleed70 (8:43:01 PM)
: lol
FierceBlood51 (8:45:02 PM)
: btw ORGANIZIZED rulz now that i have listened to it a few times
nosebleed70 (8:45:07 PM)
: lolz
FierceBlood51 (8:46:12 PM): lol that ssong ulz shut up
FierceBlood51 (8:46:27 PM)
: fuckion keybopard fucking sux ass motherfuckdedr cock
FierceBlood51 (8:46:29 PM)
: ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
FierceBlood51 (8:46:30 PM)
: dddddddddddddddddddddddd
nosebleed70 (8:46:33 PM)
: lol
FierceBlood51 (8:46:34 PM): dammmit
FierceBlood51 (8:46:41 PM)
: i dint even type the dd's
FierceBlood51 (8:46:46 PM)
: it just dodes it randomly
FierceBlood51 (8:46:54 PM)
: i have to hit keys to make it stop
FierceBlood51 (8:47:34 PM)
: i can either A) type 4 wpm or B) fuck up everything i say
nosebleed70 (8:48:46 PM)
: lol
FierceBlood51 (8:49:34 PM): OddoffOn (8:45:37 PM): spine skank
FierceBlood51 (8:49:37 PM)
: fag
nosebleed70 (8:51:37 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (8:51:51 PM): rouge spear = installed
(8:52:59 PM) WildBill867 has entered the room.
nosebleed70 (8:53:04 PM): hey maen
WildBill867 (8:53:06 PM): hi
WildBill867 (8:53:32 PM): hey trevor
WildBill867 (8:53:34 PM): how r u
nosebleed70 (8:53:59 PM): lolz
nosebleed70 (8:54:01 PM): red alert said
nosebleed70 (8:54:17 PM): 'this is a windows 95 product and you are running 5.1 im sorry but setup can not continue"
WildBill867 (8:54:25 PM): :/
WildBill867 (8:54:36 PM): what made u start playing all these random games
nosebleed70 (8:54:47 PM): im just installing thjem
nosebleed70 (8:54:51 PM): i probably wont play them
nosebleed70 (8:54:55 PM): i could install counter men too
WildBill867 (8:55:04 PM): go 4 it
FierceBlood51 (8:55:24 PM): hi reid
nosebleed70 (8:56:26 PM)
: reid we all have r's in our names
WildBill867 (8:56:57 PM): wow
WildBill867 (8:57:02 PM): so does derek
WildBill867 (8:57:07 PM): but not jesse :/
nosebleed70 (8:57:11 PM): lolz
nosebleed70 (8:57:19 PM): mark cory reid andrew andrew trevor derek
nosebleed70 (8:57:26 PM): greg
FierceBlood51 (8:57:29 PM): brad
nosebleed70 (8:57:34 PM)
: yup
FierceBlood51 (8:57:41 PM): except i hate him
FierceBlood51 (8:58:42 PM)
: all the cool ppl at football have R's also
FierceBlood51 (8:58:44 PM)
: ray
FierceBlood51 (8:58:46 PM)
: chris
FierceBlood51 (8:58:49 PM)
: brad
FierceBlood51 (8:58:56 PM)
: not tommy or lanny though :\
(9:00:06 PM) SaL4303
has entered the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:00:20 PM): hi sally
SaL4303 (9:00:33 PM)
: hey trevs
nosebleed70 (9:00:36 PM): hi
SaL4303 (9:01:22 PM): what's goin on guys?
FierceBlood51 (9:01:35 PM): n2mhu
FierceBlood51 (9:01:41 PM)
: lolz
adidasx007 (9:01:50 PM)
: nmrju2rcsilyls
nosebleed70 (9:01:55 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (9:02:04 PM): OMG UT IS ALMOST DONE INSTALLING
FierceBlood51 (9:02:05 PM): i dont even want to try to solveit
nosebleed70 (9:02:08 PM)
: then i upgrade all this shit
SaL4303 (9:02:13 PM): i'm so lost
SaL4303 (9:02:36 PM): brb guys my movie's back on!
FierceBlood51 (9:02:37 PM): hi
nosebleed70 (9:02:39 PM)
: .
FierceBlood51 (9:02:39 PM): ko
FierceBlood51 (9:02:41 PM)
: ok
FierceBlood51 (9:02:42 PM)
: :\
nosebleed70 (9:02:46 PM)
: im watching some gay shit on ABC Family
FierceBlood51 (9:02:46 PM): i sux
nosebleed70 (9:02:53 PM)
: the guy from 90210 is on it
FierceBlood51 (9:02:58 PM): im watching anrie s. in eraser
FierceBlood51 (9:03:03 PM)
: *arnie
(9:03:11 PM) WildBill867
has left the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:03:14 PM): bye reid
FierceBlood51 (9:03:31 PM)
: omfg
nosebleed70 (9:03:34 PM)
: ?
FierceBlood51 (9:03:39 PM): jessi p
FierceBlood51 (9:03:54 PM)
: is telling me to date jessie ns little sister
FierceBlood51 (9:04:02 PM)
: shes 13
nosebleed70 (9:04:05 PM)
: l m a o
FierceBlood51 (9:04:06 PM): i said no
nosebleed70 (9:04:20 PM)
: is she going to be an 8th grader
FierceBlood51 (9:04:24 PM): and she said the reason i dont have a gf is bc when poourtunities come around i dont take themd
FierceBlood51 (9:04:29 PM)
: no 7th
nosebleed70 (9:04:32 PM)
: l o l
nosebleed70 (9:04:39 PM): no its because you're too needy main
nosebleed70 (9:04:39 PM): ;-)
FierceBlood51 (9:04:45 PM): wtf
FierceBlood51 (9:04:52 PM)
: if i was too neey di woul hadve taken her
nosebleed70 (9:05:01 PM)
: no
nosebleed70 (9:05:10 PM): u dont get it
FierceBlood51 (9:05:48 PM): FierceBlood51 (8:53:04 PM): SHES 13!perkyjc129 (8:53:22 PM): so jsut 3 years difference
FierceBlood51 (9:05:55 PM): FierceBlood51 (8:53:29 PM): :-|FierceBlood51 (8:53:32 PM): noFierceBlood51 (8:53:36 PM): sorryFierceBlood51 (8:53:43 PM): im not michael jackson
nosebleed70 (9:06:18 PM): lmao
nosebleed70 (9:06:22 PM): good job steve
FierceBlood51 (9:06:31 PM): ty
FierceBlood51 (9:06:43 PM)
: i was about to say jesse
FierceBlood51 (9:06:45 PM)
FierceBlood51 (9:06:57 PM)
: they would dhave said "wha?"
nosebleed70 (9:07:07 PM)
: is it maggie/jessie
FierceBlood51 (9:07:08 PM): bc he is pimp to them
nosebleed70 (9:07:09 PM)
: jessi*
FierceBlood51 (9:07:17 PM): maggie/jessi/jessdie
nosebleed70 (9:07:23 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (9:07:30 PM): d lolz
FierceBlood51 (9:07:51 PM): FierceBlood51 (8:56:07 PM): wtf jessiperkyjc129 (8:58:55 PM): lol font cuz at me
FierceBlood51 (9:08:00 PM): FierceBlood51 (8:59:16 PM): DONT TELL ME TO DATE A F'ing 13 yr oldperkyjc129 (9:04:04 PM): watch it buddy i am only tryin to herlp
nosebleed70 (9:08:07 PM): lmao
FierceBlood51 (9:08:09 PM): FierceBlood51 (9:04:15 PM): no your notFierceBlood51 (9:04:26 PM): 13 yr olds isnt helping
nosebleed70 (9:08:29 PM): unreal tournament
nosebleed70 (9:08:30 PM): taking
nosebleed70 (9:08:31 PM): forever
FierceBlood51 (9:08:41 PM): that game is kina tight
FierceBlood51 (9:08:47 PM)
: but gets ol real fastd
nosebleed70 (9:08:53 PM)
: yea
nosebleed70 (9:08:57 PM): the wack ass weapons
FierceBlood51 (9:08:58 PM): exdpecially ifd your not online
FierceBlood51 (9:09:01 PM)
: lol
FierceBlood51 (9:09:14 PM)
: the only goodd thing is the flak cannon and the rocket launcher
(9:09:21 PM) WildBill867
has entered the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:09:24 PM): hi
WildBill867 (9:09:36 PM)
: hi
WildBill867 (9:09:54 PM): the kid is not my son
nosebleed70 (9:09:55 PM): i think god is movinggggggggggg its tongueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
nosebleed70 (9:10:11 PM): billie jean is not my lover
FierceBlood51 (9:10:21 PM): wtf are you guys watching?
WildBill867 (9:10:25 PM)
: nothing
FierceBlood51 (9:10:26 PM): mj i presume
FierceBlood51 (9:10:30 PM)
: doh
FierceBlood51 (9:10:32 PM)
: oh
WildBill867 (9:10:41 PM)
: we're talking about that song
FierceBlood51 (9:10:45 PM): o
SaL4303 (9:11:47 PM)
: okay guys i'm back for a bit
(9:11:48 PM) CWebb1027 has entered the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:11:53 PM): hi
adidasx007 (9:11:53 PM)
: hai
FierceBlood51 (9:12:01 PM)
: cory
nosebleed70 (9:12:03 PM)
: yo
CWebb1027 (9:12:05 PM): man fuck man
FierceBlood51 (9:12:11 PM)
: weve been in here for like 5 hours
nosebleed70 (9:12:24 PM)
: who fucking cares
FierceBlood51 (9:12:29 PM): notme
WildBill867 (9:12:30 PM)
: people always told me be careful what you do
FierceBlood51 (9:12:34 PM): bc i have nothing else to o
WildBill867 (9:12:37 PM)
: don't go around breaking young girls' hearts
CWebb1027 (9:13:02 PM): 4 real
FierceBlood51 (9:13:27 PM)
: clint invite some cool kis
FierceBlood51 (9:13:30 PM)
: *kids
SaL4303 (9:13:43 PM)
: you all have been in this chat room for 5 hours?
SaL4303 (9:13:49 PM): it's actually been alive that long?
FierceBlood51 (9:13:50 PM): yea or longer
WildBill867 (9:13:51 PM)
: i haven't
FierceBlood51 (9:13:56 PM): me + cory
SaL4303 (9:13:58 PM)
: crazy stuff
(9:13:58 PM) Itchy862 has entered the room.
CWebb1027 (9:14:01 PM): yeah haw
FierceBlood51 (9:14:02 PM)
: have been the only ones talkin
CWebb1027 (9:14:04 PM)
: itchy itchy
SaL4303 (9:14:04 PM)
: itchy = who?
Itchy862 (9:14:13 PM): mitch
FierceBlood51 (9:14:19 PM): mitch who
(9:14:21 PM) BowlingBWonder16
has entered the room.
CWebb1027 (9:14:28 PM): what up jon
FierceBlood51 (9:14:33 PM)
: jon who
Itchy862 (9:14:33 PM)
: kincaid
BowlingBWonder16 (9:14:45 PM): nm man
SaL4303 (9:14:49 PM): jon who?
(9:14:54 PM) geoff693 has entered the room.
CWebb1027 (9:14:55 PM): perlman
CWebb1027 (9:14:57 PM)
: you dont know em
FierceBlood51 (9:14:59 PM)
: lmao
FierceBlood51 (9:15:02 PM)
: reid look
WildBill867 (9:15:08 PM)
: i see
FierceBlood51 (9:15:12 PM): lol
BowlingBWonder16 (9:15:13 PM)
: no
(9:15:19 PM) KoriS11 has entered the room.
(9:15:22 PM) geoff693 has left the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:15:26 PM): lmao
CWebb1027 (9:15:27 PM)
: gmoney what up nig
FierceBlood51 (9:15:37 PM)
: who is kori s?
CWebb1027 (9:15:39 PM)
: never be returning calls
WildBill867 (9:15:42 PM)
: billie jean is not my lover
(9:15:44 PM) BiGE2885 has entered the room.
CWebb1027 (9:16:04 PM): ERIN WHAT UP
(9:16:20 PM) Itchy862
has left the room.
(9:16:34 PM) adamskate12345 has entered the room.
(9:16:43 PM) Beijin Balla has entered the room.
CWebb1027 (9:16:46 PM): ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
adamskate12345 (9:17:01 PM)
: yo
FierceBlood51 (9:17:06 PM): hi
CWebb1027 (9:18:03 PM)
: FierceBlood51: i love having gay sex with men
WildBill867 (9:18:09 PM)
: whoa trevor
CWebb1027 (9:18:18 PM): you are sick buddy
(9:18:38 PM) Beijin Balla
has left the room.
(9:18:41 PM) BowlingBWonder16 has left the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:18:47 PM): CWebb1027 (9:14:54 PM): i love big huge fat cow cock going down my hroat while my b/f fucks me up my ass
FierceBlood51 (9:19:11 PM)
: fag
adamskate12345 (9:19:28 PM)
: wonder where brian is trevor
adamskate12345 (9:19:34 PM): maybe nick got him
CWebb1027 (9:19:35 PM): FierceBlood51: haha did you see what i wrote about you that was funny wasnt it HEHEHEHEHE but they all know im the gay one
FierceBlood51 (9:19:40 PM)
: lmao i dunno
FierceBlood51 (9:19:45 PM)
: lmao
WildBill867 (9:19:53 PM)
: lmao
FierceBlood51 (9:20:24 PM): CWebb1027 (9:16:25 PM): You wanna be join me in that scenerio i just mentioned
WildBill867 (9:20:33 PM)
: uh o
FierceBlood51 (9:20:37 PM): lol
FierceBlood51 (9:20:46 PM)
: cilnt letsjust stop
FierceBlood51 (9:20:51 PM)
: its was gay before it started
CWebb1027 (9:20:58 PM)
: no that was gay
CWebb1027 (9:21:00 PM)
: and that ended it
FierceBlood51 (9:21:05 PM)
: k
(9:22:23 PM) KoriS11
has left the room.
BiGE2885 (9:22:46 PM): hey
FierceBlood51 (9:22:51 PM)
: hi
CWebb1027 (9:22:54 PM)
: now you say somethin
BiGE2885 (9:22:58 PM)
: who r all these ppl
BiGE2885 (9:23:03 PM)
: sorry when was i supposed to say somethin
adidasx007 (9:23:04 PM)
: hey erin!!!
BiGE2885 (9:23:14 PM)
: umm hey...
FierceBlood51 (9:23:15 PM)
: wtf stone
adidasx007 (9:23:19 PM)
: what up baby!!
FierceBlood51 (9:23:21 PM)
: you havent talked fdor dlike3 hours
adidasx007 (9:23:28 PM)
: haha so?
adamskate12345 (9:23:30 PM)
: lets invite hannah here
BiGE2885 (9:23:30 PM): whos adidas
BiGE2885 (9:23:36 PM)
: adam no
adamskate12345 (9:23:46 PM)
: y not
adamskate12345 (9:23:50 PM): dont u love her
BiGE2885 (9:23:54 PM): oh yes
nosebleed70 (9:23:56 PM)
: whos wildbill
BiGE2885 (9:23:58 PM): i cant get enough of her
WildBill867 (9:24:02 PM)
: who is gootch
(9:24:06 PM) ChOcLaTeMiLkMaMi has entered the room.
adidasx007 (9:24:07 PM): hey erin what you doin tonight/
BiGE2885 (9:24:07 PM)
: who is wildbill
adidasx007 (9:24:10 PM)
: hahaha'
BiGE2885 (9:24:11 PM)
: who r u
nosebleed70 (9:24:15 PM)
: OMGwhoRu
adamskate12345 (9:24:17 PM): hey hannah
adidasx007 (9:24:21 PM): hey hannah
FierceBlood51 (9:24:26 PM)
adidasx007 (9:24:29 PM)
: erin, what you doin tonight?
(9:24:33 PM) ChOcLaTeMiLkMaMi
has left the room.
BiGE2885 (9:24:36 PM): comin to ur house
adidasx007 (9:24:37 PM)
: bye hannah
adidasx007 (9:24:40 PM)
: really?
nosebleed70 (9:24:41 PM)
: The Height of Callousness
(IM Window Cleared)
adamskate12345 (9:24:45 PM): choclate mil mama left
FierceBlood51 (9:24:49 PM): yes cory
BiGE2885 (9:24:56 PM)
: yeah
adidasx007 (9:25:01 PM)
: cool
CWebb1027 (9:25:05 PM)
: Å Éùn¬ X VIRUS0090 S ÜjÜ
nosebleed70 (9:25:10 PM)
: ¿
adidasx007 (9:25:13 PM): i see
BiGE2885 (9:25:15 PM)
: clint
nosebleed70 (9:25:15 PM)
adamskate12345 (9:25:18 PM): is hannah off?
nosebleed70 (9:25:21 PM): ù
adamskate12345 (9:25:23 PM): or am i blocked again
nosebleed70 (9:25:24 PM): ¦
adamskate12345 (9:25:32 PM): ¿
BiGE2885 (9:25:34 PM): andrew
BiGE2885 (9:25:36 PM)
: i love u
nosebleed70 (9:25:43 PM)
: <(o¿o)> trevors gay
adidasx007 (9:25:56 PM): um....
FierceBlood51 (9:26:03 PM)
: thx cory
BiGE2885 (9:26:19 PM)
: i wanna suck ur slong
nosebleed70 (9:26:22 PM)
: no problem FierceFag51
CWebb1027 (9:26:25 PM): haha
adidasx007 (9:26:33 PM)
: erin stop
nosebleed70 (9:26:37 PM)
: schlong*
(9:26:42 PM) DiViNeDeAtHdRaGn has entered the room.
adamskate12345 (9:26:53 PM): devon
DiViNeDeAtHdRaGn (9:26:58 PM): adam
adamskate12345 (9:27:14 PM): hannah mcmilion said she wants ur nuts on her chin
(9:27:16 PM) snOOp7706 has entered the room.
DiViNeDeAtHdRaGn (9:27:20 PM): ......
adamskate12345 (9:27:27 PM): whats that mean?
DiViNeDeAtHdRaGn (9:27:31 PM): don't play around like that adam
adamskate12345 (9:27:34 PM): to horny to talk now
adamskate12345 (9:27:44 PM): its tru
DiViNeDeAtHdRaGn (9:27:49 PM): ....
DiViNeDeAtHdRaGn (9:27:55 PM): don't play around like that
adamskate12345 (9:27:58 PM): whats wrong hannah got ur toung
adamskate12345 (9:28:03 PM): im 4real
DiViNeDeAtHdRaGn (9:28:18 PM): i don't believe that
FierceBlood51 (9:28:25 PM): reid
FierceBlood51 (9:28:31 PM)
: potter wants your sn
WildBill867 (9:28:35 PM)
: y
nosebleed70 (9:28:39 PM): reid just block him
nosebleed70 (9:28:40 PM): er
FierceBlood51 (9:28:42 PM): dunno
nosebleed70 (9:28:43 PM)
: trevor
FierceBlood51 (9:28:44 PM): lmaod
nosebleed70 (9:28:45 PM)
: thats what i did
snOOp7706 (9:28:47 PM): haha potter
FierceBlood51 (9:28:48 PM)
: i wont tell
snOOp7706 (9:28:50 PM)
: hes so cool maen
FierceBlood51 (9:28:55 PM)
: lol he keeps asking about you
FierceBlood51 (9:29:04 PM)
: ankeeps asking who im takling to
WildBill867 (9:29:07 PM)
: y does he want to hack me
FierceBlood51 (9:29:10 PM): bc he thinkis im talkin to you cory
nosebleed70 (9:29:12 PM)
: tell him that danny wants his asshole
nosebleed70 (9:29:13 PM): and block him
FierceBlood51 (9:29:20 PM): lmfao
FierceBlood51 (9:29:31 PM)
: rei you want me to give it to him
(9:29:36 PM) CWebb1027
has left the room.
WildBill867 (9:29:38 PM): no, he will hack me
FierceBlood51 (9:29:42 PM): ok
nosebleed70 (9:29:49 PM)
: trevor block him for the 10th time
FierceBlood51 (9:30:34 PM): FierceBlood51 (9:26:39 PM): btw rei says you cant have his snApott71487 (9:27:08 PM): well fuck him!
WildBill867 (9:30:47 PM): trevor u r gay
WildBill867 (9:30:50 PM): don't talk about me
FierceBlood51 (9:30:54 PM): im not
FierceBlood51 (9:31:00 PM): i just said he couldnt have your sn
nosebleed70 (9:31:06 PM): just say hes not on
nosebleed70 (9:31:07 PM): LIE
FierceBlood51 (9:31:12 PM): ok
nosebleed70 (9:31:12 PM): LIE
FierceBlood51 (9:31:24 PM)
: im gonna say he wants dddannys asshole adn dblock him
(9:31:37 PM) snOOp7706 has left the room.
(9:31:43 PM) nosebleed70 has left the room.
(9:31:46 PM) WildBill867 has left the room.
(9:31:54 PM) DiViNeDeAtHdRaGn has left the room.
(9:32:14 PM) BiGE2885 has left the room.
adamskate12345 (9:32:19 PM): eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
adamskate12345 (9:33:18 PM): wowwwww
adamskate12345 (9:33:20 PM): wwwwwwwwwrfdcx
adamskate12345 (9:33:21 PM): sfredcs
adamskate12345 (9:33:23 PM): xsuyghtfbvgtrehbvtrefvtrehbytrv
adamskate12345 (9:33:27 PM): trygvtregvddvfdsrd~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(9:33:28 PM) adamskate12345 has left the room.
SaL4303 (9:34:24 PM): i'm not the last to leave :-D
(9:34:25 PM) SaL4303 has left the room.
adidasx007 (9:35:13 PM): don't go trevor
adidasx007 (9:35:19 PM)
: keep the chat going...
FierceBlood51 (9:35:48 PM)
: im not
FierceBlood51 (9:35:51 PM): dont worry
adidasx007 (9:35:56 PM): kthnx
adidasx007 (9:35:59 PM)
: and wtf
adidasx007 (9:36:03 PM)
: erin?
adidasx007 (9:36:18 PM)
: BiGE2885 (9:25:34 PM): andrewBiGE2885 (9:25:36 PM): i love u
adidasx007 (9:36:23 PM)
: crazy shit nigg
FierceBlood51 (9:36:43 PM)
: loldddddddddddddddd
FierceBlood51 (9:36:47 PM): who is she?
adidasx007 (9:38:20 PM): erin watts
FierceBlood51 (9:39:13 PM)
: omfg
FierceBlood51 (9:39:16 PM): brad watts sister
FierceBlood51 (9:39:17 PM): ?
adidasx007 (9:39:24 PM): um...?
adidasx007 (9:39:26 PM)
: dunno
adidasx007 (9:39:28 PM)
: maybe
FierceBlood51 (9:39:55 PM)
: oh
adidasx007 (9:40:07 PM): she said she wanted to suck my shlong :-[
FierceBlood51 (9:40:07 PM): im not leaving this chat til i sign off
FierceBlood51 (9:40:12 PM): yea....
adidasx007 (9:40:13 PM): alright
(9:42:25 PM) adamskate12345
has entered the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:42:33 PM): aam invitde your friends
adamskate12345 (9:42:49 PM): no1 realy is on
FierceBlood51 (9:43:10 PM): oh :\
adamskate12345 (9:44:04 PM): what was that geof dudes sn
(9:44:15 PM) SaL4303 has entered the room.
(9:44:41 PM) WildBill867 has entered the room.
(9:44:56 PM) nosebleed70 has entered the room.
(9:44:59 PM) snOOp7706 has entered the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:45:01 PM): samed chat
FierceBlood51 (9:45:09 PM)
: i ddundno adamd
FierceBlood51 (9:45:10 PM)
: d
snOOp7706 (9:45:13 PM)
: wow, i like 3 chats in 5 minutes
FierceBlood51 (9:45:13 PM)
: fuckin dsdd
adamskate12345 (9:45:17 PM)
: oo
FierceBlood51 (9:45:31 PM): this is the same one you were in before clints gay chat kiry
FierceBlood51 (9:45:39 PM)
: so its more like 2
snOOp7706 (9:45:50 PM)
: 3 4 me trevor
FierceBlood51 (9:45:55 PM)
: o
nosebleed70 (9:46:09 PM)
FierceBlood51 (9:46:22 PM): hi
FierceBlood51 (9:46:29 PM)
: is erin watts brad wdatts sister?
nosebleed70 (9:46:35 PM)
: yes u dumbass
snOOp7706 (9:46:35 PM): no
FierceBlood51 (9:46:46 PM)
: ...
snOOp7706 (9:46:48 PM)
: is 2+ 2 4?
nosebleed70 (9:46:56 PM)
FierceBlood51 (9:47:06 PM): i dont edven knowd her
FierceBlood51 (9:47:11 PM)
: i just asked ddbc sdtone idddnt know
WildBill867 (9:47:22 PM)
: trevor r u ok
(9:47:25 PM) adamskate12345 has left the room.
snOOp7706 (9:47:30 PM): trevor is drunk
FierceBlood51 (9:47:31 PM)
: yes
FierceBlood51 (9:47:33 PM)
: y
snOOp7706 (9:47:34 PM)
: mike is there
snOOp7706 (9:47:37 PM)
: v
snOOp7706 (9:47:38 PM)
: od
snOOp7706 (9:47:40 PM)
: k
snOOp7706 (9:47:41 PM)
: a
snOOp7706 (9:47:42 PM)
: lolz
FierceBlood51 (9:47:43 PM)
: no
snOOp7706 (9:47:43 PM)
: adfjks;
nosebleed70 (9:47:46 PM)
: byos
FierceBlood51 (9:47:47 PM): he = missing
snOOp7706 (9:47:52 PM)
: ..
nosebleed70 (9:47:59 PM)
: HEIGH OF CALLOUSNESS is on track 9
nosebleed70 (9:48:02 PM): aka MALNUTRITION
(9:48:03 PM) adamskate12345 has entered the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:48:09 PM): he hasnt been home for like a few dayds
snOOp7706 (9:48:17 PM)
: why are you not typing str8
FierceBlood51 (9:48:28 PM)
: bc my keyboard is fucked up
snOOp7706 (9:48:36 PM)
: no errors that time
FierceBlood51 (9:48:40 PM)
: nope
nosebleed70 (9:48:43 PM)
: derek
nosebleed70 (9:48:45 PM): invite shasta
nosebleed70 (9:48:46 PM): lolz
FierceBlood51 (9:48:47 PM): thats a first allday
snOOp7706 (9:48:53 PM)
: k
WildBill867 (9:49:14 PM)
: mXe
(9:49:16 PM) lilcheerer321 has entered the room.
FierceBlood51 (9:49:20 PM): mXe?
WildBill867 (9:49:23 PM)
: or mXc
WildBill867 (9:49:26 PM): sorry
FierceBlood51 (9:49:29 PM): which means?
WildBill867 (9:49:36 PM)
: just forget it
lilcheerer321 (9:49:42 PM): HEY HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nosebleed70 (9:49:45 PM)
: hey ;-)
FierceBlood51 (9:49:46 PM): ok
WildBill867 (9:49:51 PM)
: hi we love u
lilcheerer321 (9:50:02 PM): LUV YA GUYZ TOO!!
lilcheerer321 (9:50:03 PM)
: HAhaHA
nosebleed70 (9:50:10 PM)
: what r u doing
FierceBlood51 (9:50:39 PM): Hi Im Steve, i suck at life thats all you need to know about me
lilcheerer321 (9:50:45 PM)
: challen at my gurl Megans hosue jsut got back form thr lake
snOOp7706 (9:50:49 PM)
: trevor leave
nosebleed70 (9:50:56 PM)
: true
nosebleed70 (9:50:59 PM): did u have fun
FierceBlood51 (9:50:59 PM): no thx
lilcheerer321 (9:51:20 PM)
: yup yup it was AWESOME!! i can NOT skii worth crap it was FUNNY!! but im goin to be a wave boarded
nosebleed70 (9:51:28 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (9:51:30 PM): cool
WildBill867 (9:51:33 PM): congrats
lilcheerer321 (9:51:41 PM): thanxs! HAhaHA
WildBill867 (9:51:43 PM)
: cory, tnn in 9 minutes
adamskate12345 (9:51:57 PM): what comeson
snOOp7706 (9:52:06 PM): lrh!
lilcheerer321 (9:52:09 PM)
: HAHahA
FierceBlood51 (9:52:30 PM)
: .
nosebleed70 (9:52:34 PM)
: ok
WildBill867 (9:53:03 PM): http://www.verbnow.com/
(9:53:07 PM) thGREATbambeeno3 has entered the room.
nosebleed70 (9:53:11 PM): hi savage
WildBill867 (9:53:18 PM): hey savage ! tee hee
lilcheerer321 (9:53:27 PM): HEY HEY!!!
snOOp7706 (9:53:31 PM)
: hey andrew
snOOp7706 (9:53:40 PM)
: lolzZzZzZzZZZZZzZzZZ
thGREATbambeeno3 (9:53:57 PM)
: hey guys!
adamskate12345 (9:54:03 PM)
: unblock me
thGREATbambeeno3 (9:54:57 PM): hey shasta!
lilcheerer321 (9:55:07 PM)
lilcheerer321 (9:55:29 PM)
: OMG r their ne skateboarder punk peepZ in here?
snOOp7706 (9:55:35 PM)
: me
FierceBlood51 (9:55:38 PM)
: lmado
snOOp7706 (9:55:38 PM)
: lrh!
nosebleed70 (9:56:05 PM)
nosebleed70 (9:56:14 PM): teehee ;-)
snOOp7706 (9:56:17 PM): lmado
WildBill867 (9:56:18 PM)
: hee hee
FierceBlood51 (9:56:27 PM): LTMAFO
lilcheerer321 (9:56:29 PM)
: really?
snOOp7706 (9:56:37 PM)
: FierceBlood51 (9:55:00 PM): lmado
snOOp7706 (9:56:39 PM)
: thats tight too
snOOp7706 (9:56:40 PM)
: lmado
FierceBlood51 (9:56:48 PM)
: dhaha
(9:56:51 PM) LadyLuck5487
has left the room.
snOOp7706 (9:56:51 PM): trevor
snOOp7706 (9:56:55 PM)
: wtf
FierceBlood51 (9:56:57 PM)
: what
snOOp7706 (9:56:58 PM)
: as was in ehre
nosebleed70 (9:57:07 PM)
snOOp7706 (9:57:09 PM): lolz reid
FierceBlood51 (9:57:11 PM)
: i didnt sdee her in there
nosebleed70 (9:57:13 PM)
nosebleed70 (9:57:15 PM): LOLOLOLOL
WildBill867 (9:57:15 PM): i saw
WildBill867 (9:57:27 PM): i don't think she wants to talk at the moment
nosebleed70 (9:58:02 PM): T3
nosebleed70 (9:58:17 PM): 4 days
WildBill867 (9:58:24 PM): t3: as
nosebleed70 (9:58:28 PM): lolz
WildBill867 (9:58:29 PM): 5 days ;-)
FierceBlood51 (9:58:35 PM): reid ditdsd about to dcome on
nosebleed70 (9:58:45 PM)
: what the hell trevor
adamskate12345 (9:58:50 PM): lilcheerer321 (9:55:14 PM): OMG r their ne skateboarder punk peepZ in here?
snOOp7706 (9:58:50 PM)
: s3: rise of the blood pressure
(9:58:52 PM) LadyLuck5487
has entered the room.
WildBill867 (9:58:55 PM): what is a ditdsd
adamskate12345 (9:59:01 PM): wheres brandon?
WildBill867 (9:59:02 PM): lmao derek
lilcheerer321 (9:59:10 PM): who all was at the mall yesterday?
snOOp7706 (9:59:14 PM)
: i wuz gonna say something else
snOOp7706 (9:59:18 PM)
: but it would have been mean
snOOp7706 (9:59:19 PM)
: lolz
WildBill867 (9:59:24 PM)
: :/
WildBill867 (9:59:34 PM): snoop, me, nosebleed, and ur boy adidas
snOOp7706 (9:59:47 PM): aka
lilcheerer321 (9:59:53 PM)
: oww yea! HAhaHA
snOOp7706 (9:59:54 PM)
: kirby, reid, cory, and andrew
lilcheerer321 (9:59:57 PM)
nosebleed70 (10:00:01 PM)
: .com
lilcheerer321 (10:00:07 PM): HAhaHHA
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:00:21 PM)
: hi
adamskate12345 (10:00:23 PM)
: omg r their any 14 year olds in here
nosebleed70 (10:00:26 PM): me
lilcheerer321 (10:00:27 PM): WOOP WOOp!
lilcheerer321 (10:00:29 PM)
: ME!
snOOp7706 (10:00:31 PM)
: w00t
lilcheerer321 (10:00:31 PM)
: HAhaHA
nosebleed70 (10:00:37 PM)
: im 14 + 2
lilcheerer321 (10:00:58 PM): y?
FierceBlood51 (10:01:02 PM)
: bc
snOOp7706 (10:01:06 PM)
: im 14 + 8 - 6
nosebleed70 (10:01:14 PM)
: im 4 x 4
FierceBlood51 (10:01:26 PM): 8 x 2
LadyLuck5487 (10:01:36 PM)
: hey
nosebleed70 (10:01:37 PM): good job math 1
snOOp7706 (10:01:38 PM): im Sq.Rt. of 16 x 4
lilcheerer321 (10:01:39 PM)
: IM 14!!
nosebleed70 (10:01:44 PM)
: its all good shasta
nosebleed70 (10:01:45 PM): !
WildBill867 (10:01:46 PM): hi alyssa
lilcheerer321 (10:02:01 PM): yup yup u konw it
(10:02:36 PM) thGREATbambeeno3
has left the room.
FierceBlood51 (10:02:41 PM): kanyon
nosebleed70 (10:02:50 PM)
WildBill867 (10:02:51 PM): I KNOW
WildBill867 (10:03:02 PM): he is gonna beat billy gay's azz
snOOp7706 (10:03:16 PM): :/
nosebleed70 (10:03:21 PM)
: when did he ciome back
(10:03:22 PM) GeOrGiA926 has entered the room.
WildBill867 (10:03:39 PM): he never left
FierceBlood51 (10:03:45 PM): i bet billy isnt betta than kanyon
WildBill867 (10:03:56 PM)
: he isn't, he's a loser
nosebleed70 (10:03:59 PM): mr. azz
snOOp7706 (10:04:02 PM): SWM looking for SWF for serious realtionship NS, ND, C, :-*
WildBill867 (10:04:03 PM): spanky tee hee
WildBill867 (10:04:07 PM): he is useless
FierceBlood51 (10:04:12 PM): lmao
(10:04:51 PM) GeOrGiA926
has left the room.
snOOp7706 (10:05:04 PM): WildBill867 (10:01:08 PM): hi alyssa
FierceBlood51 (10:05:10 PM): lol
WildBill867 (10:05:13 PM)
: :/
FierceBlood51 (10:05:15 PM): |o|
(IM Window Cleared)
adidasx007 (10:05:27 PM): shasta how are you tonight?
WildBill867 (10:05:47 PM)
: kanyon has to sneak attack
nosebleed70 (10:05:59 PM): PIN HIM
nosebleed70 (10:06:02 PM): 1
nosebleed70 (10:06:02 PM): 2
FierceBlood51 (10:06:03 PM): that wasnice
nosebleed70 (10:06:03 PM)
: wtdf
nosebleed70 (10:06:05 PM): WTF
WildBill867 (10:06:13 PM): our boy will probably lose
FierceBlood51 (10:06:23 PM): probably
nosebleed70 (10:06:26 PM)
: lmao
nosebleed70 (10:06:28 PM): that was offbrand
LadyLuck5487 (10:06:29 PM): WTH
FierceBlood51 (10:06:34 PM): we need to find out where dklub kanyon is andd go
nosebleed70 (10:06:35 PM)
: alyssa
snOOp7706 (10:06:36 PM): wht the hell
snOOp7706 (10:06:37 PM)
: lmao
WildBill867 (10:06:37 PM)
: ok
nosebleed70 (10:06:38 PM): why do you mock me
FierceBlood51 (10:06:38 PM): ddddddddddddddddddddd
snOOp7706 (10:06:41 PM)
: first time ive ever seen that
snOOp7706 (10:06:43 PM)
: wtg
nosebleed70 (10:06:43 PM)
: id like to know
snOOp7706 (10:06:46 PM): wth*
snOOp7706 (10:06:51 PM)
: haha, thats tight
nosebleed70 (10:06:57 PM)
nosebleed70 (10:07:01 PM): what the men
LadyLuck5487 (10:07:04 PM): WTB
(10:07:07 PM) thGREATbambeeno3 has entered the room.
snOOp7706 (10:07:11 PM): wtb?
nosebleed70 (10:07:15 PM)
: boys
nosebleed70 (10:07:15 PM): ;-)
snOOp7706 (10:07:17 PM): boy?
snOOp7706 (10:07:18 PM)
: lolz
WildBill867 (10:07:19 PM)
: tee hee
nosebleed70 (10:07:19 PM): alyssa mocks me
nosebleed70 (10:07:21 PM): and i dont know why
LadyLuck5487 (10:07:24 PM): haha
snOOp7706 (10:07:27 PM): o well, ur hot
snOOp7706 (10:07:29 PM)
: :-X
snOOp7706 (10:07:31 PM): dfdfdfdfdfdfdfajks
nosebleed70 (10:07:32 PM)
: no
WildBill867 (10:07:39 PM): yes u r gootch
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:07:42 PM): hey boys
snOOp7706 (10:07:43 PM)
: hahaha
WildBill867 (10:07:50 PM)
: hey savage we love u
nosebleed70 (10:07:50 PM): no
snOOp7706 (10:07:52 PM): 02/03
nosebleed70 (10:07:55 PM)
: no x 20 more times
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:08:04 PM): and girls
snOOp7706 (10:08:05 PM)
: hey andrew savage,
WildBill867 (10:08:08 PM)
: ok derek
snOOp7706 (10:08:14 PM): tessa gave me the lauren holmes look yesterday
nosebleed70 (10:08:15 PM)
: savage go on the invite spree
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:08:25 PM): hahaha
FierceBlood51 (10:08:27 PM)
: gr8
FierceBlood51 (10:08:38 PM)
: over
nosebleed70 (10:08:40 PM)
WildBill867 (10:08:40 PM): NO
nosebleed70 (10:08:43 PM): KANYON GOT SCREWED
LadyLuck5487 (10:08:43 PM): WTH
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:08:48 PM): =-O:-!>:o:-[=-O=-O:-!>:o:-[=-O*falls down*=-O:-!>:o:-[=-O
nosebleed70 (10:08:50 PM): alyssa
nosebleed70 (10:08:52 PM): why
snOOp7706 (10:08:57 PM): lol that was it
WildBill867 (10:08:59 PM)
: she loves u, it's ok
snOOp7706 (10:09:02 PM): *melts*
nosebleed70 (10:09:08 PM)
: she <3's u
WildBill867 (10:09:22 PM): billy gunn is gay
nosebleed70 (10:09:28 PM): omg
nosebleed70 (10:09:30 PM): nice
WildBill867 (10:09:33 PM): that was great though
FierceBlood51 (10:09:35 PM): .....
nosebleed70 (10:09:36 PM)
: yup
nosebleed70 (10:09:41 PM): but guess who saw that live
nosebleed70 (10:09:44 PM): me and reid
FierceBlood51 (10:09:48 PM): lol
WildBill867 (10:09:53 PM)
: and mark
WildBill867 (10:09:55 PM): but he isn't here
nosebleed70 (10:10:10 PM): yup
(10:10:11 PM) AnjelEyes16 has entered the room.
AnjelEyes16 (10:10:18 PM): hey fellaz
nosebleed70 (10:10:20 PM)
: lol
snOOp7706 (10:10:21 PM): hey huny
snOOp7706 (10:10:23 PM)
: how are u
WildBill867 (10:10:24 PM)
: hi we love u
AnjelEyes16 (10:10:36 PM): huh
snOOp7706 (10:10:39 PM)
: who r u
FierceBlood51 (10:10:43 PM)
: i know her
WildBill867 (10:10:48 PM)
: i don't
FierceBlood51 (10:10:48 PM): frgot her name tho
nosebleed70 (10:10:55 PM)
: then you dont trevor
AnjelEyes16 (10:10:57 PM): me?????
FierceBlood51 (10:11:06 PM)
: yes u
FierceBlood51 (10:11:12 PM)
: u were in one of cilnts chats
FierceBlood51 (10:11:17 PM)
: saying u wantedd dto fuck me
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:11:18 PM)
: i love you guys....uhhhhh *rubs nipples* yeah baby, yummy
AnjelEyes16 (10:11:25 PM)
: clint who?
FierceBlood51 (10:11:29 PM)
: webb
WildBill867 (10:11:35 PM)
: tee hee
nosebleed70 (10:11:36 PM): grindstaff
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:11:38 PM): <---- Nipple Rubber
WildBill867 (10:11:40 PM)
: lmao
AnjelEyes16 (10:11:54 PM): whose clint webb?
FierceBlood51 (10:11:56 PM)
: .com
nosebleed70 (10:12:05 PM)
: clint grindstaff
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:12:07 PM): .com wtf is this .com shit you gay flamers
(10:12:11 PM) lilcheerer321
has left the room.
snOOp7706 (10:12:16 PM): bye shasta
WildBill867 (10:12:19 PM)
: bye we love u
LadyLuck5487 (10:12:30 PM): haha
snOOp7706 (10:12:32 PM): and monica'd
AnjelEyes16 (10:12:34 PM)
: whose clint grindstaff then?
nosebleed70 (10:12:40 PM)
: jesse's sister
FierceBlood51 (10:12:47 PM): mao
nosebleed70 (10:13:01 PM)
: its Clintita
AnjelEyes16 (10:13:04 PM): whose jesse?
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:13:06 PM)
: mao ying
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:13:12 PM)
: jesse nipples
AnjelEyes16 (10:13:22 PM)
: mao?
AnjelEyes16 (10:13:27 PM)
: whats that?
FierceBlood51 (10:13:30 PM)
: clintitalmao
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:13:39 PM)
: clint "the nipple" webb
AnjelEyes16 (10:13:45 PM)
: um...and that is?
adamskate12345 (10:13:48 PM)
: lyndsay
FierceBlood51 (10:13:50 PM): hes an abniipple
WildBill867 (10:13:55 PM)
: i forgot about that
FierceBlood51 (10:13:59 PM): lmao
AnjelEyes16 (10:14:00 PM)
: adam
FierceBlood51 (10:14:04 PM)
: i cant stop laughing
adamskate12345 (10:14:08 PM)
: what up
AnjelEyes16 (10:14:32 PM): what u laughin at?
FierceBlood51 (10:14:49 PM)
: abnipples
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:14:56 PM)
: my nipples, that is what he is laughing at
AnjelEyes16 (10:15:00 PM)
: whats that?
FierceBlood51 (10:15:14 PM)
: lmao offbrand porn
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:15:25 PM)
: clint "nipples like dinner plates" webb
AnjelEyes16 (10:15:33 PM)
: whats porn?
snOOp7706 (10:15:36 PM)
: lmayo
nosebleed70 (10:15:38 PM)
: what the hell
LadyLuck5487 (10:15:38 PM): omg
nosebleed70 (10:15:39 PM): this is gay
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:15:49 PM): you are gay
AnjelEyes16 (10:15:50 PM)
: lmayo?????
AnjelEyes16 (10:15:54 PM)
: me?
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:15:55 PM)
: nipples
AnjelEyes16 (10:16:03 PM)
: whose nipples?
nosebleed70 (10:16:15 PM)
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:16:16 PM): <-- nipple rubber
AnjelEyes16 (10:16:21 PM)
: eww
LadyLuck5487 (10:16:30 PM)
: haha
nosebleed70 (10:16:32 PM): WHAT ARE NIPPLES MAIN?
nosebleed70 (10:16:33 PM): TEE HEE
nosebleed70 (10:16:33 PM): LMAO
nosebleed70 (10:16:35 PM): LMFAKLSDFJL;ASKDFJKL;DFJ
WildBill867 (10:16:45 PM): tee hee
AnjelEyes16 (10:16:49 PM): tee hee????
snOOp7706 (10:16:54 PM)
: h E
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:16:59 PM)
: p3
FierceBlood51 (10:17:00 PM)
: the cat
nosebleed70 (10:17:02 PM)
: AnjelEyes16 (10:16:14 PM): tee hee????
nosebleed70 (10:17:03 PM)
: AnjelEyes16 (10:16:14 PM): tee hee????
LadyLuck5487 (10:17:04 PM)
: tee hee
nosebleed70 (10:17:05 PM): AnjelEyes16 (10:16:14 PM): tee hee????
WildBill867 (10:17:09 PM)
: tee hee
snOOp7706 (10:17:17 PM): Welcome to Acid Chat
AnjelEyes16 (10:17:26 PM)
: acid chat?
nosebleed70 (10:17:29 PM)
: Zack Gowen is hot
snOOp7706 (10:17:31 PM): i didnt studder
WildBill867 (10:17:34 PM)
: ok trevor he is about to give vince a lo blo
(10:17:43 PM) SexyShortie698 has entered the room.
adamskate12345 (10:17:45 PM): whore
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:51 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
SexyShortie698 (10:17:51 PM): slut!
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:56 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:58 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
adamskate12345 (10:18:02 PM): =-O
SexyShortie698 (10:18:03 PM): ya i bet
SexyShortie698 (10:18:04 PM): shit
SexyShortie698 (10:18:04 PM): hah
FierceBlood51 (10:18:08 PM): who is sexyshortie?
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:18:14 PM)
: nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I LIKE NIPPLES
SexyShortie698 (10:18:14 PM): dont worry about it
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:18:22 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I LIKE NIPPLES
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:18:27 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I LIKE NIPPLES
nosebleed70 (10:18:27 PM): thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:23 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
nosebleed70 (10:18:28 PM): thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:23 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
SexyShortie698 (10:18:29 PM): woopdie fuckin do!!
nosebleed70 (10:18:33 PM): thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:23 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
nosebleed70 (10:18:33 PM): thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:23 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
nosebleed70 (10:18:34 PM): thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:23 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
nosebleed70 (10:18:35 PM): thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:23 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
adamskate12345 (10:18:39 PM): i knew u would say that
snOOp7706 (10:18:40 PM): lmao
nosebleed70 (10:18:41 PM)
: thGREATbambeeno3 (10:17:23 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): I'M GAY
AnjelEyes16 (10:18:43 PM): ok thats not funny
SexyShortie698 (10:18:43 PM)
: hahah
SexyShortie698 (10:18:48 PM): ya u got me hooked lol
AnjelEyes16 (10:18:48 PM): whose sexy shortie?
adamskate12345 (10:18:55 PM)
: britany
snOOp7706 (10:18:56 PM): i have a sexy shortie
SexyShortie698 (10:18:56 PM)
: brittany
snOOp7706 (10:18:57 PM): lolz
AnjelEyes16 (10:18:59 PM)
: g?
snOOp7706 (10:18:59 PM)
: :-!
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:19:00 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): MMMM DINNER PLATES, YUMMY
SexyShortie698 (10:19:01 PM): ya
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:19:05 PM): nosebleed70 (10:16:56 PM): MMMM DINNER PLATES, YUMMY
AnjelEyes16 (10:19:08 PM): were u at the movies tonight?
nosebleed70 (10:19:16 PM)
: savage what is the matter
SexyShortie698 (10:19:18 PM): no y?
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:19:26 PM): i was watching your movie babe
SexyShortie698 (10:19:27 PM): was addie there with j?
AnjelEyes16 (10:19:35 PM): o someone said they saw u there and i didnt so jc
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:19:41 PM)
: The Nipples Revolutions
AnjelEyes16 (10:19:42 PM): haha no we heard u was there with him
nosebleed70 (10:19:45 PM)
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:19:50 PM): Nipple
AnjelEyes16 (10:19:57 PM): nipple?
SexyShortie698 (10:19:57 PM)
: oh hah no i didnt go to the movies
WildBill867 (10:19:58 PM): ok trevor, here is lo blo when vince asks him to join the club
AnjelEyes16 (10:20:05 PM): o lol
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:20:06 PM)
: sexyshortie, you sound sexy
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:20:24 PM): who wants to kick savage out?
SexyShortie698 (10:20:24 PM): hah k
AnjelEyes16 (10:20:26 PM): haha and u sound great?
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:20:28 PM)
: press 1
WildBill867 (10:20:31 PM): i don't, savage i love u
AnjelEyes16 (10:20:31 PM): well acutally no
SexyShortie698 (10:20:37 PM)
: hahh
SexyShortie698 (10:20:40 PM): so wat u doin?
adamskate12345 (10:20:40 PM): :-\
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:20:42 PM): yes i am GREAT
SexyShortie698 (10:20:45 PM): >:o
AnjelEyes16 (10:20:47 PM): sure????
adamskate12345 (10:20:49 PM)
: >:o
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:20:53 PM): positive
SexyShortie698 (10:20:53 PM): >:o
WildBill867 (10:20:55 PM): >:o
adamskate12345 (10:20:56 PM): >:o
SexyShortie698 (10:20:59 PM): :-D
adamskate12345 (10:21:02 PM): SLUT BUCKET
WildBill867 (10:21:07 PM): HERE IT COMES TREVOr
SexyShortie698 (10:21:07 PM): hah whore bag!!
adamskate12345 (10:21:14 PM): lol
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:21:15 PM): who wants to go swimming in muh pool?
AnjelEyes16 (10:21:22 PM): no one
WildBill867 (10:21:23 PM)
: cory does
adamskate12345 (10:21:28 PM): lol lyndsay
SexyShortie698 (10:21:31 PM): hah
AnjelEyes16 (10:21:32 PM): lol adam
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:21:38 PM)
: arggh, you cant even spell angel right so you dont count damnit!!!
nosebleed70 (10:21:44 PM): savage i do
nosebleed70 (10:21:46 PM): i <3 u
adamskate12345 (10:21:47 PM): =-O
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:21:48 PM): >:o
adamskate12345 (10:22:06 PM): =-O
WildBill867 (10:22:07 PM): :-*
AnjelEyes16 (10:22:20 PM): haha i spelled that way on purpose hehe
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:22:31 PM)
: Adam is my friend yay
nosebleed70 (10:22:32 PM): l33t
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:22:33 PM): gahee
adamskate12345 (10:22:40 PM): u need to unblock me
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:22:43 PM): sexy shortie who might you be?
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:22:48 PM): no!!! >:o
snOOp7706 (10:22:50 PM): asl
snOOp7706 (10:22:51 PM)
: lolz
adamskate12345 (10:22:55 PM)
: yes>:o
snOOp7706 (10:22:56 PM): lmayo
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:22:59 PM)
: not funny snoop
snOOp7706 (10:23:08 PM): okay gaybeeno
snOOp7706 (10:23:13 PM)
: jk
snOOp7706 (10:23:15 PM)
: i heart u
adamskate12345 (10:23:18 PM)
: gaybeeenolol
adamskate12345 (10:23:20 PM): hahaa
WildBill867 (10:23:23 PM): lolz !!!
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:23:25 PM): stop hearting me
LadyLuck5487 (10:23:26 PM): haha
adidasx007 (10:23:33 PM): hahahaha
AnjelEyes16 (10:23:34 PM)
: adam?
nosebleed70 (10:23:35 PM)
adamskate12345 (10:23:40 PM): what
(IM Window Cleared)
FierceBlood51 (10:23:43 PM): why do people h8 me?
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:23:44 PM)
: when?
nosebleed70 (10:23:50 PM): i dont know when ti is
nosebleed70 (10:23:51 PM): i forgot
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:23:54 PM): well when my nipples get a little harder cory then we can crash it
nosebleed70 (10:23:55 PM): because ur gay trevor
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:24:04 PM): but ONLY if my nipples are harder than tombstones
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:24:35 PM): sound good? great
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:24:43 PM): boy im horny!
WildBill867 (10:25:09 PM): ,
FierceBlood51 (10:25:12 PM): and u call me gay cory
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:25:12 PM)
: please kick me out
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:25:17 PM): shut up FAG!
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:25:25 PM): lololoololololololllolo
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:25:30 PM): looooool
WildBill867 (10:25:30 PM): lmaoz
snOOp7706 (10:25:38 PM): lmayoz
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:25:52 PM)
: Lmayonaiise
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:25:59 PM): lhelman
LadyLuck5487 (10:25:59 PM): haha
WildBill867 (10:26:07 PM): helman lol
FierceBlood51 (10:26:15 PM): dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
nosebleed70 (10:26:24 PM)
: ot
nosebleed70 (10:26:25 PM): com
FierceBlood51 (10:26:25 PM): ;/
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:26:26 PM)
: Lstevenhelmansmayonaiise
nosebleed70 (10:26:26 PM): lol
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:26:40 PM): why dont you be gay and drag it out like that and say .com and h 3 all the fucking time
FierceBlood51 (10:26:42 PM): lmao spanky
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:26:44 PM)
: and lolz
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:26:49 PM): woopeee!!!
snOOp7706 (10:26:55 PM): okay nipples
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:27:03 PM)
: dont make fun of nipples damnit!
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:27:06 PM): arghh
*OnlineHost* (10:27:39 PM): WildBill867 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 3
(10:27:41 PM) qtwitabootie1492 has entered the room.
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:27:44 PM): hahahaha
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:27:47 PM): qtwitabootie
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:27:50 PM): hahahahahahahahahahahahah
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:27:52 PM): derek!
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:27:55 PM): penis is on!
snOOp7706 (10:28:05 PM): yeah!
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:28:09 PM)
: *dead(
snOOp7706 (10:28:09 PM): invite her in here
qtwitabootie1492 (10:28:10 PM)
: whers my boo bryce
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:28:12 PM): **
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:28:17 PM): she is in here
SexyShortie698 (10:28:19 PM): i havnt talked to him in 4 ever!!!
adamskate12345 (10:28:24 PM): hes int rouble
nosebleed70 (10:28:25 PM): hey CANDACE
nosebleed70 (10:28:28 PM): remember ME
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:28:31 PM): qtwitabootie is P/\/!$
SexyShortie698 (10:28:31 PM): where the hell have u been candace!?!?!
snOOp7706 (10:28:35 PM): oh
qtwitabootie1492 (10:28:36 PM)
: yea
snOOp7706 (10:28:36 PM): my
snOOp7706 (10:28:37 PM)
: god
nosebleed70 (10:28:41 PM)
: what up
qtwitabootie1492 (10:28:43 PM): atl
SexyShortie698 (10:28:47 PM): well shit
snOOp7706 (10:28:51 PM): candace, witf
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:28:54 PM)
: hey penis
qtwitabootie1492 (10:28:56 PM): who is
WildBill867 (10:28:59 PM): penis
qtwitabootie1492 (10:29:06 PM): sexyshortie
SexyShortie698 (10:29:14 PM): brittany
SexyShortie698 (10:29:15 PM): lol
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:29:18 PM): cory dont talk to her
qtwitabootie1492 (10:29:20 PM): whos
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:29:20 PM): that is penis
qtwitabootie1492 (10:29:23 PM): sn00p
qtwitabootie1492 (10:29:26 PM): oh
qtwitabootie1492 (10:29:27 PM): nm
qtwitabootie1492 (10:29:28 PM): i member
qtwitabootie1492 (10:29:30 PM): kirby
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:29:36 PM): remember me?!?!
snOOp7706 (10:29:38 PM): you hit me one day on the bus
WildBill867 (10:29:39 PM)
: derek congrats
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:29:41 PM): yeah you blocked me
snOOp7706 (10:29:56 PM): i was like, chillen
snOOp7706 (10:29:57 PM)
: and you hit me
snOOp7706 (10:30:00 PM)
: what in the fuck
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:30:09 PM)
: horn dog
qtwitabootie1492 (10:30:27 PM): wheres my sext boys like brian and bryce?
snOOp7706 (10:30:35 PM): gay²
FierceBlood51 (10:30:37 PM)
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:30:39 PM)
: <---bryce
FierceBlood51 (10:30:43 PM): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
qtwitabootie1492 (10:30:56 PM)
: whos fieceblood
nosebleed70 (10:31:05 PM): a faggot
nosebleed70 (10:31:07 PM): dont talk to him
snOOp7706 (10:31:10 PM): no cory
WildBill867 (10:31:11 PM)
: uh o
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:31:13 PM): hi penis
nosebleed70 (10:31:13 PM): ;-)
snOOp7706 (10:31:17 PM): trevor > her
nosebleed70 (10:31:20 PM)
: lolz
qtwitabootie1492 (10:31:38 PM): you kno air force1s right
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:31:38 PM): 1492, columbus sailed the ocean blue, right peni- er- candace
qtwitabootie1492 (10:31:48 PM): thety got them in high heels they are doin it
SexyShortie698 (10:32:04 PM): hahah
qtwitabootie1492 (10:32:11 PM): im serious
nosebleed70 (10:32:11 PM): get some
SexyShortie698 (10:32:13 PM): who is thGREATbambeeno3
qtwitabootie1492 (10:32:14 PM)
: i am
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:32:24 PM): Eric fields
LadyLuck5487 (10:32:29 PM): haha
qtwitabootie1492 (10:32:30 PM): some guy that used to ride my bus
snOOp7706 (10:32:31 PM): i am tim vanthounout
qtwitabootie1492 (10:32:33 PM)
: but i blocked him
FierceBlood51 (10:32:36 PM): cory wtf why do you hate me
nosebleed70 (10:32:48 PM)
: i dont
adamskate12345 (10:32:48 PM): WHAT THE FUCK IS UP
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:32:51 PM): <--- Haywood Jablome
(10:32:59 PM) AnjelEyes16 has left the room.
SexyShortie698 (10:33:00 PM): hah gosh u guys are soooo slow
WildBill867 (10:33:09 PM): bye we love u
snOOp7706 (10:33:14 PM): <--Jack schit
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:33:18 PM)
: Haywood Jablomy, get it guys, laugh it up, HA HA HA
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:33:30 PM): i had that list, then i lost it
snOOp7706 (10:33:31 PM): lolzzzzzZzzzzz
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:33:33 PM)
SexyShortie698 (10:33:34 PM): ok..u all r slow
snOOp7706 (10:33:35 PM): :/
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:33:36 PM)
: im going swimming
WildBill867 (10:33:38 PM): lolz
snOOp7706 (10:33:39 PM): im fast
SexyShortie698 (10:33:40 PM)
: well go swimmin
qtwitabootie1492 (10:33:41 PM): i dont kn o half you guys uin here
snOOp7706 (10:33:42 PM): u should see me run
adamskate12345 (10:33:45 PM)
snOOp7706 (10:33:48 PM): bc you are mean to everyone
qtwitabootie1492 (10:34:01 PM)
: whos mean
nosebleed70 (10:34:04 PM): hey u know me
snOOp7706 (10:34:05 PM): µ
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:34:07 PM)
: if you dont know us then GET THE FUCK OUT
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:34:18 PM): i mean
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:34:19 PM): hi!
snOOp7706 (10:34:23 PM): lolz hi maen
qtwitabootie1492 (10:34:36 PM)
: yes
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:34:37 PM): im not mean, just hyper right now, nipple
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:34:42 PM): you can stay
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:34:43 PM): sorry
nosebleed70 (10:34:51 PM): ;-)
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:34:58 PM): see i control this whole chatroom, these guys bow to me
snOOp7706 (10:34:59 PM): im high on diabetes right now
FierceBlood51 (10:35:04 PM)
: no
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:35:06 PM)
: i am their leader
FierceBlood51 (10:35:09 PM): no
WildBill867 (10:35:11 PM)
: no u sux
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:35:12 PM): yes
adamskate12345 (10:35:13 PM): brian has diabetes
qtwitabootie1492 (10:35:18 PM): uh
qtwitabootie1492 (10:35:19 PM): i kno
snOOp7706 (10:35:22 PM): kiera flynn is our leader
qtwitabootie1492 (10:35:26 PM)
: you guys are bigger liars
snOOp7706 (10:35:27 PM): u are vice leader
FierceBlood51 (10:35:28 PM)
: savage is the least one closest to being the leader
qtwitabootie1492 (10:35:32 PM)
: hey didnt go to the hospital
nosebleed70 (10:35:32 PM): dont believe them
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:35:35 PM): ooooo
nosebleed70 (10:35:36 PM): theyre all gay
qtwitabootie1492 (10:35:41 PM): hahaha
adamskate12345 (10:35:44 PM): yea he did
qtwitabootie1492 (10:35:45 PM): adams my nitch
snOOp7706 (10:35:45 PM): hE
qtwitabootie1492 (10:35:49 PM)
: bitch
adamskate12345 (10:35:51 PM): ur my whore
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:35:51 PM): nitch
snOOp7706 (10:35:52 PM): dont cuss
WildBill867 (10:35:54 PM)
: derek u forgot the space
qtwitabootie1492 (10:35:54 PM): i kno
snOOp7706 (10:35:59 PM): oops
snOOp7706 (10:36:01 PM)
: h E
qtwitabootie1492 (10:36:11 PM)
: gah there is no one on
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:36:13 PM): n3
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:36:19 PM): nice nipple nocker
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:36:31 PM): im on my laptop, dropping my kids off at the pool
nosebleed70 (10:36:39 PM): IM me for hot sex
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:36:40 PM): whoa, there goes timmy! he's a big boy
snOOp7706 (10:36:43 PM): im on my other computer
snOOp7706 (10:36:45 PM)
: like
snOOp7706 (10:36:48 PM)
: here in my room
snOOp7706 (10:36:49 PM)
snOOp7706 (10:36:53 PM)
: jdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsjkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;jkl;
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:36:56 PM)
: bye timmy!
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:37:03 PM): oh know, the kids are drowning!!
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:37:06 PM): ahhhhh
snOOp7706 (10:37:07 PM): IQ drops 300 pts
FierceBlood51 (10:37:13 PM)
: lol
WildBill867 (10:37:14 PM)
: :/
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:37:19 PM): no s3
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:37:21 PM): you dont know
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:37:25 PM): me and derek know
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:37:26 PM): not you
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:37:28 PM): shutup
*OnlineHost* (10:37:29 PM): qtwitabootie1492 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5 5
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:37:29 PM): LEAVE
*OnlineHost* (10:37:31 PM): qtwitabootie1492 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3 4
*OnlineHost* (10:37:33 PM): qtwitabootie1492 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 3
FierceBlood51 (10:37:33 PM): asshole
*OnlineHost* (10:37:34 PM)
: qtwitabootie1492 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4 6
*OnlineHost* (10:37:36 PM): qtwitabootie1492 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 2
*OnlineHost* (10:37:39 PM): snOOp7706 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 5
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:37:40 PM): lets roll a dice!
snOOp7706 (10:37:41 PM): beat you
nosebleed70 (10:37:44 PM)
snOOp7706 (10:37:44 PM): u suck
snOOp7706 (10:37:46 PM)
: @ this
*OnlineHost* (10:37:54 PM)
: thGREATbambeeno3 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 4
*OnlineHost* (10:37:58 PM): WildBill867 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4 3
*OnlineHost* (10:38:06 PM): snOOp7706 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5 5
nosebleed70 (10:38:07 PM): /gay
snOOp7706 (10:38:09 PM): u cant stop the best
nosebleed70 (10:38:10 PM)
: oops
*OnlineHost* (10:38:12 PM): FierceBlood51 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 5 2
nosebleed70 (10:38:14 PM): /trevor=boys
*OnlineHost* (10:38:16 PM): nosebleed70 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 6
nosebleed70 (10:38:20 PM): <- best
WildBill867 (10:38:22 PM): don't cheat
nosebleed70 (10:38:28 PM): i hacked the system
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:38:32 PM): penis!
WildBill867 (10:38:39 PM): tee hee
nosebleed70 (10:38:42 PM): wtf is albert doing
nosebleed70 (10:38:45 PM): a-train
nosebleed70 (10:38:47 PM): sorry main
WildBill867 (10:38:57 PM): he sux
FierceBlood51 (10:39:06 PM): who the hell is he fighting?
nosebleed70 (10:39:12 PM)
: i dont know
nosebleed70 (10:39:12 PM): lmao
nosebleed70 (10:39:16 PM): offbrand nunzio
WildBill867 (10:39:16 PM): some generic indy wrassler
snOOp7706 (10:39:24 PM): qtwitabootie, are you the one i talked to about becoming a pharmacist lolz
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:39:27 PM)
: wait *OnlineHost* (10:38:09 PM): thGREATbambeeno3 rolled 2 6-sided nipple: O O
snOOp7706 (10:39:30 PM): or wuz that someoen else
FierceBlood51 (10:39:56 PM)
: lmao @ atrain i he loses to him
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:39:57 PM)
: someone else you schlep
snOOp7706 (10:40:14 PM): okay choad
thGREATbambeeno3 (10:40:14 PM)
: screw you guys, im going home, and punching gay s3
(10:40:16 PM) thGREATbambeeno3 has left the room.
nosebleed70 (10:40:26 PM): he is home
nosebleed70 (10:40:37 PM): unless he was at the hyperlink
FierceBlood51 (10:40:53 PM): lmao
snOOp7706 (10:41:00 PM)
: who cory
WildBill867 (10:41:01 PM)
: trevor did u really go to hyperlink
FierceBlood51 (10:41:02 PM): this match is going to tun out gay
FierceBlood51 (10:41:05 PM)
: no
FierceBlood51 (10:41:22 PM)
: was cory even talkding about me?
WildBill867 (10:41:43 PM)
: i thought they were
LadyLuck5487 (10:41:52 PM): bye im leaving
WildBill867 (10:41:56 PM): bye i love u
nosebleed70 (10:42:09 PM): bye alyssa shoun
LadyLuck5487 (10:42:20 PM): bye w.e your name is
nosebleed70 (10:42:25 PM): lolz
FierceBlood51 (10:42:27 PM): bye alyssa
snOOp7706 (10:42:30 PM)
: cold as fuck
nosebleed70 (10:42:30 PM)
: say bye reid green
WildBill867 (10:42:34 PM): i did
nosebleed70 (10:42:36 PM): no
nosebleed70 (10:42:38 PM): alyssa
nosebleed70 (10:42:39 PM): SAY IT
WildBill867 (10:42:39 PM): WildBill867 (10:41:38 PM): bye i love u
snOOp7706 (10:42:46 PM): cold as fuck²
LadyLuck5487 (10:42:51 PM)
: bye reid green ..............LOVE YOU TOO
qtwitabootie1492 (10:42:54 PM): alyssa carter???
nosebleed70 (10:42:54 PM): lmao
(10:42:55 PM) LadyLuck5487 has left the room.
nosebleed70 (10:42:57 PM): LMAO
WildBill867 (10:42:57 PM): thanks !
nosebleed70 (10:42:58 PM): YES
nosebleed70 (10:43:01 PM): i got her to do it
nosebleed70 (10:43:01 PM): ;-)
snOOp7706 (10:43:03 PM): cory and drock
WildBill867 (10:43:05 PM)
: thx maen
snOOp7706 (10:43:08 PM): only ones left
snOOp7706 (10:43:13 PM)
: ;-)
snOOp7706 (10:43:21 PM): brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrz need a drink
WildBill867 (10:43:31 PM)
: y do u say that, i'm not out of failure yet
adamskate12345 (10:44:03 PM): candace
qtwitabootie1492 (10:45:11 PM): adma
qtwitabootie1492 (10:45:16 PM): i mean
qtwitabootie1492 (10:45:17 PM): adem
(10:45:19 PM) LadyLuck5487 has left the room.
adamskate12345 (10:45:30 PM): lol matt
qtwitabootie1492 (10:45:37 PM): alysaa catrter is on???
WildBill867 (10:45:57 PM): how the hell did as leave twice without coming back in
adamskate12345 (10:45:59 PM): hippiebum77
qtwitabootie1492 (10:46:40 PM): wjos that
qtwitabootie1492 (10:46:44 PM): hippibum
adamskate12345 (10:46:56 PM): carter
nosebleed70 (10:47:01 PM): ?????????///////////
qtwitabootie1492 (10:47:12 PM): carter who
qtwitabootie1492 (10:47:17 PM): thomas
adamskate12345 (10:47:25 PM): yea
qtwitabootie1492 (10:47:32 PM): oh
(10:47:43 PM) hippiebum77 has entered the room.
adamskate12345 (10:48:36 PM): helllo
hippiebum77 (10:48:44 PM): hello?
snOOp7706 (10:49:03 PM): hows it goin
hippiebum77 (10:49:18 PM)
: who are all u people?
snOOp7706 (10:49:24 PM): im good thanks
qtwitabootie1492 (10:50:22 PM)
: adam you kno what i think
FierceBlood51 (10:50:34 PM): brians gay?
FierceBlood51 (10:50:36 PM)
: wow me too
(IM Window Cleared)
adamskate12345 (10:50:44 PM): WHAT
snOOp7706 (10:50:47 PM): trevor = 1
FierceBlood51 (10:50:51 PM)
: lol
nosebleed70 (10:51:50 PM)
nosebleed70 (10:51:52 PM): THATS PROFILE
nosebleed70 (10:52:00 PM): WORTHY
qtwitabootie1492 (10:52:04 PM): that its a bout tim efor you to
qtwitabootie1492 (10:52:11 PM): me
qtwitabootie1492 (10:52:14 PM): talk to me
qtwitabootie1492 (10:52:15 PM): haha
adamskate12345 (10:52:23 PM): lol
(10:52:30 PM) WildBill867 has left the room.
hippiebum77 (10:52:53 PM): hey who is wildbill?
snOOp7706 (10:52:58 PM): hes taken
snOOp7706 (10:53:00 PM)
: dont worry about it
FierceBlood51 (10:53:05 PM)
: lmao
hippiebum77 (10:53:59 PM)
: what?
nosebleed70 (10:53:59 PM): the blind date adventure tomorrow scurs me
snOOp7706 (10:54:06 PM): wtf u are goin
nosebleed70 (10:54:20 PM)
: no
nosebleed70 (10:54:23 PM): i said maybe
nosebleed70 (10:54:23 PM): lolz
snOOp7706 (10:54:33 PM): hahaha
snOOp7706 (10:54:37 PM)
: u should go
(10:54:39 PM) WildBill867
has entered the room.
snOOp7706 (10:54:40 PM): u might meet
snOOp7706 (10:54:41 PM)
: the one
snOOp7706 (10:54:43 PM)
: =-O
nosebleed70 (10:54:44 PM): the two
nosebleed70 (10:54:46 PM): the three
nosebleed70 (10:54:48 PM): the negative one
FierceBlood51 (10:54:59 PM): the nagative 4
qtwitabootie1492 (10:55:10 PM)
: by gusy
qtwitabootie1492 (10:55:12 PM): guys
(10:55:14 PM) qtwitabootie1492 has left the room.
nosebleed70 (10:55:15 PM): later ;-) i lov u
WildBill867 (10:55:15 PM): bye we love u
nosebleed70 (10:55:16 PM): god
WildBill867 (10:55:22 PM): don't copy me
nosebleed70 (10:55:28 PM): bye we love u
FierceBlood51 (10:55:41 PM): lol
SaL4303 (10:55:42 PM)
: hey guys what's goin on
(10:55:44 PM) snOOp7706 has left the room.
FierceBlood51 (10:55:47 PM): HI SALLY
nosebleed70 (10:55:51 PM)
: hi sally
WildBill867 (10:55:52 PM): i will hack u tee hee
FierceBlood51 (10:55:53 PM): bye kiby
adamskate12345 (10:56:31 PM)
: :-*
nosebleed70 (10:57:16 PM): a s d f f gf f d klzsdfjkljklsdfjklsdfjklsdfjklsdfjklsdfjklfjkldsdfjklsdfsdfjklsdfjkls RHYNO
WildBill867 (10:57:29 PM): rhyno sux
nosebleed70 (10:57:44 PM): who r these fags they r wrasslin
WildBill867 (10:57:50 PM): BASHAM MEN
hippiebum77 (10:57:51 PM): wildbill who are you?
WildBill867 (10:57:56 PM): reid green
hippiebum77 (10:58:06 PM): ok..
nosebleed70 (10:58:15 PM): we are juniors
SaL4303 (10:58:19 PM): who's hippie?
WildBill867 (10:58:57 PM): got me
nosebleed70 (10:59:29 PM): u can got me ;-)
hippiebum77 (11:00:12 PM): im carter thomas
hippiebum77 (11:00:39 PM): im a sophomore
adidasx007 (11:00:43 PM): carter
adidasx007 (11:00:44 PM)
: hi
adidasx007 (11:00:46 PM)
: how are you
hippiebum77 (11:00:55 PM)
: im good you?
adidasx007 (11:01:13 PM): pretty good, girls give you headaches?
adidasx007 (11:01:18 PM)
: they are giving me one
hippiebum77 (11:01:31 PM)
: haha no not usually
hippiebum77 (11:01:42 PM): i talked to you a while ago u make videos right?
(11:02:06 PM) snOOp7706 has entered the room.
snOOp7706 (11:02:15 PM): wb
SaL4303 (11:02:23 PM)
: i think i've heard of you carter..but i don't know how..
hippiebum77 (11:02:32 PM): haha ok
adidasx007 (11:02:46 PM): oh, hey sorry, yeah i do
snOOp7706 (11:02:51 PM)
: hey guys
hippiebum77 (11:02:54 PM)
: alright
SaL4303 (11:02:56 PM): are you good friends with josh richeson?
hippiebum77 (11:02:59 PM): yeah
SaL4303 (11:03:04 PM): alright
hippiebum77 (11:03:07 PM): how do u know him?
nosebleed70 (11:03:07 PM): OMG
snOOp7706 (11:03:08 PM): good deal
nosebleed70 (11:03:13 PM)
SaL4303 (11:03:19 PM): he used to live near me
(11:03:20 PM) Deadracer64 has entered the room.
hippiebum77 (11:03:25 PM): whats ur name?
WildBill867 (11:03:30 PM): hey dead racer who r u maen
SaL4303 (11:03:30 PM): sally shurbaji
Deadracer64 (11:03:48 PM): hello
nosebleed70 (11:03:53 PM)
: hi dead racer
Deadracer64 (11:03:57 PM): hey buddty
Deadracer64 (11:04:02 PM)
: is trevor on
(11:04:02 PM) Lilsurfergrl0017
has entered the room.
WildBill867 (11:04:07 PM): yes
Deadracer64 (11:04:23 PM): were is he
Deadracer64 (11:04:36 PM)
: he steve
WildBill867 (11:04:37 PM)
: is he not talking to u
(11:04:39 PM) Lilsurfergrl0017 has left the room.
Deadracer64 (11:04:41 PM): no
Deadracer64 (11:05:13 PM)
: everyone i am me
Deadracer64 (11:05:20 PM)
: you are you
Deadracer64 (11:05:27 PM)
: and we are we
nosebleed70 (11:05:28 PM)
: you are gay
Deadracer64 (11:05:33 PM): shut up
snOOp7706 (11:05:37 PM)
: lolzzz
WildBill867 (11:05:39 PM)
: dead racer u r scary who r u maen
Deadracer64 (11:05:40 PM): dumby
(11:06:01 PM) LadyLuck5487
has left the room.
nosebleed70 (11:06:22 PM): wtf
WildBill867 (11:06:26 PM): how the hell does she keep leaving
(11:06:30 PM) LadyLuck5487 has entered the room.
Deadracer64 (11:06:31 PM): i am talkin to jessie nicholes
FierceBlood51 (11:06:39 PM)
: im back
WildBill867 (11:06:42 PM)
: hi alyssa
nosebleed70 (11:06:50 PM): lmao dead racer
LadyLuck5487 (11:06:53 PM): hey reid
WildBill867 (11:07:01 PM): how are you
(11:07:25 PM) LadyLuck5487 has left the room.
WildBill867 (11:07:31 PM): noooooooooooooooooooo
snOOp7706 (11:07:33 PM): monicad
snOOp7706 (11:07:35 PM)
: :/
WildBill867 (11:07:51 PM)
: :/
snOOp7706 (11:09:42 PM): now wut
Deadracer64 (11:10:07 PM)
: whats up cuz
snOOp7706 (11:10:15 PM)
: challen dude
snOOp7706 (11:10:17 PM)
: what about you
Deadracer64 (11:10:53 PM)
: nothin
snOOp7706 (11:11:01 PM)
: far out
Deadracer64 (11:11:08 PM)
: i know
Deadracer64 (11:11:26 PM)
: trevor talk to me
(11:11:30 PM) LadyLuck5487
has entered the room.
WildBill867 (11:11:40 PM): why'd you leave alyssa
LadyLuck5487 (11:11:48 PM): i got kicked off
WildBill867 (11:11:56 PM): oh, i'm sorry
LadyLuck5487 (11:12:05 PM): lol its ok
Deadracer64 (11:12:10 PM): you two are like close
WildBill867 (11:12:17 PM)
: we are best friends
Deadracer64 (11:12:26 PM): neato
(11:13:01 PM) LadyLuck5487
has left the room.
WildBill867 (11:13:09 PM): again
snOOp7706 (11:13:11 PM): :/
Deadracer64 (11:13:21 PM)
: :-Xno
WildBill867 (11:13:27 PM)
: o derek, did you know cory joined P3 tonight
snOOp7706 (11:13:37 PM): p3?
nosebleed70 (11:13:47 PM)
: no
Deadracer64 (11:13:49 PM): where is trevor
Deadracer64 (11:13:55 PM)
: i miss his granny
snOOp7706 (11:13:58 PM)
: what is p3
FierceBlood51 (11:14:10 PM)
: fduck you savage
nosebleed70 (11:14:15 PM)
: lmao
WildBill867 (11:14:19 PM): treovr what the hell was that
snOOp7706 (11:14:23 PM): haahahahahah
FierceBlood51 (11:14:28 PM)
: what
Deadracer64 (11:14:33 PM)
: i am not savage
adidasx007 (11:14:34 PM)
: fduck
FierceBlood51 (11:14:38 PM)
: ok fdag
Deadracer64 (11:14:39 PM)
: but i know
Deadracer64 (11:14:41 PM)
: him
nosebleed70 (11:14:41 PM)
Deadracer64 (11:15:06 PM): i play football
adidasx007 (11:15:16 PM)
: i do too!
nosebleed70 (11:15:18 PM)
: tee hee
FierceBlood51 (11:15:18 PM): ok
Deadracer64 (11:15:20 PM)
: cool
adidasx007 (11:15:26 PM)
: 4 DB
Deadracer64 (11:16:03 PM)
: so
Deadracer64 (11:16:10 PM)
: trevor i love lyou
Deadracer64 (11:16:43 PM)
: dont leave me
(11:16:45 PM) LadyLuck5487
has entered the room.
nosebleed70 (11:17:01 PM): he wants ur hot ass
Deadracer64 (11:17:12 PM): yea
Deadracer64 (11:17:14 PM)
: baby
FierceBlood51 (11:17:33 PM)
: savage fuck you
snOOp7706 (11:17:42 PM)
: omg
Deadracer64 (11:17:58 PM)
: i am not savage
Deadracer64 (11:18:01 PM)
: stupid
FierceBlood51 (11:18:08 PM)
: ok fag
Deadracer64 (11:18:15 PM)
: get that through your head
Deadracer64 (11:18:52 PM)
: just go die fatty
FierceBlood51 (11:19:09 PM)
: there is only 2 people i know that gay and 1 of them is you, savage
nosebleed70 (11:19:25 PM)
: lol
WildBill867 (11:19:28 PM): lmao
snOOp7706 (11:19:47 PM): lol
Deadracer64 (11:19:56 PM)
: i am not savage
Deadracer64 (11:20:01 PM)
: tell him cory
snOOp7706 (11:20:03 PM)
: trevor
snOOp7706 (11:20:05 PM)
: who is the other one
Deadracer64 (11:20:07 PM)
: or reid
SaL4303 (11:20:11 PM)
: i loveandrew savage!
FierceBlood51 (11:20:13 PM): keck
WildBill867 (11:20:13 PM)
: trevor he isn't savage
snOOp7706 (11:20:15 PM): lmao
WildBill867 (11:20:16 PM)
: i promise
snOOp7706 (11:20:23 PM): trevor
snOOp7706 (11:20:24 PM)
: its not savage
snOOp7706 (11:20:51 PM)
: FierceBlood51 (11:20:04 PM): who is it
snOOp7706 (11:20:54 PM): i dunno
Deadracer64 (11:21:06 PM)
: i am to o cool to be savage
SaL4303 (11:21:07 PM)
: i thought it was wes?
Deadracer64 (11:21:12 PM): i am much bigger
Deadracer64 (11:21:20 PM)
: this is not wes
SaL4303 (11:21:24 PM)
: oh
Deadracer64 (11:21:35 PM): thats okay
adamskate12345 (11:21:52 PM)
: hellllo
Deadracer64 (11:22:12 PM): hello adam
adamskate12345 (11:22:18 PM)
: who are you
Deadracer64 (11:22:28 PM): i am the man
adamskate12345 (11:22:39 PM)
: ok
LadyLuck5487 (11:23:05 PM): u stupid
Deadracer64 (11:23:35 PM): adam did you know trevor fornicates with his grandma
Deadracer64 (11:23:46 PM)
: all the time
FierceBlood51 (11:23:52 PM)
: i swear i would fducking kill you
adamskate12345 (11:23:53 PM)
: who r u
Deadracer64 (11:24:20 PM): shut up fat ass
(11:24:22 PM) Deadracer64
has left the room.
(11:24:31 PM) FierceBlood51 has left the room.
nosebleed70 (11:24:32 PM): lol
WildBill867 (11:24:36 PM): :/
adamskate12345 (11:26:16 PM): ok
LadyLuck5487 (11:26:40 PM): ok
WildBill867 (11:26:45 PM): ok
adidasx007 (11:26:47 PM): deadracer ;-)
adidasx007 (11:27:28 PM): k
(11:27:31 PM) LadyLuck5487
has left the room.
nosebleed70 (11:27:46 PM): wtf
adidasx007 (11:27:51 PM): wH?Y
WildBill867 (11:27:54 PM)
: bye i still love u
nosebleed70 (11:28:12 PM): hi EVERYONE
WildBill867 (11:28:16 PM): hey buddy
nosebleed70 (11:28:20 PM): SDF
hippiebum77 (11:28:21 PM): bye
(11:28:23 PM) hippiebum77 has left the room.
WildBill867 (11:28:25 PM): bye maen
adidasx007 (11:28:31 PM): ahhh thehersgaa savage
(11:28:54 PM) thGREATbambeeno3
has entered the room.
adidasx007 (11:29:05 PM): HAi
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:29:07 PM)
: hey guys sorry for being gay earlier
nosebleed70 (11:29:08 PM)
: FierceBlood51 (11:28:12 PM): who is it cory
WildBill867 (11:29:14 PM): it's ok i still love u
adidasx007 (11:29:17 PM): hahaha
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:29:23 PM)
: oh man we got D Brown sooo good last night
(11:29:26 PM) LadyLuck5487
has entered the room.
snOOp7706 (11:29:32 PM): derrick brown?
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:29:34 PM)
: yeah
snOOp7706 (11:29:37 PM)
: whatd u do
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:29:40 PM)
: hahahahah
snOOp7706 (11:29:41 PM)
: and who is we
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:29:42 PM)
: me mark and his brother
snOOp7706 (11:29:46 PM)
: lolz
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:29:59 PM)
: it was his last day at daniel's work, so we went to wal mart and bought silly string
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:30:11 PM)
: daniel sprayed 2 cans inside his car all over the damn place
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:30:27 PM)
: and he got mcdonalds ceran rap and we rapped his car
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:30:34 PM)
: and waited for him to come out
snOOp7706 (11:30:35 PM)
: lolz
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:30:36 PM)
: and we filmed it
WildBill867 (11:30:39 PM)
: lmao
SaL4303 (11:30:42 PM): lol
snOOp7706 (11:30:45 PM): d brown is the man
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:30:45 PM)
: me and mark hid in bushes
nosebleed70 (11:30:49 PM)
snOOp7706 (11:30:51 PM)
: what was he like
WildBill867 (11:30:57 PM)
: tee hee
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:31:00 PM): daniel hid on the roof of this building beside mcdonalds
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:31:02 PM)
: he just laughed
snOOp7706 (11:31:10 PM)
: lol
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:31:14 PM)
: then he threw a huge bucket of water through the drive in window at this other girl
snOOp7706 (11:31:15 PM)
: i thought d brown worked at michaels
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:31:40 PM)
: use too
snOOp7706 (11:31:42 PM)
: o
nosebleed70 (11:33:06 PM)
: a
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:33:11 PM): where is s3?
WildBill867 (11:33:19 PM)
: he's mad or something
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:33:34 PM): lol why
(11:33:48 PM) FierceBlood51
has entered the room.
adamskate12345 (11:33:50 PM): unblock me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(11:33:59 PM) JessN5787 has entered the room.
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:34:02 PM): no@
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:34:03 PM)
: !
JessN5787 (11:34:04 PM)
: what up what up
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:34:09 PM)
: hey jessie
nosebleed70 (11:34:11 PM)
: hi jessie ;-)
(11:34:31 PM) lilcheerer321 has entered the room.
JessN5787 (11:34:32 PM): hey guys!!
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:34:37 PM)
: shasta!
adidasx007 (11:34:37 PM)
: hi
JessN5787 (11:34:39 PM)
: corey i jsut got to talk to wes
lilcheerer321 (11:34:42 PM)
: HEY HEY!!!!!!!
nosebleed70 (11:34:47 PM)
: lol
WildBill867 (11:34:50 PM): his name is spelled cory
JessN5787 (11:34:53 PM): becca should be in here in a minute
nosebleed70 (11:34:58 PM)
: ok
(11:34:59 PM) becca122886 has left the room.
JessN5787 (11:35:02 PM): oops sorry cory
(11:35:08 PM) xbr0kenMiNdx
has entered the room.
lilcheerer321 (11:35:14 PM): whut up?
nosebleed70 (11:35:15 PM)
: jesse
nosebleed70 (11:35:17 PM): how was ur day
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:35:18 PM): whoa did is bangin maen
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:35:18 PM)
: hey
WildBill867 (11:35:19 PM): jesse what's up maen
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:35:20 PM): well
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:35:22 PM): nothing, what about you?
snOOp7706 (11:35:23 PM)
: fingernails
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:35:24 PM)
: it was ok?
nosebleed70 (11:35:24 PM): hi shasta what r u doin
snOOp7706 (11:35:25 PM): purple
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:35:25 PM)
: (shasta)
JessN5787 (11:35:36 PM)
: so how old is sarah jesse 14?
nosebleed70 (11:35:36 PM)
: jesse dont be smart with me
(IM Window Cleared)
nosebleed70 (11:35:40 PM): lol
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:35:40 PM): 16
snOOp7706 (11:35:45 PM): jesse, r ur fingernails still purple
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:35:49 PM)
: haha
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:35:50 PM): omfg
JessN5787 (11:35:52 PM): woah!! shes your age?
snOOp7706 (11:35:54 PM)
: o yeah
snOOp7706 (11:35:55 PM)
: i know
lilcheerer321 (11:35:56 PM)
: im sititn ehre challen at megans hosue waht botu u all?
SaL4303 (11:35:57 PM)
: lol
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:36:11 PM): sitten here chillin at savage's house
JessN5787 (11:36:13 PM)
: hey stone !!
nosebleed70 (11:36:14 PM)
JessN5787 (11:36:23 PM): andrew tell savage i said what up
adidasx007 (11:36:24 PM)
: hey!
adidasx007 (11:36:32 PM)
: um..alright
lilcheerer321 (11:36:32 PM)
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:36:35 PM)
: who all is over there jessie?
JessN5787 (11:36:43 PM)
: um....your mama
JessN5787 (11:36:47 PM)
: and your grandma
snOOp7706 (11:36:49 PM)
: you're*
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:36:54 PM)
: shes stupid
nosebleed70 (11:36:59 PM): NVF
JessN5787 (11:37:12 PM): youre just mad you cant get anyone over the age of 12 shut up
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:37:17 PM)
: ok
nosebleed70 (11:37:17 PM): lol
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:37:20 PM): you're?
JessN5787 (11:37:23 PM)
: andrew....its me, becca, jessi, and maggie
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:37:34 PM)
snOOp7706 (11:37:36 PM)
: at least jesse gets someone
snOOp7706 (11:37:39 PM)
: ;-)
snOOp7706 (11:37:42 PM): :_)
nosebleed70 (11:37:43 PM)
: no drock
snOOp7706 (11:37:43 PM): ..
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:37:44 PM)
: sarahs 16
snOOp7706 (11:37:45 PM): :-)
nosebleed70 (11:37:48 PM): :-) 247
JessN5787 (11:37:51 PM): yeah alright
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:37:53 PM)
: lol
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:37:57 PM): ask kirby
snOOp7706 (11:37:59 PM): <- :-)
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:38:06 PM): he has even seen her
snOOp7706 (11:38:07 PM): ask me what
snOOp7706 (11:38:10 PM)
: no i havent
JessN5787 (11:38:10 PM)
: i believe you i dont like you dont talk tome
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:38:10 PM)
: is sarah 16?
nosebleed70 (11:38:12 PM): all of us have
snOOp7706 (11:38:15 PM): sure
WildBill867 (11:38:15 PM)
: she is 16
JessN5787 (11:38:21 PM): who is wild bill
snOOp7706 (11:38:25 PM)
: o
snOOp7706 (11:38:26 PM)
: m
snOOp7706 (11:38:26 PM)
: g
nosebleed70 (11:38:27 PM)
adidasx007 (11:38:30 PM): ...
nosebleed70 (11:38:30 PM)
nosebleed70 (11:38:31 PM): GREEN
JessN5787 (11:38:51 PM): ohh yeah he was at the lake thursday wasnt he
nosebleed70 (11:39:01 PM)
: he was the one beside me jessie
JessN5787 (11:39:06 PM): i know him!!
JessN5787 (11:39:08 PM)
: hey reid
WildBill867 (11:39:13 PM)
: hi
snOOp7706 (11:39:13 PM): evidently not
JessN5787 (11:39:14 PM)
: is mark johnson in here
JessN5787 (11:39:23 PM)
: im mad that i didnt get to say hey to him thursday
WildBill867 (11:39:24 PM)
: no, but i'll get him for u
JessN5787 (11:39:26 PM): he is cool
WildBill867 (11:39:34 PM)
: he's the man
(11:39:34 PM) Blank961 has entered the room.
nosebleed70 (11:39:35 PM): u said hey to me so it makes up for it
(11:39:44 PM) LadyLuck5487 has left the room.
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:39:55 PM): hi mark!
adidasx007 (11:39:57 PM)
: jessie, say hello to mark
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:40:00 PM)
: :-*
Blank961 (11:40:03 PM): hi andrew
JessN5787 (11:40:03 PM)
: hey mark!!
Blank961 (11:40:08 PM)
: hey jessie
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:40:11 PM)
: your supposed to say hi mark
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:40:16 PM)
: you fiend
WildBill867 (11:40:16 PM)
: mark go for it
JessN5787 (11:40:26 PM): hows your summer going
snOOp7706 (11:40:28 PM)
nosebleed70 (11:40:33 PM)
adidasx007 (11:40:33 PM): hiii
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:40:39 PM)
: hey
snOOp7706 (11:40:39 PM): :-)
WildBill867 (11:40:39 PM): hey derek i love u
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:40:46 PM): O:-)
snOOp7706 (11:40:49 PM): always :-)
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:40:54 PM): O:-)
lilcheerer321 (11:40:57 PM): soo*~**~*
nosebleed70 (11:40:59 PM)
: yea me too
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:41:01 PM): hey shasta!
nosebleed70 (11:41:05 PM)
: shasta when is ur gfuys sleepover
adidasx007 (11:41:07 PM): hey shasta!!
snOOp7706 (11:41:07 PM)
: dont be needy guys
(11:41:11 PM) FierceBlood51
has left the room.
WildBill867 (11:41:13 PM): hey shasta we love u
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:41:16 PM): lol
WildBill867 (11:41:18 PM): bye trevor we lov eu
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:41:19 PM): hey, will you go out with me, CHATROOM?
lilcheerer321 (11:41:22 PM)
: HEY HEY! i luv ya guYZ TOO!!
snOOp7706 (11:41:23 PM)
: hi lilcheerer
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:41:25 PM)
: will the chatroom go out with me?
WildBill867 (11:41:26 PM)
: i will
lilcheerer321 (11:41:33 PM): hell yea
lilcheerer321 (11:41:35 PM)
: hahha
nosebleed70 (11:41:36 PM)
: i would but im taken as you all know
adidasx007 (11:41:43 PM): i refuse sorry
WildBill867 (11:41:46 PM)
: i know who cory ;-)
snOOp7706 (11:41:54 PM): ive been taken for over 16 years
snOOp7706 (11:41:55 PM)
: sorry andrew
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:41:57 PM)
: i didnt want you 2 anyway, you penis puffers
adidasx007 (11:42:03 PM)
: haha
lilcheerer321 (11:42:06 PM)
lilcheerer321 (11:42:09 PM)
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:42:10 PM)
: lol
adidasx007 (11:42:10 PM): puff tha penis?
snOOp7706 (11:42:11 PM)
: peter puffers*
JessN5787 (11:42:14 PM)
: guys im out!! mark go to church tomorrow its good for you
WildBill867 (11:42:14 PM)
: :/
snOOp7706 (11:42:14 PM): not penis
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:42:14 PM)
: haha
WildBill867 (11:42:22 PM)
: bye we love u
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:42:24 PM): yeah you would know right derek?
JessN5787 (11:42:26 PM)
: savage do me andmaggs shirts
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:42:30 PM)
: do them?
snOOp7706 (11:42:31 PM)
: :-)
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:42:33 PM): hehehehe
nosebleed70 (11:42:44 PM)
: JessN5787 (11:41:50 PM): savage do me andmaggs
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:42:52 PM)
: O:-)
(11:42:53 PM) LadyLuck5487 has entered the room.
snOOp7706 (11:43:01 PM): -----> :-)
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:43:06 PM): shit ya'll whats cracka lackin
snOOp7706 (11:43:07 PM)
: --:-)-->
Blank961 (11:43:07 PM)
: ok i will jessie
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:43:09 PM)
: haha
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:43:17 PM)
: good one corbo
WildBill867 (11:43:18 PM)
: u better mark
lilcheerer321 (11:43:52 PM): :-D
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:43:59 PM): :-*
lilcheerer321 (11:44:01 PM): everyone wawdoin s miley so i wanted to do one oto
nosebleed70 (11:44:07 PM)
: :-[
WildBill867 (11:44:15 PM): :-X
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:44:17 PM): im watchin MADtv
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:44:18 PM)
: O:-)
(11:44:22 PM) perkyjc129 has entered the room.
SexyShortie698 (11:44:22 PM): :-D
nosebleed70 (11:44:23 PM): WWE CONFIDENTIAL
snOOp7706 (11:44:26 PM)
: -----> :-)
snOOp7706 (11:44:27 PM): --:-(-->
LadyLuck5487 (11:44:32 PM)
: :-!
WildBill867 (11:44:33 PM): bret is better than owen
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:44:36 PM): /me Gay man
perkyjc129 (11:44:38 PM)
(11:44:38 PM) SexyShortie698 has left the room.
lilcheerer321 (11:44:40 PM): =-O
nosebleed70 (11:44:45 PM): wtffffffffffffffffffffffffff
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:44:50 PM)
: /nick Gayman
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:44:51 PM)
: hahaha
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:45:00 PM)
: dont you wish that worked in hurrr
nosebleed70 (11:45:01 PM)
: /join #boys
perkyjc129 (11:45:05 PM)
: sally what up girl
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:45:07 PM): haha
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:45:12 PM)
: hey shasta!
SaL4303 (11:45:13 PM)
: nothin chillin, you?
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:45:16 PM): /eric talk
lilcheerer321 (11:45:17 PM): HEY ANDREW!
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:45:19 PM)
: you're on my profile!
perkyjc129 (11:45:21 PM)
lilcheerer321 (11:45:24 PM): i am??
lilcheerer321 (11:45:26 PM)
: relaly?
snOOp7706 (11:45:28 PM)
: hi EVERYONE (part II)
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:45:30 PM)
: OMG ya'll watch FOX
WildBill867 (11:45:33 PM)
: hey derek we love u
snOOp7706 (11:45:39 PM): i kno
lilcheerer321 (11:45:40 PM)
: NO u took em off again
SaL4303 (11:45:42 PM)
: hey kirbs i love you
nosebleed70 (11:45:45 PM): hi
JessN5787 (11:45:48 PM)
: hey guys
nosebleed70 (11:45:48 PM)
: i have gayed up font
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:45:51 PM)
: Shasta, hubba hubba!
snOOp7706 (11:45:52 PM)
: chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa right
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:45:58 PM)
: thats what it says
LadyLuck5487 (11:46:00 PM)
: haha
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:46:03 PM): you want me to take megan off?
perkyjc129 (11:46:10 PM)
: omg jmoney i liek dont know who all these people are lol i feel liek i am at the bottom of the gravy boat lol
snOOp7706 (11:46:22 PM): oh em gee, ell oh ell
nosebleed70 (11:46:26 PM)
JessN5787 (11:46:26 PM)
: J Perk
snOOp7706 (11:46:30 PM)
: ell are h
WildBill867 (11:46:30 PM)
: ell em ey oh zee
perkyjc129 (11:46:32 PM): yeha dawg
JessN5787 (11:46:33 PM): no actually she is j murda
nosebleed70 (11:46:35 PM)
JessN5787 (11:46:38 PM)
: she be bustin those sick rhymes
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:46:42 PM)
: J money
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:46:44 PM)
: Magster
perkyjc129 (11:46:45 PM)
nosebleed70 (11:46:47 PM): skydog
nosebleed70 (11:46:48 PM)
: i win
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:46:53 PM)
: k-pax
nosebleed70 (11:46:57 PM)
: corbo
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:47:07 PM)
: men
snOOp7706 (11:47:09 PM)
: dorck
nosebleed70 (11:47:13 PM)
: dork
nosebleed70 (11:47:15 PM)
: lolz
snOOp7706 (11:47:17 PM)
: yep
nosebleed70 (11:47:27 PM)
: d'Rok
WildBill867 (11:47:35 PM)
: d-lo
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:47:38 PM): ASS rape
nosebleed70 (11:47:58 PM)
: .com/gmilfs/trevor/
snOOp7706 (11:48:08 PM)
: lmaooooo
snOOp7706 (11:48:11 PM)
: gmilfs
nosebleed70 (11:48:13 PM)
: lmao
nosebleed70 (11:48:15 PM)
: hahahaha
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:48:29 PM)
: lmao hahahah i get it
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:48:31 PM)
: not really
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:48:34 PM)
: but i will act like i do!
nosebleed70 (11:48:36 PM)
: how dont you get that
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:48:36 PM)
: hahah i get it!
perkyjc129 (11:48:54 PM)
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:48:57 PM): because you put .com after everything, and .com = no sense
WildBill867 (11:48:57 PM)
: oh i get it now i thought there were two l
snOOp7706 (11:48:57 PM): savage, is this ur sister again
WildBill867 (11:49:02 PM)
: l's
nosebleed70 (11:49:12 PM): u all sux
JessN5787 (11:49:13 PM)
: hey JESSI!
perkyjc129 (11:49:19 PM)
lilcheerer321 (11:49:19 PM): OMG u all r confussing
JessN5787 (11:49:20 PM)
: i dont suck personally
snOOp7706 (11:49:28 PM)
: no one sucks
snOOp7706 (11:49:30 PM)
: :-)
snOOp7706 (11:49:31 PM): right
snOOp7706 (11:49:32 PM)
: :-)
nosebleed70 (11:49:34 PM): nope
nosebleed70 (11:49:35 PM)
: ;-)
snOOp7706 (11:49:38 PM): ;-)
lilcheerer321 (11:49:40 PM): :-D
snOOp7706 (11:49:44 PM): 24/7/365
nosebleed70 (11:49:58 PM)
: /12
adidasx007 (11:50:12 PM)
: /me :-)
nosebleed70 (11:50:18 PM): ;-)
snOOp7706 (11:50:20 PM): we are all :-)
adidasx007 (11:50:21 PM): haha
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:50:22 PM)
snOOp7706 (11:50:24 PM)
: doesnt matter
nosebleed70 (11:50:26 PM)
: /me says u all luv the cock
adidasx007 (11:50:34 PM)
: oh
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:50:36 PM)
: /me thinks hard about that one
nosebleed70 (11:50:48 PM)
: thatd be crayzee if every1 used irc
nosebleed70 (11:50:49 PM)
: hahahaha
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:50:53 PM)
: yes it would
adidasx007 (11:50:54 PM)
: /me thinks i am irc e-/l33t
WildBill867 (11:50:54 PM)
: tee hee
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:50:57 PM): we all should
snOOp7706 (11:50:58 PM)
: 16/5/25 ;-)
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:51:03 PM): lets do it right now
nosebleed70 (11:51:06 PM)
: lolz
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:51:08 PM)
: everyone get mIRC now damnit
adidasx007 (11:51:15 PM)
: now andrew
snOOp7706 (11:51:16 PM)
: mIRC is gayz
nosebleed70 (11:51:16 PM)
: i will !
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:51:16 PM)
: stone are you on any channels?
nosebleed70 (11:51:20 PM)
adidasx007 (11:51:24 PM)
: you hav to get on EFnet
nosebleed70 (11:51:28 PM)
: k
nosebleed70 (11:51:33 PM)
: im nosebleed dawgz
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:51:42 PM)
: no you dont
adidasx007 (11:51:50 PM)
: ...
adidasx007 (11:51:51 PM)
: you do
lilcheerer321 (11:51:53 PM)
: to the WINDOW!! to teh WALL!!
nosebleed70 (11:51:53 PM)
: irc.aol.com
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:52:04 PM)
: not with....~*~*!!!! TRILLIAN !!!!*~*~
adidasx007 (11:52:05 PM)
: alright
nosebleed70 (11:52:08 PM)
: trillian is men
adidasx007 (11:52:10 PM)
: ok...
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:52:11 PM)
: hahaha
snOOp7706 (11:52:12 PM)
: trillian is gay as fuck
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:52:15 PM)
: what port
nosebleed70 (11:52:19 PM)
: 6667
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:52:24 PM)
: what server
nosebleed70 (11:52:29 PM)
: irc.aol.com
snOOp7706 (11:52:33 PM)
: sounds like cs in here guys
nosebleed70 (11:52:33 PM)
: stone u on
WildBill867 (11:52:37 PM)
: i know derek
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:52:38 PM): hoold on
nosebleed70 (11:52:42 PM)
: no mirc is tight
snOOp7706 (11:52:44 PM)
: w00t u n00b
nosebleed70 (11:52:46 PM)
: thats where we bootleg shit
(IM Window Cleared)
nosebleed70 (11:52:48 PM): ;-) tee hee
lilcheerer321 (11:52:51 PM)
: ya'll im outta here i dunno waht ur talkin bout! invite me back LATA! TTYL! HOLLA at me! PEACE!@
WildBill867 (11:52:55 PM)
: bye cory loves u
snOOp7706 (11:52:56 PM): aka
snOOp7706 (11:52:58 PM)
: u all suck
adidasx007 (11:53:03 PM)
: bye shasta
nosebleed70 (11:53:04 PM)
: bye shasta
snOOp7706 (11:53:13 PM)
: bye ;-) talk to me when im 22
lilcheerer321 (11:53:14 PM)
: luv ya too cory!
lilcheerer321 (11:53:20 PM)
: ko AHhahA
adidasx007 (11:53:21 PM)
: :-(
nosebleed70 (11:53:22 PM): ;-)
JessN5787 (11:53:22 PM): jessi come get in on this lesbian action
lilcheerer321 (11:53:31 PM)
(11:53:32 PM) lilcheerer321
has left the room.
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:53:33 PM): bye
perkyjc129 (11:53:35 PM): yummy where at
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:53:36 PM): what channel?
snOOp7706 (11:53:36 PM)
: wow gay²²
nosebleed70 (11:53:40 PM)
: thx reid
JessN5787 (11:53:44 PM)
: bedroom
WildBill867 (11:53:45 PM)
: np
LadyLuck5487 (11:53:45 PM): lol
perkyjc129 (11:53:51 PM): oh dude im there
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:53:53 PM): cory what channel maen?
nosebleed70 (11:54:03 PM)
: #chinesehandcuffs
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:54:07 PM): really
JessN5787 (11:54:20 PM)
: dont say CHINESE
snOOp7706 (11:54:25 PM)
: japanese
nosebleed70 (11:54:26 PM)
: Japanese
nosebleed70 (11:54:27 PM): lmao
snOOp7706 (11:54:29 PM): lolz
nosebleed70 (11:54:31 PM)
: prooves once again
snOOp7706 (11:54:36 PM): thats skerry
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:54:44 PM)
: wtf
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:54:49 PM)
: i cant get in maen
perkyjc129 (11:54:55 PM)
: eww stop that turns me on
JessN5787 (11:54:57 PM): woah if maggie is sitting next to jessi, she can see this
JessN5787 (11:55:03 PM)
: hey maggie!!
nosebleed70 (11:55:07 PM)
: whos house r u at
snOOp7706 (11:55:11 PM): mine
WildBill867 (11:55:11 PM)
: derek are u using offbrandchatprog like them
snOOp7706 (11:55:16 PM): no
snOOp7706 (11:55:19 PM)
: bc i have phone line
snOOp7706 (11:55:22 PM)
: and not mIRGAY
WildBill867 (11:55:23 PM)
: lol
thGREATbambeeno3 (11:55:31 PM): i have phone line too
snOOp7706 (11:55:37 PM)
: cry me a river
(11:55:47 PM) FierceBlood51
has entered the room.
(11:55:50 PM) GeOrGiA926 has entered the room.
perkyjc129 (11:55:57 PM): MAGGIE IS SNORTING
perkyjc129 (11:55:58 PM): lol
snOOp7706 (11:56:01 PM): snorting what
JessN5787 (11:56:09 PM)
: maggie is hot lol
JessN5787 (11:56:12 PM)
: hey maggie
perkyjc129 (11:56:14 PM)
: tumble weed
perkyjc129 (11:56:20 PM): if i was a guy id do her
nosebleed70 (11:56:31 PM): lol
perkyjc129 (11:56:33 PM): becca would do her now
(11:56:35 PM) thGREATbambeeno3 has left the room.
JessN5787 (11:56:38 PM): im doing her right now
JessN5787 (11:56:43 PM)
: sorry stone
snOOp7706 (11:56:56 PM)
: gay³²
nosebleed70 (11:57:23 PM)
: ..
snOOp7706 (11:58:08 PM): GAY³²¹º
JessN5787 (11:58:25 PM)
: kirbs man why you gotta be dissing like that
JessN5787 (11:58:31 PM)
: you can come join us
perkyjc129 (11:58:39 PM)
: OH YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
snOOp7706 (11:58:41 PM): tee h E okay
snOOp7706 (11:58:44 PM)
: let me get in MY car
snOOp7706 (11:58:46 PM)
: and drive over
nosebleed70 (11:58:47 PM)
: u r lie 2 us tho
(11:58:49 PM) GeOrGiA926 has left the room.
JessN5787 (11:58:55 PM): cory you can come too
snOOp7706 (11:59:01 PM)
: sorry, im not gay
snOOp7706 (11:59:05 PM)
: or in tinkergay
snOOp7706 (11:59:17 PM)
: :/ ill take a raincheck
xbr0kenMiNdx (11:59:22 PM)
: lol
(11:59:33 PM) LadyLuck5487 has left the room.
perkyjc129 (11:59:46 PM): TINKERGAY!!!
perkyjc129 (11:59:48 PM): woo hoo
JessN5787 (11:59:50 PM): you wouldnt have to be gay we are all girls lol