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Shrew Of Mystery: dude... i traveled to the end of tatooine through the jundland wastes...
Shrew Of Mystery: there is... nothing
Shrew Of Mystery: absolutely nothing
DroidmasterAla: point?
Shrew Of Mystery
Shrew Of Mystery: 5000 meters of nothing
DroidmasterAla: wtf
: you're playin as a woman?
Shrew Of Mystery
: well duh, it only makes sense
Shrew Of Mystery: *shifty eyes*
DroidmasterAla: ......woman
Shrew Of Mystery
: *shiftier eyes*
Shrew Of Mystery: lol
Shrew Of Mystery: and what if i were a woman, eh? what would you say then?
Shrew Of Mystery: what if i just never told you?
DroidmasterAla: posted a picture....
: maybe your a gay woman....
Shrew Of Mystery
: that was my boyfriend
DroidmasterAla: are you a lesbo?!
Shrew Of Mystery
: no, i'm straight
Shrew Of Mystery: i did a good job, eh?
DroidmasterAla: ....
: *doesnt believe*
Shrew Of Mystery
: fine
DroidmasterAla: i need prood damnit!
: proof*
: got no proof do ya?!
Shrew Of Mystery
: not for you
DroidmasterAla: ....
Shrew Of Mystery
: you'll just go mbate to my picture
Shrew Of Mystery: and i don't want that
DroidmasterAla: lol
: *still doesnt believe*
Shrew Of Mystery
: fine, be that way
DroidmasterAla: ....
: *still doesnt believe*
Shrew Of Mystery
: i could send you naked pictures of me... but i guess now that just can't happen
DroidmasterAla: lol, since when did people do that to proof somethin?
Shrew Of Mystery
: lol, did you think i actually would?
DroidmasterAla: no
: cause your just tryin to "toy" with my mind
Shrew Of Mystery
: moi
DroidmasterAla: ...
: ....nope, still not believin
Shrew Of Mystery
: well this is what i think of you
DroidmasterAla: lol
Shrew Of Mystery
: last pic
Shrew Of Mystery: and that's all i've got
Shrew Of Mystery: noooow do you believe me?
DroidmasterAla: ....i remember you posting these sayin that the woman in the pictures was your girlfriend....
Shrew Of Mystery
: well duh, was i supposed to say they were me?
Shrew Of Mystery: i switched the pics of me and my bf
Shrew Of Mystery: do you think i'd want the gat to know i was a girl? all i'd get was "omg asl wtf???? j00 are h0t want s3xx0r!"
Shrew Of Mystery: foolbot
Shrew Of Mystery: foolboy*
Shrew Of Mystery: hehe... foolbot
DroidmasterAla: *still doesnt believe*
Shrew Of Mystery
: fine
DroidmasterAla: lol
Shrew Of Mystery
: if you were a girl, would you tell the gat?
Shrew Of Mystery: talkin to morrek, i see
DroidmasterAla: if you could get a pic of you, with computer screen, and this IM box open right to this point, i could believe
Shrew Of Mystery
: i have no webcam
DroidmasterAla: meh, till then, no deal
Shrew Of Mystery
: fine
Shrew Of Mystery: why don't you believe me?
DroidmasterAla: .....cause we're two people prolly mile apart talking over the internet, and ive never met you
: miles*
Shrew Of Mystery
: but i've always claimed i was a guy
Shrew Of Mystery: why would i lie now about being a girl?
DroidmasterAla: .....its like the whole trianna thiing
Shrew Of Mystery
: ew, no
Shrew Of Mystery: the only difference is that trianna was a guy
Shrew Of Mystery: and pretended to be a girl
DroidmasterAla: meh, its just switched....if its even true....
: but i do have to admit
: the girl is these pics is kinda hot
Shrew Of Mystery
: thank you
DroidmasterAla: the other thing is....if i do believe
Shrew Of Mystery
: mmhmm...
DroidmasterAla: then you will post this on gc and say i was pwned and everything....
Shrew Of Mystery
: no i won't
Shrew Of Mystery: besides, i only have a couple lines of the convo right now
Shrew Of Mystery signed off at 5:50:33 PM.