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XCB Remixed
ALC In Chains Remix
Clocks Remix
Glasshouse Remix

Two new peices of art. The Eye is one I did recently, and the Poe is something I did real quick. It's purple, just for you PoeTrader : )

These are hypercubes (a hypercube is a 4D cube). Of course. it is impossible to draw a 4D object, because we live in a 3D universe. So really, this is what a 4D cube looks like "unfolded" into three dimensions.

A new creation I made in Bryce. My first attempt at modeling a biological life-form. Named cause I was listening to Tool at the time.

Dig them kozmik X kromozome blooz! Another Bryce monster that I brought to life. Expect variations when I stop being lazy.

These are two pieces of art I made in Bryce 5.0, based off of the same model. The lighting conditions and textures are varied, however.

Something I did about a video game named "Mother 2" or "Earthbound" here in America. It's a spoof of WinXP Home and Pro.

An image of a medieval looking sun. I made it tropical in the end. Imagine a knight in a two-piece.

Boredom + Squirl's house = SMB FANART!!1

These are four more Bryce creations. Like the "ALC in Chains" series, these are all based off of roughly the same 3D model, with the textures varied. for "Peace", I lowered the mountain height to give what I hope is the effect of millenia of wear on the mountain range.

This is unfinished, which would explain why it's a beta. Pretty nifty idea I had when I heard the song "Clocks" by Coldplay. This was also done in Bryce.

Got the idea for this while reading "Fellowship of the Ring". Great books.

My earliest creations in Bryce. Forgive me, oh saintly Bryce demons.

The title for this piece comes from the Smiths song "How Soon is Now?" I have a nasty habit of naming my art after the music I was listening to when I made it.

This is my favorite thing I have ever done in Bryce. Njoi!

I don't know... : )

Aside from Bill Waterson, Jhonen Vasquez is my very favorite modern artist. This is an image from his "Squee!" comic book that I digitally inked and painted in Photoshop 7.0.

Here is a pic that I did of Squee (aka Todd). My friend Sarah said that he looks like he took too much coke. Nah, he's just scared out of his mind. You would be too, if you had a neighbor who killed people to feed a wall. O_O

Daft Punk will do this to you. DON'T BECOME A CANDY RAVER!! X rots your mind!

Just something cool I made in Photoshop one day while listening to System of a Down. Notice the gratuitous lens-flare.

It could almost be Green Lantern fan art, I guess... This was actually made before "Innervision". I got the idea for that from this.

A blast from the past! My very first Photoshop original ever. Yea, it sucks! Dillinger Escape Plan caused this one, hence the title "Calculating Infinity". Oh yea, and according to Dave it makes you want orange Creme Savers... Whatever you weird frat-boy! (j/k Dave piez:))

OK, the end for now. More later. Piez all.