T h eSweetestP i e c e.

(i'm keeping these quotes here.
i love them and they are educational.)
"No woman,
it is said,
knows truly what she is
until she has worn the collar."
Page 155 - Raiders of Gor

about a girl.
the gift of submission.
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"What are you?"
"I am a slave girl."
"What is a slave girl?"
"A girl who is owned."
"Why do you wear a brand?"
"To show that I am owned."
"Why do you wear a collar?"
"That men may know who owns me"
"What does a slave girl want more than anything?"
"To please men."
"What are you?"
"I am a slave girl."
"What do you want more than anything?"
"To please men."
Page 197 - Assassin of Gor

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