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What my high school life was like


My career at Southgate Anderson High was full of surprises. I've taken many leaps from immaturity to adult-hood. I can also remember from when Sophomore year where I didn't know a person or know where the classes are, to my senior year where all I can think about is getting out of here. Most of my memories are very good and happy, and I couldn't of had a better high school to be in. And with all my years to come I will always remember Southgate Anderson High and I'm glad that high school has prepared me for my real life.


Senior Thoughts


In my leaving Southgate Anderson High School, I am grateful that I had this experience to go to a good school. It always hasn't been the best looking place to be but its always been fun. Many of my athletics have been great and I think that most of my teachers were too. I wish all the luck to the undergraduates and teachers to have a great year next year.