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LiVe @ 22/03


sTaRiNg *22/03*
fOtO gAlLeRy
wHaT'S nEw




* LiVe @  22/03 @ * LiVe








yOz! wElCoMe tO CG22/03 -- *LIVE*, wHeRe tHe fUn nEvEr eNds!


tHiS iS mY fIrSt aTtEmPt iN cReAtInG tHe 22/03 cLaSs wEbPaGe, sO pLs FeEl fReE tO sEnD yOuR vAlUaBlE cOmMeNtS! hAvE fUn vIeWiNg tHe wEb-pAgEs...


p.S. aNy PeRsOnAl ReQuEsTs tO aDd/ ReMoVe pErSoNaL iNfOrMatIoN, pLs nOtIfY mE..



aNiWaE.. gO oN iNtO tHe mAiN sItE.. hAvE fUn.. aNd eNjOy !!!



pLz cLiCk    to dOwNlOaD tHe fIlEs tO C:\WINDOWS: \Fonts.. k ThAnX.. tIz iS tO vIeW tHe cOrRecT fOnTs.. :)










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Copyright (C) 2003 Temasek Junior College, Singapore. All rights reserved.
Temasek Junior College, 22 Bedok South Road, Singapore 469278 Tel: 6442 8066