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RSAD2 General Domestic Violence Figures

Domestic Violence facts and figures

-Six out of every ten women murdered were killed by someone they knew

-A woman is killed by domestic violence every 21 days.

-Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury for women ages 15-44.

-Up to 50 percent of homeless women and children in America are lfeeing domestic violence.

-One out of every three children abused becomes and adult abuser or victim. Abusers know no bounbdaries. they come from every race, religious group, social and economic class and sexual orientation.

-Families suffering form abuse were also more likely to be from poorer households, from single-mother families and from parents with less than a high school education.

-Each year, more than one million women seek medical attention for injuries sustained from domestic violence.

-2,000-4,000 women in the U.S. are murdered by abusive partners/ex-partners.

-A woman is beaten every 7.4 seconds in the U.S.

-Each year, there is an average of 572,032 incidents of domestic violence against women by a person they know, conmpared to 48,983 incidents against men. That's over ten times more frequent.