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Pen & Ink Productions are proud to present

Fanfiction For Fun Not Profit

June 8, 2003

Well everyone, long time no see.  Yes, I've updated the look of my site, as you might have guessed from the brand new layout I've got all over the place.  If you haven't noticed, I hope its because this is your first visit, and you didn't see the other site.  If this IS your first visit, it means I've sucked in another!  W00t!

I've also added a review system, because like many of my friends I am completely disappointed in They used to be an excellent site, showcasing fantastic stuff.  In recent months however, I found that the quality of writing has dropped off INCREDIBLY sharply.  The feedback system would have been the one thing I missed from the site.  So, if you read my stories, and loved it, hated it, have suggestions or whatever, please, drop me a line and let me know!

So come on in, wander, browse, tell me what you think!


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