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A Safe Place

This page is dedicated to all the women out there who are being abused by someone they love. You are not alone. When it feels as if no-one cares, Jesus cares. He is there, waiting for you to reach out to Him for help. He is a comfort in times of heartache. Remember, your body might be broken, but your spirit can never be broken, unless you allow it to be. Do not accept abuse. Break away from it. Find help. I have provided some links at the bottom of the page where help can be found. Stop the violence today, whether it be physical or emotional, you do NOT deserve it.

I Got Flowers today

I got flowers today It wasn't my birthday or any other special day. Last night we had a fight and he hit me, But I know he is sorry Cause I got flowers today I got flowers today It wasn't our anniversary or any other special day. Last night he threw me against the wall and started to choke me, But I know he's sorry, Cause I got flowers today

I got flowers today It wasn't Mothers day or any other special day I was so swollen and bruised I was ashamed to answer the door But I know he's sorry, Cause I got flowers today

If I leave him, where will I go? What about money? what about my kids? It's getting worse every time but I'm afraid to leave But I know he's sorry Cause I got flowers today

I got flowers today My family and friends filed by to see me Asking why I never left him, If I only had the strength and courage to, but I didn't So I got Flowers today

Copyright© Sept 91 Allen "Two Trees" Dowdell

And Quietly We Weep

A woman scourged with so much pain
And yet she always does remain
She has no place she wants to go
But always does her sorrow show
What is this fear that keeps her close
To people who will hurt the most
~ And quietly she weeps ~

A woman filled with such remorse
Protects the children at any cost
Kissing them and holds them close
Lets them know she loves them most
Accepts this pain her life remains
With brutal hand she feels the pain
~ And quietly she weeps ~

She has this fear to leave behind
The fate that somehow she's inclined
To think that she deserves this hate
I try to think and contemplate
What's wrong with this poor woman child
That keeps her master so unkind
~ And quietly she weeps ~

She hopes that one day this will leave
But I'm telling you there's no reprieve
From hate and anger she is bound
To lose all hope that's never found
And cringes in a corner deep
While promises are lost for keeps
~ And quietly she weeps ~

Who is this monster who lives inside
That brutalizes his own bride
Who is a meek and gentle soul
And never gets her story told
But sits in silence with her heart
Afraid to move and fears to part
~ And quietly she weeps ~

This sad and gentle lady fair
Has lost the life that's never there
Her heart is weak her mind is numb
Her life is over and it's done
Do you fear that this might be
The testament for you and me
~ And quietly WE weep ~

~author - Francine ~
© used with permission .



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